I Didn’t Originally Come Here to Talk About Steemit...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Who joins Steemit to talk about Steemit?

Maybe there are those who join the platform for that reason, but the main reason that I joined Steemit was that there was a message that I was going to deliver to the world, and Steemit felt like the right place to do it.

Upon joining, I quickly found that Steemit was already delivering that message, and I discovered that there were already Steemians saving the world here, one upvote at a time.

It was like I’d come to put a sports car into space, only to find that Steemit had already put a Lambourghini on the moon.

So then, what kind of new ideas had I expected to bring here?

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Real Human Nature

I originally came here to begin pointing out the human kindness that is so prevelant, and yet is so often forgotten— the real human nature that is happening everywhere around the world— the everyday goodness which often might be overlooked.

I really came here to talk about a sort of fractal society, where each individual is their own monarchy, each voluntarily interacting with whom they choose.

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Steemit was already doing it.

I was going to see if anyone could help me to imagine what a gift economy might be like, where rewards are shared between members of communities, and a world where individuals instinctively help out strangers because it’s the natural thing to do.

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I came here to imagine communities of these very human individuals, being free to interact, all combining their knowledge with the entire world with such friendship that eventually all national borders might become seen as suggestion rather than law.

There could be a world— I thought— where those old walls and gates would simply represent cultural distinctions, but that we would all still blend as humans, beings with more similarities than differences.

Steemit was already doing it.

These weren’t necessarily my original concepts, I see. The natural goodness of humanity is noticeable, and our caring and compassion is sort of what we do.

Truly, the idea of a voluntary society might easily come to anyone on Earth by merely observing how people behave in their everyday interaction, naturally.

It might become obvious how people enjoy sharing their stories, their food, friendship, and their lives with others, and we might see how people really are, in real life.

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Humans are Really Kinda Cool

It’s amazing how human kindness and caring have been so well highlighted in life, yet we were always told that it was rare.

History might tend to suggest that we would have all killed each other by now through wars and conflict, and yet, we live.

A Common Goal

I came to tell people that those other people were not bad, and that there was goodness inside and out of everyone— that we could find a way to incorporate that goodness into the world.

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The Fractal Society

I came prepared to share, but I was unprepared for what I found. Steemit showed me the fractal society that I had imagined, with individuals— unhindered by external authority and threat of violence— sharing their visions of the future, and I recognized my tribe in an instant.

Steemit showed me the gift economy that had only been dreamed of before, and showed a way for us to nurture those who had been less fortunate along the way. I saw the world that I’d imagined, and it had become reality.

I was shown a fractal society that was better than I’d imagined, as the wealth of the Steemit community was decentralized to the point where even those who had no chance in the old world could generate their own value, share it with others, and create a feedback loop of giving and coordinated support.

The Old Money Was Designed to Constrict a Community’s Flow of Energy

In the past, the money served only to restrict the natural flow of goodness in the world. Every dollar was worshipped, and was widely seen as a way to free anyone who could get their hands on one, while all it really did was thwart the natural flow of friendship and sharing that humans are so graciously endowed with.

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With the old centralized money, hard, mindless work was encouraged, while sharing was discouraged, and to give freely to those who were in need was seen as an oddity; “Can you spare a dollar?” This greeting became normal, yet few dollars were spared for such giving, and hardly a nickel shared for living in that old dirt mine that was our world for so long.

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That old world wasn’t suited for humans.

We all know how ill the old system was, we knew it couldn’t last. The old world didn’t know how to live on the Earth, and was designed for nations instead of humans.

Now we have a glimpse of a new way, and a taste of the freedom that we’ve been deprived of, and there will be no going back.

The old way had us begging for tyrants to make wise use of the power that we had bestowed them with, and the results were quite predictable and often gruesome— not the kind of thing you want the children to see.

Steemit: Perfect Timing

Wasn’t the old world falling apart before our eyes? Politics and government itself had rightfully been declared a TV show, and without some kind of centralized guidance, the world appeared bleak to many. Their concern was legitimate, but what to do about it was still not known, until now.

Now, it’s clear that there was already a decentralized system in place; it is the interconnected being that we know as humanity. We are that device, and we always have been.

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I came to Steemit with the idea that I could be rewarded for my efforts in the world, and I imagined that I could make a such a simple trade without harm. My old world wasn’t working, and yet I didn’t know what to replace it with.

I joined the platform to help save the world somehow, and to share what I had, to encourage others to help me to make the world more suitable to live in. As it turns out, Steemit was already doing it.

all images above thanks to Wikimedia Commons. For more stories and variety, click below these birds:


click @therealpaul for more


I joined the platform to help save the world somehow, and to share what I had, to encourage others to help me to make the world more suitable to live in. As it turns out, Steemit was already doing it.

That's great to hear! Actually I missed a lot of your previous articles, hope I will catch up them too! What you said here is made me proud about your viewpoint! The way you think about STEEMIT is so great! This is something that will change the entire phase of Social medias and crypto currencies! We are early joiners of it!


Hi @theguruasia, yes Steemit really fits with a lot of ideas that I have toyed around with before, and seems to be already better than I had envisioned. The world is connecting, and it needed a worldwide way to do it freely.

I came here to say what you said, but it looks like you already said it.

I agree with your take on things. The good, bad and ugly seems to find a healthy balance here, provided one focuses on the entire picture and not just a few things.

It's ok to say it, I've said it already before, and probably will again. It's funny to me my title next to the 'steemit' tag. hehe.

The good of this place, for me, is when I think of people who are just barely on the internet, or those in countries where the income is notoriously low, who can now generate some value and new excitement in their lives. I still get excited when I see a dollar on my post, so I really like being able to share that excitement with people who might not have had anything before.

I'm enjoying being able to help with a simple push of a button, and maybe a few words. You heard my story about hitting bottom. Back then, I was struggling to even help myself. I had no idea I'd be here, now, doing what I'm doing. In the big city, people always ask for change and smokes. Give them a lighter to use, some would run off with it. Many of them could be going to the library now to talk about their day on the streets, maybe earn something for it. Would the library let them in though? The old system we have. With all those books and smart people. I wonder if they'd be willing to allow it. Hmmm....

a very good post about steemit I was very interested when reading it.
although i am just a small fish i will upvote and resteem have you @therealpaul

Small fish upvotes, gets curation rewards, becomes bigger fish! Thanks for visiting.

same as my friend will always follow you @therealpaul

I am all about recognizing and sharing the natural kindness in the world!

steemit was in existence and no one would talk about it later too that time we are here to make some awesome content hahah :D

Steemit can't help it if it is also awesome content, it's hard not to talk about!

Oh seeing your title I felt very upset. Because I thought we will not get any post about steemit. But your article is really fascinating for us.

I might have to edit that title a bit, it's not accurate enough for the article!

Wow very beautiful post. You are so experience to express every single thing that our community have been doing for us. In this post I found you as a promoter of the beautiful steemit world. The paintings are so real and sweet, I am in love with your post my friend. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson about the importance of steemit community, proud to be your friend .Have a great night friend, stay blessed and healthy.

I'm glad that you liked it, I don't do a lot of posts about Steemit, but the Steemit world is already so much like the one that I continue to envision, and even better. It's great to be a part of, and I'm happy that you are here with me. This is my best 'Thank you, Steemit' post I think! Have a good day, and thanks for visiting.

Hello @therealpaul. When I read your post title, and even the first few lines... I was expecting a post about your frustration at the overabundance of posts about Steemit... on Steemit. How wrong I was, though!

I must admit I am guilty of talking about Steemit a lot... but as you have pointed out, it's just such a miracle we're building here, together. I can't not get excited and talk about that.

It's hard not to make every third post a 'Steemit is Great!' post. I suppose it's like if I was driving a Ferrari, I would probably want to talk a bit about cars.

I'm thinking about editing that title slightly, make it more accurate.

Is Steemit the decentralized paradise we've always dreamed of? At this point I'd say we're getting pretty close.

I can definitely say that I look forward to commenting with all of my friends on Steemit.

It could be, or is at least a model for how things can be. I'm sure that other Steemit-like platforms will begin to pop up like daffodils in time, but Steemit seems to have a life of it's own, a building community within what feels like a world of abundance. I know I've never seen anything like it!

All these Romans just remind me Link trying to rescue Zelda

I think I found those pictures on Wikimedia under 'feast', 'art'. Some of those I wasn't sure if they really fit, but the paintings were just too cool to pass up.

I like the cartoon there, tho I'm not familiar with Link or Zelda ;)

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