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RE: Commentversations and Other Engagement

in #steemit6 years ago

Well, welcome! It takes a little time to get in the groove sometimes, but if you keep at it, you can do well. There are always a few people who stay in the top 10, but there are a lot of others that shuffle in and out. Normally it's up for grabs. Although since Janton started, he's had the top spot pretty much on lock-down. You can beat him though! :)

Yes, it's nice to make new acquaintances and friends. Commenting definitely helps with that. Can't build a relationship very well if you don't have any interactions.


I'm definitely having a good conversation with janto. Super nice guy. You seem to be the mysterious one. I think I may need to do a new introduction for myself. It was all so confusing at the beginning and I really didn't know what I was signing up for. I have a long time friend who has been convincing me to sign up for a lot of different things. I'm enjoying steemit and Kryptonia the most since they are very symbiotic in nature

He is really nice. It's been fun interacting with him over the last few weeks.

I'm glad you think that I'm mysterious. That's what I was going for. Granted, it's not that difficult to be mysterious on here as most people aren't going to know you to begin with.

Friends are so great! Sometimes that encourage us to do stupid things, but sometimes they get us to sign up for Steemit. :)

Yes, friends are great unless they are a little bit too serious about crypto and the first message of the day is questions about this site and others that you are involved with and payouts and referrals and who is scamming people all before you've had your first cup of coffee. LoL. Sorry for the run on sentence but he's got me a little worked over. Coffee is kicking in though ☕

the first message of the day is questions about this site and others that you are involved with and payouts and referrals and who is scamming people all before you've had your first cup of coffee

Umm, that sounds rough. Maybe they should get up later, or drink less coffee, or drink coffee later, or bury head in sand and not worry about it. Ha ha ha. :P


In all seriousness, I get it though. There's a lot that goes on here that isn't great. It makes me wonder how long Steemit is going to last. Then I just go back to writing my posts and not worry about it.

He poses some good points but I'm enjoying it and find a lot to keep me occupied. It's just a lot to engage with so early in my day. He makes me laugh and has for over twenty years now so I guess I'll keep him

That's great you have such a long friendship. Laughter is normally a part a long-term relationship, so that's good you've got it.

Hopefully the day got better for you after the coffee kicked in.

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