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RE: Commentversations and Other Engagement

in #steemit6 years ago

It's been fun. I had no clue how much I had actually intereacted with some of the people. It has been fun to "find out who your friends are" as the country song says. Man, can't believe that came out twelve years ago. You probably didn't hear it if you were in the UK, but it was country music at its finest. Ha ha.

Yes, I've talked back and forth quite a bit with some of the people. There have been a lot of good times. Thanks for the reminder.


I missed that track yes, Country music rarely gets any airtime in the UK. I wish it did actually, the stuff these days is a pile of tosh!

That's a bummer you don't get country music as much.

I don't know what "tosh" is, but I think I can agree with the sentiment. Radio has changed even from six months ago. Now I turn on the radio in the car and it's nothing but auto-tuned rappers on every channel. Well, except the country stations. What happened to the music industry??!

'Tosh' is a polite term for absolute rubbish :)

Auto-tune is one of the worst additions to the industry in recent years, that stuff bends my ears!

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