Ethical Question For Fellow Steemians

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I get that it's cheesy and an unethical use of curation rewards to upvote one's own comments but in the past Steemit has always automatically used my own upvote on my posts (edit- I see now there is a button that makes that happen automatically when you post that I must have recently unclicked). As of late this isn't happening automatically but I have been upvoting my own post by 100% in order to promote it. Admittedly that does serve my interests but I don't post garbage content- Most of the time I try to post meaningful stuff that will hopefully have a positive impact on humanity- I wouldn't write it if I didn't want it to be read by many and therefore feel justified/ethical in using my own upvote on my posts in order to help maximize viewership. I'm pretty sure that the more upvotes/value a post has the more likely it is to be read.

Also important to note is that I very rarely upvote these posts I see worth hundreds of $$$$ just for the sake of getting a share of the curation awards. The only exception to this is upvoting posts of those who have been solid supporters of my posts in the past but for the most part these days I go out of my way to distribute my curation rewards to the up and coming who are struggling to get the ball rolling in this platform. I also expend significant curation rewards in upvoting others comments in my posts-= I do this to encourage participation and it's also a great way to put steem in the pockets of many of the minnows that follow me.

So I ask my fellow Steemians is it unethical/tack/cheesy to upvote one's own posts -not just comments but actual posts?

Your feedback would be much appreciated.

(image from


Honestly you are allowed to vote however you want on whatever you want. Anyone that says otherwise can go fuck themselves. Flagging is a different matter because it censors the post, but voting is entirely up to you.

I up vote my own comments all the time because I want them to appear near the top of the comment field, it's called the benefit of having SP. I could care less about the monetary reward it's all about making sure my opinion is seen and pushed to the top of the comments. It also ensures very few people can flag my comment out of being seen.

So in conclusion you have every right to up vote your own comments, and I think as long as what you are posting is truthful information you should up vote your own comment so other people see it and it cannot be censored.

Total agreement - me too 100%

See how my comment is now at the top? Thus proving my point.

There is no technical "law" that make this impossible so there will always be some people that will do that. Then when a minnow or dolphin upvote his posts/comments in a non-abusive way I even find this great.

It help a bit reach a better audience and minnow or dolphin have this need. On Steem, many quality post don't reach a great audience and it's always the same small group of people that drain the pool (

What I hate is "mainstream" or "commercial" posts that are just easy to read but dumb as fuck and get in trending because of shit-thinker, degeneracy.

From someone like you that bring a lot of value and post important stuff that really matter, I find it positive.

Some users on Steem are just cheap sheep that only care about appearance and political correctness and are offended even if you are true and correct.

Damn you appearance and political correctness.

Thanks for your work, you're awesome.

Lots of truth in your comment- TY- grateful

I was just wondering the same. I hadn't come to a conclusion......but I have now, on reading your post. Thanks. As my approach is similar to yours, I will now be upvoting my posts. One problem for non-technical people like me is that we don't know what we don't know. This makes it very difficult to collect the information necessary to make a sound decision on these matters. So posts like this make life a lot easier. Thanks. Steem on!

You're welcome- and hey if you have a question about steemit doesn't hesitate to post it up because odds are many others have the very same question- appreciate the feedback!

I do not see anything wrong with upvoting your post, now to upvote every comment that you make in the reply section is abuse, I think if it is good content and worth you upvote then do it. Self promoting is not a bad thing at all. This is becoming a big topic on steemit, there are alot of other issues that should be focused on, like curation trails, auto voting and biggest one, voting with out reading the content. Thanks for post my friend.

I don't see any problem upvoting your own posts or comments. Regardless of the claim the last fork was supposed to help us minnows, it didn't. Right after that event my upvotes were about $0.17. Now they are $0.05 or so. That didn't last long.

Minnow posts have no way to get any attention regardless the quality of the post. It's just sort of an echo chamber for whale posts.

I guess I didn't realize something that you mentioned. If I upvote a post that already has, say $500, I get a bigger payout than if I upvote a post that has $0.50?? Hmmm, that doesn't sound like a system that is going to help minnows.

My suggestion to you is to not spend your time upvoting posts that are worth hundreds- instead use your time developing relationships with other minnows, tunas, and dolphins- the best way in which I think this is accomplished is by finding those with similar views and adding meaningful comments to their posts. If you get a whale's attention along the way than that's great- a cherry on top- I have a couple that support my posts from time to time but overall I focus my efforts on fellow tunas with whom we have grown together and helping minnows get things going knowing that if they remain on the platform due to enjoying some success that we will all rise together. I def agree that more needs to be done to help minnows and that some of these complete BS posts hogging hundreds of dollars in curation rewards need to end.

Haha, don't worry. I don't have any hard ceiling or anything but I don't upvote posts that I figure "they already got enough for that".

Hey, and thanks for resteeming my article, just saw that!

Unless you are posting 5+ times a day, I don't see any issues with upvoting posts. Comments are a whole different issue though.

That's what I was thinking- and no I don't post 5 plus a day- maybe there's been one or two times I've posted 5 times in a day but I'd say I average 2-3 day typically- thanks for the feedback

Same here. I did 3 in a day once. Usually it's maybe 2 posts every 3 days.

I don't think there's anything wrong with upvoting your own posts, and it sounds like you're a pretty engaging community member.

Thanks for the feedback and yes I indeed do try to act in a manner that will raise this tide for EVERYONE

No you have totally earned it ....It's like eating comfort food with out side effect , Let it be that way until they decide to fork it away

Good point- I do feel as if I've worked very hard in contributing to the success of this platform.

I really don't see why one shouldn't as it is the option. I too believe that I will do so to promote my content as i feel that i am providing value to this platform! Upvote away :) Do follow me back as i will keep you updated on crypto news, and more!

I upvote my posts 100%... Steemit is my only source of income and I don't feel bad at all. Anybody that wants to criticize me can tell me and receive a hearty- GO FUCK YOURSELF! Upvoting my comments, I don't do... after all, they're just opinions. But if you upvote yours, so be it- it's your choice and don't cave to cucks that want to tell you how to behave. Let 'em walk a mile in your mocassins- then criticize!

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