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RE: Steemit Synergy: The True Value of Steem is Incentivized, Quality-based Attention.

in #steemit7 years ago

I am new to steemit but not new in any other ways these days lol
I find the crowd here a lot like the ham radio and sailing crowds I spend my time with ...informative fun and adventerious ..
Steemit seem to be attracting a good bunch of folks 😀👍 Enjoying being here ....


That's a nice comparison. I like that. Makes a lot of sense, too. At present this truly is the uncharted waters of social media. Glad to have you here, and just followed your blog. Cheers!

Thanks just have to figue out how to do this off shore through a ham radio lol but got 3 years to figure it out before i retire ..or this turns out to be fun and can blog from the middle of the pacific lol 😀🍺

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