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RE: Is Steemit censoring posts regarding Zionism & Jewish power?

in #steemit7 years ago

lol I will jump on board any uncensored platform If I can find one ...
Here is my idea on escaping the powers that be .... and I have great faith in the decentralised blockchain .but those who are putting things like this together do not seem to have the community spirit my friends and I have ...I have never thought these things are any more than a way to make money and not really interested in making the world a better place . I built a not for profit community radio station and am sure this is the way things should be in the world ..
Well here are my deranged thought from the other night lol
But will gladly replace the word steemit with any community minded platform if steemit is not up to the challenge ...


Im hearing you and I don't disagree with what you are saying. I have faith in the way blockchain technology works. I just don't have faith in the way elitist thought police work. Its an increasingly tough task trying to reach people on topics I feel are of high importance.

Agreed ... read a post a lady puut up yesterday who was quite offended that folks such as us
where using the steemit platform to try and put out information like we are speaking of and thought there where already enough places for us on youtube facebook and twitter lmao and that this should just be social media pictures stories.... not the disturbing thing .... to sad .... oh well I have only been here for a month... will see over the next month if I stay ...Most of my comments on youtube are blocked and everywhere else so I would be surprised if censorship does not creep in here ...

imagine if 4chan was built on a blockchain and paid out crypto on posts.. LOL

We are in the early days of blockchain tec. I posted my thought on how i think it should be used but 6 upvotes does not make me think its a go yet lol
But there are real honest community minded folks in the world and we will build good things with it ... But as usual people think of profits 1st and the community 2nd .... I think the star trek show with the ferengi would be the best example of the demented souls I share this planet with lmao

4chan lol not a site I ever go to ...nothing of interest to me there ...

As I keep saying Steemit will be a stepping stone. using decentralised tech to build a very centralised network will fail in long term you can already see cracks starting to appear with users such as ourselves. This leaves a gap in the market for a platform that actually does as it claims, rewards on content and merit based on consensus opinion not on the opinions of the few. Remember though that the Stockholm syndrome masses "self sensor". This is the real battle to be faced, people who find having their world view challenged highly offensive will never join a truly open discussion anyway. I think Steemit is this type of organic sensorship whereby the work is already done on the consciousness of the person long before they come into contact with controversial subjects, their default reaction to crave posts on kittens and cookery kicks in. Remember we also don't want a platform where only people who are open minded to controversy use it. This would just be alot of back slapping and preaching to the converted and would be pointless. So we need to find a balance and Steemit is a very useful tool for finding that balance despite being far from the finished product.

very true ... I know even I self censor here in one way ... I am quick to give a thumb down if i disagree on youtube or other places but here I just don't give a thumb up ... to give a down vote or flag as its called here is a killer and with the whale war that happened makes a good example, the place could tear itself apart if everyone got upset and started being vengeful lol... so a bit of self censorship there... And I think this is more of a coin mining operation for most here at the moment.. The numbers are not high enough yet for a diverse media platform although over 200,000 now so starting to get there. And you are right we do need the conversation to be civilised so thing such as your title could be talked about in a manner that will not start another war ... lol
And I am enjoying watch things develop here I think a lot will be learned about what to do and not to do for down the road.
Its a great social experiment.

Agreed. Things like "whale war" couldn't happen without centralised power though. I wouldn't want to be a whale, in the same way in real life i don't want to be a leader and have power over anyone. I believe in individual choice and group cooperation. Steemit has a lot of work to do but then so does humanity as a whole. Power in the hands of the few is one of the major causes of mankinds problems and so if this platform uses it as a model it will be one of the major problems of Minnowkind. You might like one of my posts on this subject ....

The Minnow rebellion is on its way ✊🏻🐟

Well that about says it all could not agree more ... gave it my 2 cents which = my up vote lol
My link I sent earlier to my world domination plan goes well with your line of thinking.. lol

you guys seem to know what you are talking about, where is a good place to learn more about this? have followed you both also, thanks for the interaction

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