Steemit Is Growing Each And Every Day(Can You See It).

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hello dear steemit friends,

I hope you all are enjoying steeming as like iam enjoying it everyday and it's now become a part of my daily life too because i love writing and sharing my thoughts with others and on steemit i can follow my passion and earn money for that too,soo what else we needed if we got paid for what we like to do the most.

Soo today's topic is quite different because in this post iam going to talk about the future value of steemit,so let's start the post. :)

1. What Is Steemit:-

So Friends steemit is a blogging site which pays you for,

Image sharing
Video sharing

So here you can earn money on based of your content and how much upvotes your post recived and who gives you that upvote (minnows or whales) so except writing post and earn money you can earn rewards by many other ways too as i stated above.

2. How Many Members We Have On Steemit:-

Soo Friends this project is quite new and almost one and half years old soo there are not a lot od users but we have approximately 400000 steemit members and the number is increasing each and every day and if we talk about the future conditions then we might see millions of users on steemit in coming few years and when people starts mass adoption of steemit then the value and competition of this platform is going to the moon and that time you got a more wider audience to show your work as compared to now.

3. Steem Price :-

So this point is most important for many of us because most of us take steem coun as a cryptocurrency and they expect a good amount of growth with this coin but right now steemit is below $1 and that Will make a lot of users sad and at the end they just sell their steem and leave steemit forever but this is also a good thing because we don't need those type of users who see steemit as a trading platform and just want to earn huge returns on their steem but we want loyally and honest steemers that will help in the growth of this platform by providing their good quality contents.

But most of you thinking that steem is not growing but only falling every day but that's not true because if you compare the price of steem in last year when steemit was launched then only you can feel the growth of steem because that time steem only worth 0.10$ per steem but this year steem almost reached at 2.50$ per steem soo the people who earned 1000$ steem last year they already gained 100-200% profits,if you see that then you realised this coin is already growing so don't worry about the price of steem and keep writing good and quality contents.

4. Upvote Worth :-

Sooo as we all know our upvote rewards are directly connected with our steempower and the prices of steem so just calculate that if your upvote is worth 0.10$ now when the price of steem is 1$ soo simply when the price of steem hit $10 then your single upvote is going to worth $1 each upvote soo basically holding steempower is also a very good option if we are committed to steemit for long term and the value of upvote going to increase a lot future in future so don't power down and sell steemit for some minor profits Because by doing that you loss a huge profit.

5. Number Of Tools On Steemit :-

So Friends as you know this community got a lot of active and dedicated developers and they are working day and night to provide us a more refined and better steemit experience like we have a some cool tools and apps as:-

Utopian etc...

And these numbers are rising every day and if you read the road map 2018 post on steemit then you probably know this that right now steemit funding a lot of new and interesting projects to increase the future vakue of steemit and provide us a better blogging experience and these projects are very interesting and helpful for us,

Soo steemit has a more brighter future ahead all we have to do is Support others and help them to grow Because this platform is already growing.

So Friends we are growing every day just show some trust on steemit and this platform is not going to disappoint you but you also have to give your 100% to this community and makes steemit a better place for every member.

And please tell me what is your opinions about the future of steemit in the comments :)

image source:- ( )




Yes 458,815 accounts today now! 500,000 soon!

Yup sir i am waiting for first 1 million 😋😉

Growing, and clearly 😄

I found this post very informative and helpful.this type of post motivate users to work hard and not to give up. This will help newbies to motivate them for giving their 100% to the community and more quality contents.
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post.
Looking forward to see you future posts ,keep posting.

Well thanks for your nice Comment and Support and steemit has a lot of potential that many of us don't know now. :)

I'm a newbie right now just taking in as much as I can about how it all works. Thanks for the informative post!

Welcome to the community buddy :)

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