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RE: The Problem with One-Sided Conversations

in #steemit8 years ago

Great post. Looks like you got some comments after all!

If everyone on Steemit adhered to this "look at me"-mentality without giving attention back, then pretty soon Steemit would be a barren wasteland of comment-less posts.

Great point. A lot of us have been saying this.

This problem has even stemmed to, at least in my own experience. I understand that it's harder there since the stream of messages could be overwhelming, but still, there are lots of people who just paste link to their posts without giving much thought to actual "promotion."

Strictly speaking you are just supposed to post your links in those channels - at least the ones that are being moderated. Any other chit-chat can get your messages deleted.

Personally, I make it a point to respond to every comment I get, even if it's for an old post.

That is admirable and I do that too. I think sometimes when a post has a colossal number of comments it becomes very hard.

I don't know if everyone knows this, but comments help your post.

I think most people probably don't know this because they don't really understand how things work.

I loved the concept of "paying it forward" ever since I saw that movie.

It's a great concept and vital for a strong and vibrant community.


YES! This was exactly my intention when I wrote this. Part outlet of frustrations, part experiment to see if it fosters interaction. I'm really glad about the reception.

Great point. A lot of us have been saying this.

I knew some people shared that sentiment, but I didn't realize there were a lot. It's a comforting thought knowing that we're not alone. Since we're a lot, I'm pretty sure we can band together and do something about it. If people insist on sticking with that mentality, then maybe we can avoid indulging them even for a bit? I know it goes against my stance with regard to inclusion, but I just thought about it as a means to teach a lesson to those kinds of users. What do you think?

Strictly speaking you are just supposed to post your links in those channels - at least the ones that are being moderated. Any other chit-chat can get your messages deleted.

Yeah, I get your point. But really though, I've seen more chit-chat in the moderated pages than in the ones labeled as "with conversation", which is ironic. If everyone just posted their own links without checking other people's links, then who would check out theirs. That's what I was trying to get at.

That is admirable and I do that too. I think sometimes when a post has a colossal number of comments it becomes very hard.

I figured that it does. But, that's the thing though. If your post achieves a colossal number of interaction, don't you owe it to your readers to thank them for supporting it? Okay, let's say not all comments are positive, but they still contributed to your post being labeled as "active" or "trending" because of the activity. Doesn't the poster owe the commenters for their part in making it a success?

Sure, it's mostly the content itself that made it a success, but if the post remained unnoticed, then it wouldn't have achieved any of the acclaim it has amassed. In my opinion, I think it's directly proportional.

I think most people probably don't know this because they don't really understand how things work.

It's a shame, if that's the case. I hope an improvement to the system where comments are rewarded not just by the votes it receives, would be implemented. If monetary incentive is the current way, then I hope it would be provided for those people solely motivated by that. That is, if that's what it takes to promote interaction.

It's a great concept and vital for a strong and vibrant community.

Right? Check out @williambanks' posts regarding that and participated as well. So far, this first #payitforward post of mine has been great in terms of interaction. I hope it permeates throughout the community, as it fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging.

Thanks for leaving your thoughts, I really appreciate you taking the time!

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