Forward progress on Revulsion - A new combat space to challenge reflexes and spacial sense.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


A basic breakdown of the the next playable space in Revulsion.

This area is called the Cistern. This will be the first section of the game where I allow you to explore a semi open area with multiple paths for you to explore. When working on an area like this great care has to be made to make sure that the player does not become confused.

The idea is that this section of the level flows like a large figure 8 that you enter into from the north east side. This section of the game is also absolutely packed with enemies at every turn which will take a lot of the players focus away from the actual navigation and memorization aspect of the game play. The figure 8 is a useful function because the center of this area is essentially a choke point where we know that the player will reach no matter what direction is chosen. (38).gif

In the above gif you can see the center of the figure 8 to the left side as the gif is reach its ending. The player will be submersed within knee deep water. This combat space is very porous in nature allowing for enemies to flank the player. This section of the game will be non stop combat as you navigate the space. (33).gif

Now in addition to the above there will be two battle areas to either end of this figure eight. The one you see above will house the first encounter with the Demon lord while the other will be a Power Node battle that introduces the beholders.

The Beholders

Beholders are flying eyes that will constantly be bombarding you with ranged attacks from various directions. Beholders have an endless lust to see death and destruction and they can do it from the air. These will be the first flying enemies in the game.

The Demon Lord

The Demon Lord is a nasty enemy who essentially builds up explosive energy at your feet forcing you to be constantly moving while you attack him. Your first battle with a Demon lord will take place in a large open space with pillars.

So we know there is a lot going on in this space already.

In the north east section of the figure 8 is a Power Node battle involving beholders. To the south west is the battle with the Demon Lord. I have a plan on how I am going to do to make navigation of these spaces work. We also know that at the center of the figure 8 will be a choke point.

So a trick I am going to apply to this section of game play will be to have the power node wire visibly run from one side to the other of this entire section. The player is guaranteed to see the wire at some point due to the choke point. This means they will be able to follow the wire to greatly help with navigation.

The chamber of Urmoungous awaits

Revulsion is an independent game project that I am solo designing right now! My plan is to get the game on steam early access soon.

You can support this project by simply following me and upvoting me on Steemit! Or you can play the free demo! Link Below.

All Revulsion related posts are located here:


awsome game and keep it up...

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