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in #steemit7 years ago

Hi Alla! Thanks for sharing this.
I am slowly starting to realise that your audience and your influence on it in the near future are really going to determine your income. But the way to get there is the quality of your ideas, this is what excites me about Steemit.
The direct validation of your ideas allows you to sharpen, edit and clarify the messages you have. The fact of the matter is that it is a skill you need to build, and people underestimate the effort it takes to develop it. On the surface it seems so easy , post a bunch of stuff and get paid for it.
What people forget is that communicating effectively is not easy and you need to understand your audience before you start creating things that connect with them and are rewarded. For me, I have been thinking 2 years now about this topic of exponential change due to technological progress, and how it will impact all of us. Many professional people will need to adapt to it, including myself. For me is an experimental lab to learn how to do that, learn about the new rules of communication, creativity and how to convert that in value. If you look at your experience, the very poor rewards you got for your efforts make it obvious that many social networks turn out to be pyramid games, a few top people are earning a living but most actually are not. I hope can flatten that pyramid, encouraging more people to create valuable things and profiting from it! It has got me pumped!


Yes of course, people dont realise how long it takes to make a video recipe and pictures, like i mention from 4-8 hours sometimes even more! That is exactly my point, all other social media platforms are so shit, hence I love Steemit its the first time I'm feeling i am worth something! hahah GOOD it has got you pumped, keep at it and your dreams !!

Best of luck with your career! Do you also have online courses like on skillshare, Udemy etc. about your experiences building a following? With your video skills that might be a great fit! Maybe niche down on how to launch a food channel or something like that, going over your gear etc.

yes thats what i wanted to do, i dont know how, are these the website you launch the skills?

Those are the ones I know about: Jerry Banfield explains a lot about online teaching : here is a youtube video

Keep in mind he was top seller on Udemy and got kicked off!
I think he is really aggressive in his online marketing experiments, the good thing is that he is really transparent about it and why he got kicked off (it's also on youtube)
From his description of Skillshare, it might be worth checking out for you! Given that you already have a relatively big following on youtube, the hard work has been done. You might need to simply offer something that people can buy. Maybe a cooking skills course, how to make a foodblog course, a Russian cooking course, save money and eat well with Russian cooking etc... I think people will pay for concrete information that allows them to achieve something in their life, solve a problem etc. Those ideas might be something you can try on Udemy, I guess you'd need to experiment a bit with different platforms anyway

thanks i will check him out!!

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