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RE: Can Steemit be a Gandhi Phenomena?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'll tell you what, right now I hope my Steem exchange activism is a Gandhi phenomena, because Swiscoin is the second coin that just wrooom blew right past Steem. (using the term to expect an unexpected success more than anything else)

Please consider voting and forwarding the message. We're currently at 88/148 votes. The longer people wait to vote, the less likely we are to succeed. The requirements are already more than 50 votes higher.

Ok, so on your post. It's obvious that there are too many hierarchies and of the wrong sort on Steemit, but hopefully this can be turned around with time.

The separation of flags from downvotes will be a great move in the right direction. (Dan already mentioned they're working on this and team are too) Then we just have to start taking a look at the collusion aspects of Steem and we'll no doubt be able to make improvement.

All and all, I'm positive on the technology itself. Wether we can use it or not, we'll just have to keep working on and see if it can be figured out in the end.

What's probably good for me personally, is that I'm not invested with actuall money (well a tinsy bit, but only what I earned here) so if this particular experiment doesn't work out, then I'm still going to be ok. Which is good I think, because it enables me to focus on the actuall work rather than staring myself blind at pennies/dollars/thousands of dollars one way or the other.


Thank's a lot for your comment as well as for this fresh information that will help a lot on my next post. :)
I really identify myself with your position, because I have been behaving on Steemit, just like you. Just bought the same quantity of steem that I was presented in the beginning, to stay in this fair position.
For the first time, I feel I can write what I want.
If I have invested a lot on steemit maybe I wouldn't be able to be so calm and believe in a better future and be so optimistic.
Every new coin in the market can be a realizable utopia.
I really like now is the Utopia GrantCoin creating UBI (Universal Basic Income).

I invest by writing and creating. It is awesome that we can do this. If I was not a writer/creator and I just purchased a bunch of steem and then had the price tank I might be more frustrated. Yet the fact I am getting something just for talking to people like you, and that it is preserved in the blockchain is enough for me. There are some negative experiences, but for the most part they only seem to be around flagging. As @the-ego-is-you mentioned they are trying to remedy that, but coming up with a solution that cannot be simply gamed in another way is tricky. For sadly there are a lot of different people and not all of them really care about whether their gaming of the system is a good thing for other people or not.

Good point there. I think we need to make sure whatever system we settle with (for how ever long or short time we "settle") not only doesn't go against most psychological tendencies, but is also not dependant on a particular psychology. The system must be able to handle even the most irrational of behaviours.

Yeah this is very tricky. History has provided a lot of great ideas. They remain great under very controlled circumstances. If people behave as the people that conceived the idea believe people will behave they might actually work. The problem is we don't all behave the same so once the idea is out in the wild or outside of the CLEAN ROOM as it were they become exposed to ideas/behaviors beyond what the people that came up with the idea could imagine. That is when they tend to be corrupted...

How to resist that... the answer to that would be one of the most important ideas in history I think.

I think the only way to counter act it would be a combination of culture and economics. The culture to educate as well as to better understand those that think differently and adjust the system. The economics to reward or punnish without special care for anyones ideas.

It would never be 100% secure, but it could be better done and with less coercion both here and in general, than we have in society today.

You're welcome. Oh and thx for letting me know about GrantCoin.... I'll have to research that. As a Cooperative Agorist I'm rather interested in the topic of volountary UBI systems.

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