Roughly Seven Years on Twitter VS Roughly Seven Weeks on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

So this post is a little comparison between my time on Twitter and my time on Steemit. But also, this post is a thank you to everyone who has made my time here so wonderful, I probably would have stopped posting long ago if it wasn't for the interactions I've had with people.

So, yeah, I joined Twitter in September of 2010, I joined Steemit in June of 2017 and here are some things I've noticed.

Followers on Twitter: 119
Followers on Steemit: 125

Number of tweets: 6,076
Number of posts (including comments): 483

Money made from Twitter: nothing, 0, zip, zilch, nought
Money made from Steemit: $464.63 according to my estimated account value not including 55 STEEM I withdrew to buy myself some new toys a few weeks ago.

Little things like that really put Steemit into perspective for me. I mean, seven years on Twitter and I have fewer followers than I made on Steemit in seven weeks, that's pretty good going. Just think about how many followers I might have after being on here for seven years, haha.

Anyway, that was just a bit of ego stroking on my part, but, seriously, thank you all for making me feel good about myself, it's not often that happens, haha.

Here's a picture for you to enjoy (or not, your choice), because I like having a little thumbnail beside my post. Also, I just like sharing the things I enjoy.


I've only just realised that image is of a blue bird in a post where I'm talking about Twitter. That was completely unintentional, haha.


This submission has made it on the @MutuWhale MutuList!

I had a similar realisation about my posts on TripAdvisor.

It's interesting when you start thinking about things that way. Normally I wouldn't care about things like that, and I probably never would have thought twice about it if I hadn't seen that I set up my twitter account seven years ago, I just couldn't believe it.

I guess it shows the difference in communities between the two sites also.

I don't know what the deal is with posting on TripAdvisor but I can imagine that posting on here is a more rewarding experience on multiple levels. Although, I'd say a post on TripAdvisor would get more traffic than one on here.

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