Spent an hour writing a steemit & it didn't post.

in #steemit7 years ago

So I spent an hour writing a post. Proof read it, edited it, and hit the post button and.... nothing :(

I was shocked, horrified and couldn't believe what happened. It's been awhile since I posted, had a lot to share and you could imagine my horror when I realized I lost the post. Usually I would cut and paste into a text editor as a backup but I've never had this problem before on steemit. I sent out a tweet about it and found out this happens occasionally now. IDK, lets see if this one posts.

Anyway, I'm here, I'm alive, I plan on posting more.... The last post I wrote explained it all, but that apparently got deleted. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Hope this finds you all well. Live and learn as they say, tomorrow is another day!


One time for me in the past week as well, very annoying.

Annoying is an understatment . LOL. It couldn't of happened with one of my short posts, it had to happen with a post that took an hour to write. That's my luck I guess. Well, now I know. Back up, and no worries I guess.

Sometimes that happens to me but for whatever reason when i hit creat new post button it is already prefilled with my previous post...

If only I had been so lucky! I kept hitting refresh on my blog stream after the fact hoping there was server lag or something. LOL. I'll be backing up my work from now on. I tend to learn things the hard way, anyhow.

I think a lot of us learn things the hard way.. but i have been having posting issues myself ever simce it went down a week ago

Its been a few weeks since I posted last, and a couple people said the same thing on twitter when I tweeted about my posting issues. Things always seem to work out here, hopefully they'll get it all straightened out. Backing up your work is always a good policy to have anyway :)

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