Some Follow Friday Friends

in #steemit7 years ago

I've been wanting to do a follow Friday post for some time now. I've actually got a few minutes so I thought I'd put together a short list of a few people I enjoy interacting with here on steemit.

@steevc is a great guy I met on Tsū some time ago. He writes a little about everything. Topics include blogging, tech, home automation, guitar playing, Steemit stats, and so much more. On top of interesting topics, he always puts the social in social networking. He loves interacting with people in his posts and is quick to lend a helping hand when someone has a question. If you get a chance I highly recommend checking out his feed.

@chesatochi We met on twitter awhile back and Chesatochi posts about bitcoin, cryptocurrency and everything that's going on in the crypto space. Fun feed filled with quotes and interesting articles about whats happening in the industry.

@barrydutton This guy is great. He posts about cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and a little about what's happening in his personal life. Barry is always posting fun interesting content about the industry and his posts are light hearted and sure to put a smile on your face. He loves interacting with everyone in comments and knows a lot about the cryptocurrency industry.

Last but certainly not least, @cryplectibles is a really interesting feed for comic book enthusiasts. He's been involved in the cryptocurrency space for awhile now, selling comics and collectibles for cryptocurrency via the internet and OpenBazaar. Always posting the most interesting comics from modern day to vintage. If you're into comics and collectibles this feed is a must read!

Each week I'm going to try and post a different list of Steemians for follow Friday. If you have some spare time, check out their feeds and introduce yourself. If you know some fun folks you feel are worth a follow feel free to link them in the comments along with the reason you enjoy their feed.

Have a great weekend everyone :)
Cool Dapper Shruggy Smileysm.jpg

Smiley taken from the project. Great place to find free opensource clipart.


I'll check them out great post I plan on putting
you on one for the great support you give me

Thanks Rebecca I was planning on adding you to one soon too. So many great people, and too many for one post :) Have a great weekend!

Awesome post, Love this idea and now following.

Thanks! Welcome aboard... Just followed you back and looking forward to your posts too.

Already know and love all those users except @chesatochi will be checking out now and thank you so much for the shout out!

My pleasure! Have a great weekend :)

Got to edit this gif to have the Bitcoin eyes, dood.

LOL, I love that one :) One of the best parts of the movie!

Great post and you are giving my homeboy @barrydutton props so that earned my Barry and I are good friends so any friend of Barry's is a friend of mine. Followed, lets get a few posts about buying an island lol

Right on :) Thanks for the follow. Followed back. Two of my favorite things to talk about, crypto and freeing ourselves from the police state. Met Barry on steemit and he's great. Always so positive, and we both loving talking about cryptocurrency. "Steem Island" might not be a bad idea.

Same exact stuff I am into. We will be fast friends lol. Well I love horror films and music too but that is just a weird hobby lol. I actually met Barry over at the PIVX slack, I used to work in their marketing...I ran their social pages for them full time but found more money this way so kind of switched to this full time and created a project myself called Steemit Blogger Central to resteem peoples articles for them to our Facebook and Twitter. Actually I also just created a SLACK for it kind of a coin without a coin thing going on for Steemit. Barry kind of helped me grasp Steemit when I first got here and have a ton of respect for the guy....very good people. Hell most of Steemit is full of good people, seems the gathering for crypto is forming here

I've met some of the coolest people in this industry. Everybody is so welcoming and helpful. Post your slack address here and I'll add it to my slack directory, and let me get your twitter handle to so I can follow you on twitter :)

That would be awesome to have you with us. Same here I have met quite a few great connections in the industry. Here is our auto invite to get into the slack, usual confirm the email and your in:

And our Twitter is:

I run both of those plus the Facebook, man I can't wait for FB to end lol. Anyways be great to see you over there, when I get a chance in the morning I will resteem a few of your posts to the pages...seems to help a lot of people and sure more so when we grow, may even go to a full website down the line. Well I am off to bed here lol. Great chat again, look forward to more in the future.

Thanks! Just discovered we're already following each other on twitter. I think I need to start a list of steemians to keep track of all my steem peeps. I'll get you added to the slack directory over the weekend when I update the site. Have a great night , talk again soon

Funny I just noticed that this morning, yea you are already on my page. And your also on my fiance's page lol... @cryptofrygirl is my future wifey ....I sucked her into crypto and for some reason she has boomed faster than myself lol. Guess we have been connected lol. I see you chat with BTC KYLE? Man that guy is who kind of got me to decide to go full time with crypto but I have yet to talk to him. His videos kind of gave me that ah ha moment to say get to work in crypto and stop just trading...really good kid there, wish he made more videos on a constant basis

I just started following her a week or so back I think. Small internet :) Honestly, I think all the active crypto peeps know each other in some way or other. It's a pretty tight knit community.

This is great, I was thinking of doing something similar for awhile because you know, I do not have enough series' on the go hahahaha!

Love you buddy, thanks for the mention.

My VP is drained but I did get in a UV here for you, sorry it is so low, I am recovering like many others after the HF19 changes and I vote a lot every day on top.


#SteemitCampfire on my page every weekend!!!

For those looking and inclined to hang out on a post here and there every weekend.

No worries, I'm doing the same thing. I went vote crazy for a minute and I'm down around 50%. Trying to recover too. You rock brother! Keep up the great vibes and awesome posts! Glad to of met you on here :) Have a great weekend.

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