Here’s What I’m Planning to Do With My Steem Dollars, and This is How I Plan to Invest Them Back on Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

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One of the most distasteful things that I hear about steemit that the money is not real. You and me both, know that that isn’t true. I have personally transferred some steemdollars into Bitcoin, and from there to the ATM to my very own hands.

I've heard all sorts of attacks on steemit, that it’s a ponzi-scheme, that it’s unethical. Unethical! So I thought that I should maybe write one of the best articles I can to debunk all these claims, and promote it to the best of my ability. But then I thought that it would just legitimate those claims, that's what is called in psychology “The Back-fire effect”.

The thing is, steemit gave me and I will try to give back, to return the favor, earn my keep… Whatever you want to call it. This is life, you give and you receive, you can’t just take you know?

Now, one way to give back is to film a video, or write an article about how I made some good money writing and curating content here on steemit, and then send that story to Forbes, Business Insider, Life Hacker, Inc..etcetera, etcetera – and by all means, you can copy this idea and execute it if you want – but I thought that although this idea is good, and it’s still justa small way to give back, because I have discovered a better way, at least for me.

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I thought that instead of telling my story about what steemit brought to my life, I should probably lead by example and try immortalize this steemit experience, so to speak. While the former idea is a great way to bring a new audience to steemit, it will inevitably fade away over time.

Especially since most of those websites have a new 10 daily habits of successful people every single day. So before you know it, the steemit experience will be swallowed by at least 30 habits.

So this what I have in mind, I hope you find in there something that you like, and obviously, please feel free to tell me what you think, give me an insight or two, or even poke holes in it if you want.

Born out of Pure Steem

Since I wrote a few short stories here on steemit already, I had the idea of writing a small book about a collection of those short stories that were born here on steemit. After all they’re all steemit babies in the first place.

Some of them are short comedies about certain aspects of life that we don’t usually laugh about. The reason behind that book is that if it takes off, the fact will always remain that it’s steem that made all that happen.

You see, successful or not, I will not stop there regardless. I have already projects in place, and I will write more books, make YouTube videos… And if someday I grow and become fairly successful. This book will always be my first one.

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Here’s How I Will Do it

First, I will log into Amazon Author Central, create an author’s page, link my author’s page to my social media, upload a video, have my twitter feed in there, throw an FAQ as well, and most important of all, link my steemit page on Amazon, the biggest market place in the world.

This way I can create a feed-back loop that brings people here.

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Then I will pay someone to format it into a Kindle version as well as Audible and have the audio book option available.

All steemians would receive the book for free of course.

But before even launching I will invest on a good marketer and a filmmaker to film a short video to promote the book. This is how the game is played these days. As legendary investor Doug Casey once said: “In this business, you’re either a contrarian or a road kill, whatever you do, your worst strategy is to remain a vegetable”.

As we all know, you always, always have to market in the year that you live in.

Let me give you a couple of examples from two several-times best-selling authors.

This is the video that Tim Ferris made for his latest book:

And this is the video that Neil Strauss made for his latest book:

At the moment that I’m writing this, a tan notebook lies on my side where I’m designing the promo video for my first steemit book.

Now That You Have the Video, What Next?

One of the most brilliant marketing strategies in the world is anticipation, and there the build-up is everything. Being a somehow novice story-teller, I can tell you that the build-up is actually something beautiful. Why do you think women like foreplay in the first place?

Well, I actually I don’t hold that answer, plus I’m digressing. Bottom line, why go seek costumers when you can make them come to you wait for it, right?

So from there the question immediately becomes, where would you keep the audience waiting until the book gets released? Two places, steemit hopefully, and I will create a landing page to collect the emails from a new audience that is not necessarily familiar with steemit.

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Inside the book, the first page will of course host my own story, telling how the book came about, and what steemit brought to my life.

With that, with the links I will attach to steemit, and probably with some following interviews, I think that I would be able to bring some value back around here.

How to Find Your Audience

Obviously I will use facebook ads since they have a high conversion rate, I will then invest in websites like Krowdster or Backer Database, where you can get the Facebooks, the Twitters..etc of people that have actually backed crowdfunding campaigns similar to your product, you just have to filter well, and you have yourself a list of people whom you know are interested in what you’re doing. They helped build similar projects, remember?

All you need to do find people who are relevant to your product.

Then all you have to do is export those CVS lists of facebook accounts and buy the facebook ads. Directed marketing at it best. Well at least I hope so.

Prior to that, filming the video would take place, that hiring a reasonably priced copywriter designing the ad. I’m peeling my eyes for one on Fiverr at the moment, any ideas?

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Now that the ads are on place, time for the P.R campaign.

That’s where I am at the moment, testing between Blogdash, Muckrack, JustReachout, Haro and few others.. I will let you know later the pros and cons of each one.

The thing is, one of these tools can help get some substantial exposure on a large media outlet. But that’s not how I plan to do it. I’ll first try to get featured on a medium-sized outlet and piggyback that on a larger one, and piggyback that one too.

And then in the middle of the campaign, before even launching, I’m planning to release a couple of YouTube videos to grow the audience, start a channel, and get interviews.

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This may seem as a hell of an over-kill I know, but the purpose here is not the money, it’s building my brand, which I think many of you are trying to do here as well.

I have no doubt that a year or two from now, there will be steem superstars that will bring a large following to steemit.

The best part is that, whatever happens I will take this experience and all the lessons and mechanisms learned, and use them for my next show or book.

And if it turns out to be a success, I will then take a good portion of the gains and invest it back on steemit as steem power.

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Anyways, this is my plan, raw and simple. I hope you like it, and I hope there is something here that could be of use to you.

Let me know what you think.


I heard this many times from friends and family with Bitcoin. If I buy Facebook stock at IPO for $50 and now it's trading at $125, is that a Ponzi? The early investor assumes all the risk and deserves the most reward. They'll never get it.

One of the most common reaction to something new and unfamiliar is to label it with something bad. Sadly :(

The United States fiat monetary system is the Ponzi scheme, and all Ponzi schemes.

Haha, funny you should say that! I think you will like this old post from 4 weeks ago :

"Wait do I smell some Ponzi?

Talking about scams, if I say Ponzi Scheme who's the first person that comes to mind? The king of Ponzi, Bernie Madoff, right?

Not too long ago, a documentary crew went to jail to interview his ponziness Mr Madoff. Here's the first thing he said:

Why are you guys even talking to me? The U.S government is running the biggest ponzi scheme in the world!"

Very insightful

I have similar plans with Steemit, Initially Im going to invest what ever I can to Steem Power.

I then plan on selling my ETH mining rig and buy Steem Power with that!

I wrote something on this here if you care to read it and get me some feedback that would be great! You could give the feedback here if you like.


Of course, I will read it and tell you what I think later :)

I think that your plan is great. Not only will it be profitable, but creating the story of Steemit using aspects of the community so early on will bring in a lot of potential people onto the platform. Sharing with others will be a great way to better us.

I feel that creating some youtube videos will get you a lot of hits, and also promote the site and the book. I would be glad to let you use some of my postings if it would help.

Marketing has always been my achiles heel when I try to market my writing or my videos, but I think that it sounds like you know what you are doing and I think that you will do great!

Yeah I know, marketing is hard! One of the sentences that impacted me the most was from the Movie The Prestige:

  • Christian Bale: He's a dreadful magician!

  • Micheal Caine: No, he's an extraordinary magician, he's a dreadful presenter.

Oh, thanks by the way!

Anytime! I'm just glad I could contribute any way I can. I haven't watched that movie, but perhaps I should add it to my list. It makes perfect sense, without presentation / marketing, it will be hard to be successful. Presentation is everything. I am still in the process of learning how to market myself successfully.

I think that's big part of everything. me too i should learn to present better..

Great job with everything you're doing and planning! I too have reinvested in ways to try and grow the platform. You're clearly much more capable than I, but if we all sincerely try our best and reach out to people that can bring a lot to the platform from all walks of life, then I say it's worth all the time and money invested, especially when the money was given to us by the community. In the process, we're showing new people much more than just Steemit, we're showing them the new world that awaits!

No man, I don't think I'm more capable than anyone. I just try to bring the most value I can, I only focus on that, keeping it simple :)

And you're right, we can show them the new world :)

Paying it forward - awesome. keep it up )

Thank you! I will try to :)

Excellent plan! This will hopefully make Steemit even more successful and bring it to ever more people. Good luck and I wish you the best.

Thank you! Best to you as well!

Why do you think women like foreplay in the first place? Well, I actually I don’t hold that answer, plus I’m digressing.


Hahaha, yeah I don't think twice sometimes, I just pour my thoughts :P

Thanks for sharing the plan. Never knew that the marketing of a book is now so intense. Also want to thank you for an upvote you gave me on one of my blogs. It made a big difference! Would you mind looking at my latest blog to see if also deserve an upvote - will appreciate it - My blog

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