Is Steemit Peaking Already? An Exodus!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I've been on Steemit for a week now, And out of all my posts only ONE generated any steem. As I go down through other's posts I have noticed many of them have also garnered NO VALUE. Many of us are working our butts off to provide quality posts, and we are getting trounced. Is Steemit peaking already? Or is all we are doing an excerise in futility? Everybody should be gaining SOME value, especially if we are gaining followers every day! Voting is supposed to be the key, but Many of us voting are seeing no return for our efforts. If the value never comes then we might as well return to Facebook! At least our stuff gets read. I'm willing to read & vote extensively, but I want SOME kind of reward for learning Markdown & revisiting my HTML. But we need to follow more & need to be followed to link up blocks. If we can't help each other more then we WILL Exodus from this site! Steem is depending on our votes! Quality posts need recognized & appreciated! The WEALTH needs to be shared!


Remember, just because you came here doesn't mean your audience is already here. You have to build your audience. Steemit is barely a fraction of those other sites which means having people who already share perspective on things may take a while. Commenting and posting are more valuable for you in the beginning than voting. You have to build up your steem power in order for you votes to pack a punch.

My audience is at best, you need block power. but now I do understand the some votes are more powerful than's bad to have 23 votes & acquiring 5$ of steem...I guess my steem power really needs a lift!

Just remember that for some of the big payout post, it's not just the quality of the post, it value that user brings. Some people have an audience that they are bringing with them that adds way more value than the actual post. So keep that in mind too. It this person able to bring an audience or niche that adds values to Steemit as a whole.

Agreed...Many Youtubers bring their followers with them & accumulate thousands in I said...MY voters are scattered at best...also you NEED to go to your voters & followers posts & upvote them to return the favor to up the overall Steem of the platform...Flagging, I have found to ONLY really be used when you get attacked here...A post needs to be patently offensive & very bad to get flagged...Flagging reduces the overall steem of the platform...I'm really NOT sure what 'muting' does overall...When muted the bad comments on the platform get shadowed...but are STILL in the block can still see them! This is unlike Facebook 'blocking' & 'hiding' that eliminates the offensive Steemit it remains for eternity! you DO have to mind your p's & q's here!

It's so hard to predict what will or will not catch on on the internet. Gotta just stick with it, build a following, and hope you get lucky!

I'm seeing more and more posts of discouraged steemers. What is the point of spending hours trying to write a good article for nothing? Discouraged steemers will eventually disappear. I've actually contiplated leaving. There has to be another way to get our content seen.
I noticed that our content very quickly is so far down on the list in minutes that noone even sees it.
I also think some people are using bots to keep their content voted high, so it is seen by more users.

Upvoted. . . and keep in mind it's a lot more difficult to entertain/engage a group of random strangers with various motivations than it is to entertain the friends that you built in person over decades and happen to be connected to on another social media site. Good luck with future posts!

It looks like that one post did very, very well a few days ago. I would assume that if your other posts aren't gaining any traction it's a result of one of two possibilities:

  1. The quality of the content isn't good enough for your audience, or...
  2. The audience for your particular topic hasn't formed on Steemit yet.

I would say stay positive and keep working at it. Successful people are usually the ones who realize it's a marathon, not a sprint.

Your point is well taken...As I said, following is the key...reading posts & voting are essential...I didn't expect all of my posts to be pure gold...But I am giving it the college try!