
dunno I tricked myself and fell for other people's hopes and dreams of a better social media than the rest of em ... haha I'm glad i didn't read your new comment

I didn't get tricked I was wishing for something different, saw something new with potential, that was that, I didn't want to play the game that much, preferred the hope and dream :D hey it would have been nice to have a social media with people rather than markets, opinions, money, but that's another world. I mean it would be nice to have humans first and then the rest of the shit we made up.

whatever ....

oh you're at the right place then....

blindfolds are in production as we speak.

yup, hiveminds for everyone, what else yeah smart tokens, because that's trendy :P

sooo do we just upvote bidbot oooor do we just keep trying to make something decent out of this place that just doesn't want to be anything more than an extortion service for rich people :D

don't ask me...

you also might know the saying "don't count your chickens before they hatch".

Money is a game after all. Some just play it better than others.

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