Getting Physically Ready for the Beaches of Acapulco (a subset of the Steemit Over to Acapulco Series)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

So, I'm all jazzed about going to Acapulco for the Anarchapulco conference next February, but I realized something.... Over the past few months I have went from solid muscle to flab and broken promises when it came to my exercise regimen. (I have literally done nothing more than walk my dog for exercise and 12 oz curls every Saturday night).

To make sure that when I hit the beaches, I'm not the guy that has to wear a t-shirt, I'm stepping up my game and hitting the weights and cardio game again!

Starting tomorrow, and yes, I confirmed this with Cheyenne, my daughter, I will start my Blast your Bench program. Well, at least the 1 week program that leads into the 4 week program which I have outlined below. My goal by late February is a one-rep max of at least 325 and 225 lbs. Currently, I think I am around 225 one rep max (yes I fell off that much) and around 260.

So anyone who wants to get into prime shape and have their chest stick out farther than their belly, follow along with me and get some gains!

Week 1- Getting your muscles warmed up and ready

Begin week one with a 4 day in a row light bench workout. This will get the initial pain out of the way and allow for your body to prepare for the 3 weeks ahead.

Week 1 (for beginners or long rested lifters)

Sunday- Test day- Find out where you are. Find out a weight that you can bench with a comfortable with doing more than one of. After stretching and doing 10 to 15 pushups, you can now test. Use this site to find out where you are at (

Monday- 4 sets of 20 pushups with a 4 minute rest in between (if you can't do 20, do knee pushups, just getting the chest ready is all that is important right now)

Tuesday- Stretch- you are only stretching right now- this is a rest and stretch day to allow your muscle tears to elongate and prepare for the next phase (3 week cycle)

Wednesday- 4 sets of 3 reps of 50% of your max (your bench press max is calculated before you started during Sunday's "Test" day) with a 4 minute rest in between. Use your phone app for your 4 minutes. The resting period is as important as anything in this program going forward)

Thursday- 5 sets of 20 pushups with a 3 1/2 minute rest in between

Friday-Sunday - Do NOTHING with your bench (you can do a light cardio/legs, back workout, but make sure to do NO chest, and no upper body at all on Sunday)

Now you are ready to start the weeks of hell! Note: for days with 10,8,6,4 and 2's, you will start low and increase your reps 10% weight with each set. With Days with 15 reps and 1 minute rest (you'll wanna start very low weight), you drop ten pounds off after each set. 3 rep days, it's the same amount of weight, which you can complete 3 reps for 5 sets (about 70% of your max).

After each workout, including week one, within an hour of your workout, drink a protein shake or protein rich foods. For inexperienced workout folks, 2 hours is your protein synthesis window, which is the time after a workout where protein is absorbed at a higher rate than any other time.

Well, folks, that's all there is to it!

Let me know how you do and I guarantee you will thank me if you stick with it.


Great I'll meet you on the beach at ANARCHAPULCO- I'm certain I'll be the hottest lady there- as soon as I drop 30 pounds

Sounds good! Are you prepping for next year the same way as I am? I'm trying to use just the money that I make on Steemit to get flight, hotel and food/beverage) and exercise as well. If I see you down there, first round is on me!

You got an upvote from dollarvigilante! Hope u get to meet him in February! That guy has the best youtube vids!

I saw a talk he gave a while back (not sure how long ago) but somewhere I think in Canada where he was telling his story about getting shipwrecked and other personal stuff. Seems like a down to earth guy. Wouldn't be surprised if I could pick his brain for a few minutes while I'm down there. Cool thing is, posting on Steemit is what is paying for it. You should get off your ass and start writing again, cuz. You can come with me!

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