
I don't agree with the flags because it's nothing flag worthy but I want to expound on your post.
Why aren't all votes worth the same.
It's about the incentive of holding SP and therefore not devaluing liquid steem and in turn bringing the price down to the bottom, into the ground.

Next, if everyone has the same influence then the sibyl attacks are going to be a very real problem as it takes no effort to create a swarm of accounts and use them to bring down the community.

The postponing of the flatter reward curve from HF 17 is not well received and the experiment ran by @abit and @smooth is a direct result of that, and having achieved the goals set out of diminishing whale reward distribution from the reward pool and also empowering everyone else by a substantial factor, some have said 8x more voting influence as a result and I too have seen this. At first I was not aware of exactly what the experiment was and next was perturbed seeing smooth upvote his own auto-comments by 1 cent but having understood that it was about removing whale influence over the distribution of rewards and seeing that the comment voting was what I believe a natural and deserved consequence of @htooms flagging smooth's comments I have since come to praise abit and smooth for what is ultimately a self sacrifice and a truly laudable effort of magnitudes that I don't believe this community has had the opportunity of experiencing yet.

So in closing, don't falter and give those flags too much worry, they haven't done it maliciously but probably out of sheer lackluster to break down the problems with your solution and assuming that you had already known about those issues that your solution will undoubtebly bring if adapted.

This post is definitely one of the most interesting ones I have seen in a long time. 79 views and only 1 vote which is a flag of @fyrstikken, which I don't agree on either! Upvoted IT. This topic needs a real discussion IMHO.
Maybe try to Post IT as a New Post #steemit #discussion #thebenefitsofequalvotepower

Seems you are getting swarmed by flags, why is that? Go to chat though because you are awfully close to being nuked and commenting will invite them to finish you off.

No Matter if Above Or Underground, Truth will allways Prevail!
But thanx 4 caring! ;)

Not necessarily, there have been numerous instances in history where a new language was developed simply to hide the truth, and truth died in obscurity, other times book burning erased entire treasure troves of knowledge, and then truth burned at the stake to the cheers of the crowd sometimes.

The idiom of truth will always prevail is not correct. The Buddha is attested to saying that three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth of the noble eight fold path. Truth though is far greater than the truth of dukkha and I think he chose his words carefully with that, as lies obscure truth, and living in today's age we can feel the effects of propaganda all around us, truth not so much.

What I want to say is this:
I see you have made enemies of the people that basically keep trolls and plagiarists and spammers at bay. If your objective is to troll, to spam or to copupastu then you won't find much motivation doing those things here. If you are advocating truth, you must align with it first and I have to point out something:
This isn't facebook, this isn't twitter, this isn't linkedin, this isn't instagram, this isn't youtube. Going to each of those websites you can see the vitriol that is alive and well in the communities that seek to uncover the numerous conspiracies that are perpetrated against the public, because infiltrators are free to reign from the top down. This isn't fakebook, this isn't snarltube, this isn't mockedin, this isn't your typical website period for the matter of fact.

There is no admins. Let me repeat that once more. There are no figures that act as all powerful arbiters or ultimate deciders. This is not the internet like many know it. To equate this to the internet would be akin to saying the flea market is a glitzy mall. They are two different things, entirely, granted they both deal with goods and services of the same comparable nature, the method that they are implemented in is vastly different.

I want to give you two bits of advice in steem, if you're open, generally the golden rule is the utmost principle you should ascribe to, generally, as there are always exceptions. Next, whatever your convictions might be, you get what you sow. If you sow discord and negativity, intolerance and ill will, don't expect anything else to sprout out as they all bear the fruits of those seeds.

Truth is all encompassing, and not necessarily resilient or evident which nullifies it substantially, but things like the virtues of honesty, compassion, meekness and humility, and the courage to stand up for what is right and therefore against what is wrong and the love of truth are infallible in their scope and they cannot be obscured and are always self evident. Those are the tools of building and protecting ones mind, they are timeless and won't ever be driven to obscurity. Heed this quote:
Physicians heal thyself first!

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