STEEMGIG: STEEMIT CROWDSOURCED VIDEO #1 - 28 STEEM ready to go out — i’ll pay you 1 STEEM for the line that you speak, send me your video :)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


i’m looking for people from steemit to record a video clip, ideally a fairly tight close up shot on the face, or styled off frame, but good audio, i have to be able to hear you clearly say the sentence - going to stitch them together and put your name as lower third so people can discover you also on the platform as well — i’m paying 1 SBD per sentence ;)

INSTRUCTIONS to get your 1 STEEM payment (please read instructions below!)

  1. head over to this spreadsheet - - put your @steemname next to the line you will read back for me on video.
  2. can ignore bad video quality but not bad audio, audio needs to be clear, make sure you pause before you say the line and after so we can cut it together, close up shots, styled shots, fun shots, walking, turning to camera, just make sure your face is ideally in the centre of the screen.
  3. please title the video file with @steemitname.mp4 if possible just makes it easier for me to know where it’s from and what line you spoke so i can stitch them together easier! :)
  4. upload that video to me by dragging and dropping it here - please try and keep the video files small, ideally under 50mb would be great.
  5. once i’ve received and verified the video from you i’ll send you the payment to your steemit account. thanks for taking part, we will have a lot more of these if this first one goes well.

the first one is 28 lines long so i need 28 separate people to make this work (1 person per line, limited to 1 line only please people!) if you check my steem wallet page you can see i’m putting the funds aside to make this happen, i hope you’ll take part. remember to check out the video above for clips and quality that i need, should be straight forward. ideally a nice location or background, maybe say your name and steemit handle and the line, that would be great too! — i’ll edit them all together and see what we get ;)

the steemit crowdsourced collective #ep1

note: i’m going for a really ambient video with a nice soundtrack in the background that i’ll put, think of it as a crowdsourced community video to advertise the platform, who are the people, the faces behind the platform, where are they in the world, what do they do, why are they here. in the future, as funds allow i’ll pay more per line, i’m doing the video edit for free obviously. i’d like to make these a regular thing.. .. i'm updating the video lines below with who is putting their name beside the line they will record :)

——=== WE ARE STEEMIT ===——
(names next to lines that have been taken already)

[ @papa-pepper ] i want you to know that you are not alone
[ @lloyddavis ] that i am out here in the world
[ @innervoice ] waiting to hear your story
[ @allasyummyfood ] that together our stories bring us closer
[ @demotruk ] that everyone has a moment to share

[ @daniel82 ] we the steemians of the world
[ @everlove ] want to show you that there is another way
[ @mariacherries ] a way to blog and share your world
[9] to get paid for what you share
[ @dayleeo ] instead of some fat cat data mining your words
[11] a free blog that costs you nothing to host
[ @quinneaker ] where you can feel safe and empowered to speak out

[ @stellabelle ] our strength lies in our diversity
[14] to speak out in our authentic collective voices
[ @edje ] to learn from one another
[ @saramiller ] and to share moments together
[17] across the steemit blockchain
[ @bania ] our open social blog ledger
[19] where we can transfer funds to each other
[20] with no fees and in seconds
[21] earning SBD for our post and our comments

[ @surfermarly ] come in as a minnow and grow to a whale
[23] learn about cryptocurrency, bitcoin and steem
[ @juliakponsford ] connect with people around incredible topics
[25] learn about development, share photos and videos
[26] share stories and get paid for commenting
[27] sign up for free today at
[ @gardenofeden ] were waiting for you :)


remember pick your line on the spreadsheet and put your name next to it before recording it, be quick to assign and send across.

i’m shouting out a bunch of people i hope will take part in this below, so i’ve mentioned you purely so you see this post, i hope you’ll take part, should be super quick to do on your mobile phone, just email me the video to [email protected] when i get the file and if it works out i’ll send you the steem! :) - hope you’ll take part! :)

i realise the 1 steem is not a lot but i don’t often get a lot so i’m just using what resources i have currently and i obviously don’t want to ask you to do it for nothing, i just want to see if it’s possible for us to pull this together! :)

@mindhunter - need your dulcet tones in here!
@dayleeo - can’t not ask you love right
@lloyddavis - maybe when your on the walk?
@opheliafu - i’ve love it if you would speak a line for the project
@mrs.steemit - need some of the german landscape in here
@daniel82 - especially if your on site dude! :)
@dan-atstarlite - maybe you can sing your line? :)
@stellabelle - the queen has to be in the video right!
@ned - could the boss man make an appearance here?
@penguinpablo - always brings the fire with new information
@playfulfoodie - writes great daily updates i read over coffee
@allasyummyfood - i want to eat everything she makes
@hansikhouse - doing amazing projects in new york city
@arbitrarykitten - always writes incredible posts
@sammosk - always see you around in the comments
@papa-pepper - the boss man himself, be good to connect
@craig-grant - quick line before you head out for the beach or pizza? :)
@everlove - a person i know i would just get on with straight away
@gardenofeden - these people are living, not existing!
@aggroed - who does so much here on steemit for the community
@soldier - writes thought provoking and informative posts
@kingscrown - incredible information often on crypto
@saramiller - have you done your yoga with sara today?
@fyrstikken - excited to see his studio develop
@jerrybanfield - we gotta have a bit of jerry in here, right?!
@hilarski - life from panama, high fiving sloths?!
@teamsteem - damn, always gets me thinking
@freshstuff - i just think your username is rad
@luzcypher - be disrespectful not to add you

don’t be mad at me if i left you off, i didn’t mean too!

i made a list of about 30 people to hopefully cover the the first video which has 28 lines that needs to be spoken, even if you are not on the list that’s not a problem this is just a bunch of people i follow here on steemit and i feel newbies should follow too!

once i’ve got all the lines done i’ll edit the clips together, put the right overlay for the different people in the lower thirds, add an audio track and stick it up, i really want to connect the people behind the posts so that new people coming in can get to know the people that make up steemit. just a little creative project for the middle of the week ;)


really not many lines left now, waiting on a few to send their video files in, i really want to get this edited and done in the next few days and see if i can get some promotion money to push it out there for people to see because i think it's got a great message. might ask @jerrybanfield to promote it too! :)

I just sent my line. Sorry for the delay. I'm not too proud of it, I tried a few times today and yesterday but still not great, so if you want to swap it out for someone else in my place I won't be offended....

Actually just watched your preview and I'd definitely put someone else in my place.

ok i'll give it a play back and see. thanks!

Oooooooo---super excited for this one. @saramiller, @quinneaker, the @gardenofeden and I will L-O-V-E to be a part of this great, playful adventure. When our troops awaken from their daily slumber, we will shoot you some files.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention @everlove !
I am super stoked to help with a project for this beloved community!

You're welcome. It's the perfect opportunity to support and promote Steemit!!


and i'm so excited to have you guys be part of this and hopefully the future ones i put together! :) i'm pumped about this one! :)

Us too. What a great way to share the love of Steemit @teamhumble! Thanks for the opportunity. Grateful to be a part of it.

absolutely no problem, hoping to do future ones too. i think it's a good way to connect the person behind the words you know?

Agreed. A couple of them are on their way.

excellent. that would be fantastic! :)

7 lines of the 28 are already gone! :) better get in here quick! :) [updated]

hey guys, i'm waiting on @papa-pepper, @demotruk, @everlove, @mariacherries, @stellabelle, @saramiller and @gardenofeden to send in your lines.. .. getting closer, only have 14 (FOURTEEN) lines left to go, gonna start putting it there on discord i think in a bit see if we can get some traction there.

Heyaaa thats is such a cool idea!! I am definitely in! :) Ive just filled in the spreadsheet, don't worry about getting paid. I will try and send you a video asap :)

hey thanks! :) -- i'm hoping for an awesome video.

its just one line right? i will try and smile :P

just one line yes, super quick to do :) - you always smile! :) - everything ok? seem a bit down just recently. . . whats up?

yeah i know just been feeling low about my views on social media and have been working so much, just dont feel appreciated i guess. I am trying to pick myself up thou!!!

hmm, never use social media, views and the income it potentially brings as appreciation, you'll never balance the two. the world and media consumption changes rapidly. all power to picking yaself up, the gym will push you but you'll better on the other side i'm sure. i understand the lull period, just give a month to reset and you'll see things change as people come back from breaks/holiday.

yeah i know you re totally right, i have just been so overwhelmed with things its frustrating!!! i hope it will be better soon! thank you thou!

meditation. deep breath. step away from the computer for half a day, do something not 'making' if i know anything about your work ethic you'll get it done when you need too. don't break yourself over it. all the best!

hey @allasyummyfood gonna have your line done today maybe? - send it over using (drag and drop) and i'll get it into the editor. excited to get this video out! :)

Excite! Love this little momentum self hack you got going, I see you mouser! <3 Will try my best to record today On it babe! :D

no worries. should be quick. already had one back. yayayay :)

Sent! <3 Can't wait to see!

Awesome idea excited to see the finished product. count me in video incoming

woot! - perfect, thanks - look forward to it. spread the word! :)

done! you just popped my internet video cherry thanks for being gentle. let me know if the vid is ok

I'll start if off. Just have to record it now and get it uploaded later today.

BOSS man, we have a few videos come in. but pick one. look forward to getting ya video man! :)

Our Steemit Hero Introduction!

seems fitting right?

Cool plan!

I hope to see you in the video!
We just shot our videos today!

hey hope you'll pick a line to do :) if you don't want to record yaself on camera you can always record your pictures or drawing and say the word behind the camera. i've never seem you do a vlog so i don't know. i'd love to have you in this. .

No i don't normally vlog- I'll give it a think.

that's fine. no problem if you can't video, i was just thinking of a floating video shot with you behind the camera saying the words while looking at one of your painting or something? just an idea!

pumped! gonna check them out now!

Already signed up on the spreadsheet, line [8] "a way to blog and share your world" is mine :D, I will sent the video to you as soon as I can

perfect, i'll change the spreadsheet to show your name!

Thank you 😊

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