An open letter to @haejin, every steemian-leeching capitalist, and You, their victimssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This task is simple and I trust You Will agree..

We can accomplish anything righteous, right now.

You may be aware by now, that user @haejin and I'm sure many others, have developed a prolific way of stealing Your generated currency right out in the open with willing support.

This obvious, shameful set of issues is to be fixed immediately if we are to establish steem as an exchangeable form of currency.

I am a new user here with zero fear in my heart, mind or soul. I carry love only and intend to eliminate capitalism as an acceptable behavior under any circumstance. That's what steem is here for. It's not money.. steem represents love unless reduced to anything less.


We are to establish The Way of true currency flow by shunning the zombified capitalist behaviors of countless users, effectively eliminating all mindless leeching on the greater community of kind-hearted creators.

These abusers of truth are to be shunned into submission and left to suck on their own dry bones. All capitalist behavior should be seen as the devil himself pissing in Your family's faces. Simple math, we do not accept negative intentions or their manufactured results.

I know not many will see this so I am keeping it quick and short.

I want You to comment here and vote for steemit to either feature Your true content, or the mindless srewdriver shavings of scheming capitalists who wouldn't hesitate to drill searing swords into your mind if they thought there was a crypt filled with potential currency to be melted open.

I've been rushing the smirk-face capitalists my entire life and fully expect the entire school to back me up this time

Real quick- I went to war in grade school and it was about this exact smirk-faced ignorance. They kicked me out of 2 schools before 4th grade and placed me in the special kids' room for the rest of my schooling. They tried to give me pills and blame me for pretty much every truth I mirrored as automatic math after growing up as an "uncle Mike dog."

I went to war for every kid in the school at all chimes as automatic reflex. I pretty much lived in the principals office and spoke to them just as I am now. As if truth and lie are basic math and never a choice and everything is Seen live by A11

You guys want to know what my mother came and told me one day when I was in maybe 5th grade I think it was?

Both these ultra abusive moron smirk-faced principals had recently died in separate plane crashes.


I made sure to tell my mother that I absolutely did not wish any harm to these two empty pussies, but the look on her face and all the violent memories left me feeling really sad, wishing things had been different for us all from the beginning. I could vividly imagine each crash individually. I had two entirely separate images in my mind of each man falling to the Earth in unimaginable fear.

So I mean, the point here is you can either tip your desk and join the truth on the playground where I ripped up that fake ass math book while pretty much saying this exact thing, or you can continue to be trolled by smirk-faced Mr jelly bean and his endless chase for imaginary abusive power.

We have the power to eliminate capitalism by simply laughing at every attempt to transform living currency to imaginary power.

What I'm saying here is that this is it for me and You if you see this and continue to support the abusive behaviors perfected by users such as @haejin



I'll be leaving you all to the mess if the exact behavior we're all here to escape is truly ok with You

nothing but love always, this place is deeply infected and needs immediate foundational remedies if it is to exist as anything meaningful!

Thank You to everyone who can see the truth and cannot wear a blindfold while any form of abuse is happening.

Thank You to everyone sharing true currency here, it is your love-generated steem that is being gulped up by knowing leeches. I refuse to stand idle while my family is being raped out in the open by smirk-faced capitalists.

I will fight for You until capitalism is known for exactly what it is: Conscious Murder.


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