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RE: Good and Bad Comments - Learn How To Earn Upvotes And Replies For Appropriate Interaction

in #steemit6 years ago

Great video @flauwy and you hit upon a topic rarely covered buy badly abused.

Of course, @ned made news for his $2K payout on a 5 sentence comment yet that is just the tip of the iceberg. I see so many who upvote themselves in the comment section yet do not upvote the post. What is interesting is rarely are the self upvoters of comments the ones leaving detailed, long, applicable comments. Those people usually post and let the community decide.

We really do need more attention given to this subject. I think you just inspired me to write a post about it....

Proper commenting and upvoting is really what separates those who are to be taken seriously from those who are not.


YOU are probably one of the most intense commentators on the entire blockchain. I see @abh12345's weekly analysis of the Stewards of Gondor and you are insanse with the length and frequency of comments - in a good way. How much time do you invest each day?

People are flocking to my posts because I am well known to upvote tons of comments every day. Not as high as @cryptoctopus but still more than the majority of all top Steemians. Of course that invites much spam but I see it as a game: Find the good and reward it, ignore the bad and punish the ugly. I think it works ok but it takes time for each user to get it.

Maybe the two of us should come up with an initiative to improve the situation particularly for newcomers. Right now I've got nothing but in a mutual creative process we could change the game for the entire blockchain. Combined with Utopian and they will call us king of comments for good reason soon enough!

I honestly do not know how much time I spend in here posting and commenting...but it is a fair bit.

Perhaps some would say I have no life... LOL

I look at it in the sense I am truly committed to this blockchain. One thing Reddit does have is there are a lot of commenters on there...or at least the ones that do comment leave valid ones.

One thing I noticed very quickly is that there were few comments on here. Most people fail to leave them. When each post averages 2.something comments apiece, that is horrific. Of course, part of the problem is the authors, themselves, do not reply.

I, too, upvote most of the comments. This attracts some attention although not all good. I have a core of people who are consistent, dedicated, and take time to read my stuff. However, like you, I get a ton of spam.

It is such a simple process...and many complain they cant write well enough to do articles...fair enough. But it does not take great writing skills to put together a few lines about an articles, especially if it is something that interests one.

I am game for that...hit me up on discord or am same username on both although the discord is #9768

Alright, let's talk on Discord then!

Great job flauwy! Thanks for sharing... :)

Two ideas for you two, maybe it will help maybe not:

  1. Quora-like app, where the focus will be on more on comments than post.
  2. Extention of payment for a small percent of extraordinary good posts to more than 7 days. In that way, people will have more motivation to post here and be found on Google search 6 months for now and be paid for that than to have their own blog or site.
  1. Quora app is being developed for Steem already. I haven't used it yet and I am not very interested in that kind of software, personally. I never was. But I salute it and every addition to Steem is welcome!

  2. Very, very difficult to do. This goes beyond the Steem blockchain possibilities for now. it could be changed with a hardfork though! Something I have been complaining about since my first days on Steem. Maybe there IS a way to create a workaround for this. I have some ideas but it is complicated.

Of course that invites much spam but I see it as a game: Find the good and reward it, ignore the bad and punish the ugly. I think it works ok but it takes time for each user to get it.

I like this strategy. It’s a good way to try and filter out the useless spam. It’s sad when someone posts something, expecting to get actual feedback (good or bad) and they get a fake comment instead, which is usually in the form of a compliment.

That's what a system like Steem invites as many people strife to receive money in form of upvotes. It gives the illusion of a fake community. However, this is just one of many layers and within is hidden the greatest gem mankind has seen during the technological revolution!

I agree the potential is inspiring! I still feel there is a long way to go. ...but it's def on the right path and worth it!

Not to change the subject but i just wanted to ask if your username was inspired by the marvel comics anti-hero that goes by the same name. I assume not because you have a kitten as an avatar and he is a skull faced assasin that can almost instantly assess and duplicate someones fighting style and then use it against them.

Never heard of that character but it looks AWESOME!

Oh he is awsome. He is one of my favorites

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