We built this city

in #steemit6 years ago

Someone asked in a comment, who is the platform? The answer is simple. We are.

Without us, there is no platform of use, it is a ghost town. But, People seem to want Steemit Inc to swoop in and save the day. As much as their hearts and lungs scream for freedom, old habits die hard, they want a government.

I am going to continue a little with my city analogy from yesterday, just a bit.

I can't speak for others but, in my view Steemit is being the government that we might actually kind of want. One that builds the infrastructure we require but, who don't interfere too heavily in how we use it. They build the streets and the utilities, we build the buildings, the schools, the businesses, the hospitals, the community.

However, without taxing us, they benefit from our community. The more it grows, the deeper it gets, the diversity in business and customer all make money for them, the largest stakeholders. The stronger our community, the stronger they become yet, if they step in and engineer the strength, they become like every other government, corrupted.

The witnesses are kind of like our council members who take care of the day to day operations and decide upon whether they are going to affect changes on the government to support new infrastructure. Bridges, tunnels and the like. We could perhaps see Hardforks as government funded initiatives. Not all work and all have unintended consequences but, if the witnesses do their jobs, they are acting with the community in mind, not their own position. And, if we are doing our job, the witnesses are doing their jobs.

But, this is self governance and the city is not some utopia where every citizen. ( I wrote a post about 6 months back that covers some of this idea ). There are all kinds of various people and all kind of behaviors and all people want t get something out of it. It might not only be money, it could be friendship, connection or a place to create and display their talents.

Over the last two years, the city has grown from a handful of users with a relatively narrow interest set and varying motivations into a very large town. We are not a city yet. At first, there was the excitement of something new but soon, routines came in and the various motivations and behaviors of users became culture. Rules were developed and with such a small group, decisions were relatively easy to reach and still satisfy many. Also, with such a small group, people could keep an eye on whether people were manipulating the system for their own gain too heavily. Everyone knew everyone.

As the community grew, more and more unfamiliar faces came into town and started questioning the rules and recognizing that the culture was set up with the desires and motivations of others in mind, not them. Now that they were in town though, they wanted to have a home here also and started driving for their own changes and building new buildings and suburbs. This kept happening of course until where we are today.

We have a very large town that has several suburbs. Some are more affluent than others and some are really struggling but, every new citizen comes in starting off in the slums, unless they come in with investment. This all doesn't seem fair to many considering they are placed in a slum regardless of heir actual talents or what they can offer and soon, they want out. They want to rebel but, the culture has them constrained.

Many turn to crime. Many came in as criminals (This is of course analogous as well). But, from their view, much of the city is dominated by crime and it pervades every suburb, no matter the average income level. At the lower end there is petty theft but at the higher end, white collar crimes. Much of it mimics the other except in scale. Yet, because the infrastructure allows it, it is not criminal at all and in many cases, it is encouraged.

However, some citizens have the view that this city could function better if it worked more as a community and less as independent actors only in it for their own gain. They think that it could be something better and brighter no matter the infrastructure. However, some want the government to do something about this, to change the infrastructure but, their will is filtered through the council.

The town has grown into a small city, motivations have shifted, people disconnected and no longer know each other directly. Agreeing on what needs to be done has become impossible and the council struggles to get even minor tweaks of infrastructure agreed upon, let alone made. And, Steemit, the Government, stays largely silent, they don't step in.

People don't like this as they recognize that Steemit Inc has the power and resources to ease their suffering and take care of a lot of the crime that plagues the city, but they don't move. This makes them feel that the government just doesn't care although this might not be the case at all as their value depends on our value, the value of the citizens. Their holdings are valuable because we think our holdings are valuable, that our city has potential.

Yet, if they step in, they become potentially corrupt, they become the governments we don't want as they go beyond building infrastructure for our needs to add to our value and are much more likely to do what increases only their own. In time, they are dictators and we are slaves once again.

We are the platform, the city is ours and no one is coming to save us. Of course though, it doesn't have to be that way. We can have Batman like Gotham or Superman like Metropolis but, we are the ones that have to build them. They have to be community super heroes. We wouldn't need them at all of course if people did the unexpected and worked for the community.

Unfortunately, it isn't a city of miracles. It is a city that requires a lot of work. If that work gets done, the city will grow and function well and give space for all the fun and games a city can whilst still handling all of the negative aspects of the darkened alleys. Perhaps there are too many alleys built and not enough lit streets at the moment but, we are the ones who built this city, and it wasn't on Rock n' Roll.

[ a Steemit original ]


America became great, not because of government, but because government did exactly what you said about Steemit...

...Steemit is being the government that we might actually kind of want. One that builds the infrastructure we require but, who don't interfere too heavily in how we use it.

That is what happened here in America, and people prospered. They were able to create any life they could envision. It's not that Americans were smarter or worked harder. America was made up of immigrants. Why could they succeed here and not in their home country? Because the government did not get in their way.

Steemit is Laissez Faire Capitalism.

  • meaning the government leaves the people alone regarding all economic activities.

With all its flaws, it has so much going for it if we don't trash the pace and neglect maintenance.

let us not forget one thing . the people voted in the government as they do here .
The problem we have here in America is that the people are casting votes on party , the best gimmick or feelings as we do here . the fault lies with the ill informed voter . not the elected official .

I heard one elected official in a committee meeting say
"If we increase the amount of military present in Guam and the population of one part of the Island will it cause that part of the Island to tilt into the sea"

Are you f...ing kidding me . its an Island not an iceberg . Island don't float .
He was reelected . people actually said I want that dumb bastard to represent me oooohhhhh how great he is aaannnnd smart

are you kidding me
my wife is making me stop

so my meager point is that its are own damn fault we vote and we vote for witness
America ( I do agree was that way) has changed and is changing we better get it back under control

silly migger

thanks for pointing that out I corrected it ,fingers got going to fast (meager)

lol, I had no idea you meant meager. enjoy your day.

one should always review and then review again , spell checker let it pass and the great speller that I am, well no need to go through that again LOL
thanks for letting me know .

We are always to blame for this society as we are it. People like to point fingers at various factions but, we all play a part in creating those too.

Absolutely . and we should stop pointing fingers . everyone has a picture in there home of the person in charge . it's called a mirror . lol

I know its hard with all the media . People just tryin to stay afloat in this fast pace society . So I blame with understand and sympathy for people . The people who know better and the so called leaders I have no Sympathy for or tolerance . We here do have some caring leaders who try hard but can't get through the power of the controlling parties .

I am active in politics in my area and the amount of things that people believe is true that is false is unbelievable . When the source of information provided to the masses is opinion instead of pure facts , well we are looking at the results .
@wizardave @ocrdu point out some facts with truth .

A little before my time the wealthy would build libraries , museums and hospitals for the communities . You no longer see this being done . Shame

It is crazy, all the stuff I've read from mass producing fake accounts that nobody knows why, maybe to hold up steem to burning steem to stablize the price, giving out more steem to pump it up....that's just one side the financial aspect, it doesn't even touch on the abuse. This is why their has to be some form of governance..you ask the witnesses and they claim it's not their job to make hardfolk decisions so the place gets run like the wild, wild west. Who knows in the end if this will end up showing people why self governance doesn't work out well, to many chefs in the kitchen, to many hands in the cookie jar eventually despite how many chefs you have you are going to run out of cookies.

Hate always agreeing with you. But you are right that fixing is required. A lot of thought must go into it though looking at every angle. I always do that a bit like pro's and con's. The angle should be for the great of the community and it is as simple as that. We all know nothing is simple though. This is quite a complex city.

Hate always agreeing with you.

You could just act like my wife and argue.. and then do it my way ;)

This is quite a complex city.

It is as complex as a real city with the added complexity of decentralization and a lack of consequence for poor behavior.

Votes in a city aren't wealth-weighed. Steemit is ruled by the richest few without recourse for the rest as the top controls 99% of wealth and therefore votes, and there is no possibility of a physical revolution, another difference with a city 8-).

That is true but still, if the city was functioning well, the wealthiest would play a critical role in the wellbeing, no matter their stake. A wealthy person i automatically a greedy or cruel person... ust hppens to be that way a lot :)

of a physical revolution, another difference with a city 8-).

If it came down to a physical altercation, I would side with the poor majority. Have you seen some of the people on camera? :D Of course, this is why they build armies and police forces ;)

You may not have wanted to, but you have inspired a posting.

As the Dutch say, I'm cursing in church in said posting, but one is supposed to be able to do that here.

The more the merrier ;)

Starting to understand that it is going to take a lot of work and a lot of thought. Lots of toes will be stepped on to fix it . A strong body (witnesses) must be chosen correctly for the right reasons. Can understand why it is still in Beta stage as the foundations for the forward growth which we all know is coming. The bigger it gets the harder it will be to fix.

@tarazkp I see what you mean by steemit Inc becoming corrupt by stepping in. But where do we get our heroes, from the slums or from the affluent parts of town.
We have to also consider that certain affluent members of the city have the power to disappear dissenters. That is enough to discourage anyone except some affluent members of the society support him or her with the weight of their voice. But first there need to be an agreement that there is need for fixing the city.

I loved the analogy you used and I learnt something new too. Thanks

But where do we get our heroes, from the slums or from the affluent parts of town.

They are not born they are made as they say. I don't know.

We have to also consider that certain affluent members of the city have the power to disappear dissenters.

Indeed they do.

Our heroes are the witnesses and community builders, as well as those who promote Steem (not Steemit) outside of the Steem ecosystem.

True @fknmayhem. Those are believers. They make true heroes indeed but if we consider the witness position to be political, can politicians be heroes? Some maybe, but definitely not all. What do you think?

They are heroes by mere virtue of hosting an uncensored and untracked platform. And mostly keeping it exactly that.

That the top witnesses are also our governance and thus subject to lobbying and at times must campaign for vests is a side element.

Those generally represent less than 30-40 of the witnesses, many more witnesses are happy to maintain their community and at the same time host a node in the blockchain ecosystem. Several also develop projects.

What makes these politicians heroes is that they could do much more damage than they currently do (alright, I’m not talking about Jerry) yet they don’t.

Same applies to Steemit Inc, who are not witness to avoid conflict of interest, and are mostly focused on continuing to develop an ever growing protocol, one master API to rule them all.

Leaving the users and community free to develop better and more enticing, or more long tail/niche, apps than Steemit itself is.

For I often wish the witnesses and also Steemit would be more proactive, the fact that they rather observe and seem offhands at things, leaving this city, ecosystem to us to sculpt makes them heroes in my book.

The alternative would be that our politicians regulate us to death. Same as anywhere else.

Despite arguably being the third (second?) most flawed person in Gotham Batman is a hero. His flaws and can get away whit this attitude do not take away of his being a hero.

I used to see steemit as a community of shops, what does this mean? Okay, lets try to imagine a street where we have shops everywhere instead of houses

There is a very wide variety of shops and each user on steemit is assigned to one. Now, when you sign up on steemit, you are assigned an account, like a shop, you are handed the keys and and given an initial sum of money to start up your business in the smallest way.

-Everyday in a typical market setting, there are four types of shops

There's always that shop that looks the best, has exquisite facility with extremely expensive products and excellent customer service where only a few people go and only the rich spend...

Then we see shops that are good for everyone, high-end facility, affordable, good customer care, fair prices, we love these types

We also see shops that are very affordable, attractive but not top-notch facility, poor customer care, inferior products

Then we see shops that are about to fold-up or have already folded up

Relating these qualities to steemit, every user account represents one of these shops

But after reading this post, i think a city will do just fine

We are the platform, the city is ours and no one is coming to save us. Of course though, it doesn't have to be that way. We can have Batman like Gotham or Superman like Metropolis but, we are the ones that have to build them. They have to be community super heroes. We wouldn't need them at all of course if people did the unexpected and worked for the community.

On a personal note tho, just incase you were batman, i will love to be your robin 😁, protect our steemcity

On a personal note tho, just incase you were batman, i will love to be your robin

I could never say.

Along your lines:

Wow blockchain is crazy, just look at that 7months ago post, it still very much sounds like you, i joined steemit 4 months ago, the visualization came 1month after, and it tallies with yours. That actually feels awesome, soo much along my lines, im one of those who walked by your shop to look around, till i began coming back, and now i cant do without sharing my opinion when i come across your post, this is what youve always wanted, this was your goal, im glad to see it coming to be. Im glad im one of yours

Practice what you preach and remain consistent ;)

Not everyone here is random nor full of it. Although some of my actions and behaviours will adjust over time, I am pretty consistent in my views about what it will take here. When I have said I have put work in for this so far, I don't embellish it and I have done my best to create a place where people such as yourself can come in and usually find something interesting and compelling enough that you might come in next day or next week again.

I don't have a massive amount of SP to throw and I do what I can but, I do have lots of ideas (good and flawed) and with those, I can be generous and in general, when flaws are found, people are charitable. This is community.

I saw when your upvote was 0.04 haha, humble beginnings. I think i might have just found a role model. I can through you and your works see the power of consistency. I appreciate all your generous support from day one. Thank you for your definition of what steemit as a community should be, and thanks for practicing what you preach

I agree and disagree. The unavoidable flaw in this view is the premine and unholy early distribution to early adopters that generated a "top 1%" class of individuals who had the ability to dictate the future of Steemit without consulting the masses. Much like the uneven distribution of wealth in the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, this group was the one who created the first bidbots, and thus, the first spambots arrived. The spambots were dealt with in force for a time by the community, until they became too many.

There are too many places to point the blame to count, but the early distribution of considerable wealth and the failure of that group to ensure the community adhered to the original whitepaper is a good place to start...

The spambots were here before the bidbots. They have been here at least as long as I have. The bidots started in July-ish last year And yes, they are often run or delegated to by those early adopters who once upon a time thought distribution was important.

That's fair. They were here when I arrived as well. They were just much less prevalent in that they had insignificant "power" before the bidbots arrived. Once the bidbots arrived, the spambots started using the bidbots to quickly gain higher reputation and to enrich their coffers.. and it seemed like they spread like wildfire through the community from that point.

I used to think that we are the platform until things fell apart. And later, things went on worse to a point that the community was seeming totally helpless with an undeniable level of corruption and oppression from some "wolves" who tend to tear down the community.
However, I'm not eluded of the fact that we are the platform, we still make up the community and it belongs to us. We've been given powers to grow it or let it die, though these powers are limited.

I do really admire your introductory description of steemit in this post. Indeed, it is really what it is.....

"I can't speak for others but, in my view Steemit is being the government that we might actually kind of want. One that builds the infrastructure we require but, who don't interfere too heavily in how we use it. They build the streets and the utilities, we build the buildings, the schools, the businesses, the hospitals, the community."

well done for this amazing piece @tarazkp

However, I'm not eluded of the fact that we are the platform, we still make up the community and it belongs to us. We've been given powers to grow it or let it die, though these powers are limited.

Let's see what the future holds.

We have a very big city that has several suburbs. Some are richer than others and some are really struggling, but every new citizen begins to leave in the slums, unless they participate with investments. All this does not seem fair to many, as they are located in a slum regardless of their current talents or what they have to offer and soon want to leave. They want to rebel, but culture has them restricted.
Many resort to crime. Many entered as criminals (This is of course analogous as well). But, in his view, much of the city is dominated by crime and extends to all suburbs, regardless of average income levels. At the bottom end are petty thefts, but at the top end, white-collar crimes. Much of it imitates the other except in scale. However, because the infrastructure allows it, it is not criminal at all and in many cases is encouraged.

I think I would read this publication over and over again, it's a very, very similar comparative description of what we have in real life, it doesn't give all the fish more precise information about the objective, although as you said at the beginning we end up looking for the government we don't want, I think we have a lot to learn and do, starting by eliminating old habits that take us to the same level as in our city.

Hello @tarazkp interesting analogy, looking in this great city, I found this street where you walk I found you, I managed to understand a little more about this great city.
I believe that the casulidad does not exist, but the causality and for something I found this writing, the day of my birth here on this platform.

I can add to your analogy, that every citizen who wants to be part of this city must do things as well as possible and that is where the values of each citizen come into play.

Can you make a difference? I think that if, each of us, we can make a big difference.

Each citizen needs to return to positive values, by creating, proposing ideas, writing, photographing, thinking, and everything that requires innovation. Based on respect for the rights of all.

I really liked reading you.

I leave you a pleasant greeting
Blessings and I hope to continue reading you a little more.

Your post is great. I am glad the platform leaves it to us to manage. I have been hacked and lost money. At that time I wanted protection and wanted someone to step in. Thankfully that could not happen. I learned a lesson and it was a good lesson to learn. I am responsible and I am rewarded. It is all in my hands where it should be.

thanks you for a great post.

"The Tragedy of the Commons".... I think this is what is happening in steemit. The tragedy of commons in steemit. As people try to maximize their personal gain from the open shared resources without considering the consequences of those actions, these resulted to a conflicting interest. Independent people acting in their own self-motivated interest , selfishness, etc. behaving in contrary to the common good and such actions resulted to the depletion and spoilage of the said resources.

Just like the tragedy of the commons. People are spoiling the shared resources of steemit for personal interest that is contrary to the common good of all users. To avoid this tragedy, rules and regulations, and control mechanisms are imposed by the government for the welfare of the common people.

Maybe I should write an article about this. What say you?

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