My fears for future Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago


I am relatively new to Steemit. There are many things I like here and it seems that most people are actively trying to put their best foot forward. It is refreshing to get such a mix of personalities and ideas flowing and I have noticed that many are welcoming and supportive of new members. Many engage in a wide range of areas including those outside of their comfort zones and most do this with a certain amount of civility. There seems to be a positive amount of support as well as a balance of criticism with even this side generally getting delivered with a level of respect and understanding. It can also be that I have managed to avoid much of the flaming and trolling in my Steemit travels. When I have come across it, it generally seems among the established members who are likely be more heavily invested in the development of the platform. Overall though, all is well.

Now, my fears.

When I say fear, I don't mean I lay in bed at night worrying about the future of Steemit although I do hope that the platform expands. What I worry about is how it will expand. Like many, I have several social platform accounts. I don't really think they are very social but, that is the naming convention so I better stick to it. My fears for Steemit in this regard is related to how these other platforms have developed.

Twitter has become a political war zone of 140 characters or less poison. There is so little of value there and the search to find it through a constant stream of stupidity by those that claim to know best, is near impossible.

Facebook has grown from sharing what someone had for dinner and baby pics (stuff for friends) to spreading paid advertisements, sensationalised news, nonsense quotes, videos of scripted events claiming to be candid and lists of 10 things to do before you blah, blah, blah... Oh, and any evidence that supports one's current position, no matter how flaky the source.

Linked In may be the worst at the moment for me. A place where I used to connect with and be found by clients, it has developed into a 'share anything for a like' forum. "Did you know, 98% of people answer this simple maths question incorrectly?" 5400 replies? Please. Most of the posts are marketers advertising how to market your business on social media foolishness. I assume they are from people with no real talent but had heard of how big this social media thing was getting and figured it was perfect for them.

Instagram has developed into a marketing machine for people who think pretty people are valuable because they are pretty. Feeds are filled with 3000 selfies at slightly different angles with 19 year olds giving advice on how to live a quality life and 'photographers' with 'all photos taken on an Iphone 6' in their info lines. Admittedly, there are some quality people there in some of my interest areas and probably other areas too.

I tried Medium also. What could be a decent forum has been crowded out by famous people and their morally self-important, often questionable messages and people telling others about how awesome they think themselves to be.

There are a few others but you get the idea. Of course, I am being a little harsh as each platform does have some sides to it that may offer value and I know, I sound quite a lot like a grumpy old man that just 'doesn't get it'. And this is somewhat true, I mean, Snapchat? WHY?

I digress, back to my fears. Steemit is monetized already and the users decide who gets paid. I like this idea a lot but wonder what happens next. What happens when there are millions of users. What happens when Kim Kardashian joins? She has 30 million facebook fans, 50 million twitter followers and close to 100 million on Instagram. Where do the votes go? When the masses are acting like masses, is there hope that they will say 'I'm sick of Kim Kardashian'.

When there are that many people using Steemit does anyone care anymore about remuneration for comments or whether or not they are going to drop 100% on this story or that? When publicists, paid speech writers and dedicated marketers are posting for the stars and politicians, who is going to listen to what some nobody who likes to think a lot and write occasionally has to say? Are we all going to get crowded out, or at least most of us. Does Steemit follow the pathways of the other platforms and traverse the roads already heavily travelled?

Does it splinter into factions that do not interact, building walls out of filters so each group can remain isolated, insulated and safe inside their own echo chamber? Does the introduction of advertisements start to skew stories and payouts? Do companies start promoting the stories that are friendly to their cause and flagging those that may bring harm? What kinds of bots will there be? Do contributors become slave to popularity and create clickbait?

Does Steemit become a success story to the detriment of the user?

There are many questions I have around this and very few answers but I hope that those involved with the development of Steemit are thinking carefully about how and where it will go. Personally for me, I will take a more stoic view and do my best but prepare for the worst. Regardless of the future, I will continue to do what I do. Mostly for myself, but if others benefit, that is good too. I guess, time will tell.


[a Steemit original]


You bring up some real and valid concerns.

I am also relatively new to Steemit (Feb 2nd), and whereas I really like the platform, I have my reservations... many of them based on about 20 years of putting content on "user generated content sites with rewards," almost every single one of which has failed. Of the two that didn't fail, one simply changed format and only takes "professional" content now; the other limps along in it's 11th year.

It's easy to argue that "Steemit is different" because it is blockchain based and it's decentralized... but HUMAN NATURE doesn't care about such innovations... it simply unfolds in whatever way it chooses. Hereunder expressions of greed and petty squabbles that end up as an annoyance to everyone.

I have been less concerned with celebrities than with "clicking for cash" locusts, to be honest. There's a destructive swarm of people out there who will bring their collective fanaticism to bear at the slightest mention of "make money online." They tend to come in by the thousands (or hundreds of thousands) to milk a venue of every available penny by ANY means (honest or crooked) they can think of... they have one solitary mission... "game the system for personal reward in the short term." They don't care about "community," or quality content, or the longevity of the site...

In some sense, they are close cousins to the "celebrity followers" you are describing, except they dominate the landscape by sheer numbers, their posts outnumbering legitimate content by a factor of 100-to-1.

So that leaves us with the important decision of how to "brand" Steemit, before taking it to too much of a broader public. And I lean towards emphasizing this as a quality information center for "alternative thinkers," be it lifestyle, artists, writers, survivalists, activists and so on. Meaning that to a Kim Kardashian or Kanye West, this looks like a niche of "fringe dwelling weirdos" they would not find so attractive... while someone like Marilyn Manson or a crowdfunded band like Ra might.

It also means having the patience to grow the site organically, rather than through some mass-marketing effort or an ill conceived referral program. It isn't that a Lady Gaga account here wouldn't be attractive... but let's not entertain that thought UNTIL there is already an established userbase of 100,000+ ACTIVE contributors here, and the "support apps" (music, photos, crowdfunding, alt. marketplace) have been developed and integrated.

Nice to hear another fresh voice here!

Truth in disclosure: I type with two fingers, never learned... at 92wpm, last time I was timed. You can do that, too!

I always imagine these types to hear 'kaching' as their eyes roll dollar signs. It isn't just the make money side either, the bandwagoners will gather also. Many will never become active contributors of content but will add their voting opinion liberally and make some content providers seem attractive through social validation. It is a weird world in which we live.

And between your 2 finger typing and @dwinblood 's self-made system I get the impression I am either not putting enough effort in or I am little dim-witted :)

You're an intelligent person. The speed with typing will grow. I am also a programmer. Often I'm holding this really complex algorithm or idea in my mind. I am trying to bring it to life before I lose grasp of the immense web of crap that makes SENSE to me at that moment. So this means by necessity I get faster and faster. I believe this is why I type fast. It simply has conveniently carried over to my typing of other things.

I started with two fingers.

On my left hand I mostly type with 2 fingers, sometimes three, but as I am observing myself I am making notes as I type this. Either thumb can end up pressing the space bar, but it is primarily my right hand thumb that hits space. On my right hand I mostly type with one finger and my thumb, and my pinky on my right hand will blast out to hit the shift key. However, I primarily am using one finger on that hand.

Another thing that may have contributed. I played guitar (all forms) for many years. I was constantly pushing myself on that so I can play some pretty fast stuff with scales and fingers flying around. I never hit the speed of the greats, but I am/was faster than most mainstream music usually is. This may have contributed to my typing as well.

I've barely touched my guitars in more than a year and one of my daughters and my wife are trying to convince me to start playing again. My daughter wants me to give her step son, thus one of my my grand kids guitar lessons. I am pretty sure I'll end up doing that. I just need to decide on a day. :)

So, when you say speed typing it is more in the vein of speed metal :)

I think guitar/piano would have quite an impact on finger speed overall. One of my friends from highschool (a brilliant guitarist) also spent time learning card tricks to help with flexibility and mobility. He got very good.

I played a lot of speed metal, so yeah it likely had some impact on my typing. :)

EDIT: and Classical scales, and such.

OMG 2 fingers at 92 wpm must be a blur!!!!

A really interesting article that deserves to think about the future of Steemit but + 60% of views and .65 $ compared to the xth latte coffee at 35. $

I'll have to make my own coffee :)

I don't think you are being harsh at all - all those sites are every bit as appalling as you say - your photos are awesome - following you now from Wellington New Zealand.

Thanks for the follow. One of these days I will make it to north island too. It has been 20 years since I was in NZ. It is a beautiful country.

I agree with your points about the other sites. Basically I am a few days old user here, and really like it and hope it succeeds. I would say the closest competitor to Steemit is Niume. You didn't name it so I wondered if you tried it yet? They pay for blogs, but only $1 per 1000 views. However, they pay the new person a dollar and the person that referred them a dollar once they write their first post. The nice thing is that is in USD. The number one problem I face when trying to get people to come over here is the converting Steem to USDs. Following you now :)
In full disclosure I failed typing in high school. Only class I ever did poorly in lol. Now I wish I had tried harder lol.

I haven't used Niume before. I think to attract and engage users from now in it is going to take a little more than a thumbs up, star or heart button. I am hoping that quality will prevail in the end rather than selfies and cleavage. I am not against cleavage per se, but dare I say that there may be a limit.

As said, I didn't take typing but I would have been very happy if that is the only class I did poorly in. The list is quite long for me. I wish I had spent more time with maths, taken physics, listened in chemistry etc.

That's exactly what I tell my son about school!!! LOL
Niume is nice. I like the referral program. They pay a dollar to each person, the referrer and the referee. Minimum payout to Paypal is $10. They pay $1 per 1000 views. Check it some time.

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A very interesting post and discussion. I share some of the concerns you brought up, but I see things a little differently.

I joined Steemit in September and back then it had about 100,000 members and the value of steem was about $0.5 . Since then the value of Steem has quite constantly went down to the current ~$0.1 , but much more revealing, is that, based on SteemWhales the number of users went down to around 62,000.

Now, since @dan and @ned are running a business here, I am pretty sure that this is not how they want things to continue. Also remember that this is still a beta phase. So what I am courios and concerned about, is what are they going to do, because it is really up to them if Kim Cardeshian will join or not. Although I have some ideas about how to make Steemit better, I think the main issue here is were do the founders want to take this.

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