Learning from others: a few little tricks to improve your experience

in #steemit7 years ago

As you all realise, the Steemit interface is 'bare bones' and there are no algorithms (somewhat thankfully) or decent search functions for discovery. This makes finding content and decent people to follow quite difficult when you are new. But, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to easily get a jump on decent content.


Step one is to find one person who produces decent content. Done? Good.

Step two is to understand quickly how the address bar works at Steemit as it is a very handy tool in many ways. Let me demonstrate using mine and @galenkp's (my bro, check him out) details.



This is my blog:

This is my feed:

This is my comments:


This is his blog:

This is his feed:

This is his comments:

Now, potentially the most important one for you out of this list to find some decent follower is the FEED section as you are able to see what I or he sees. Not just who we follow, but a real time scroll of our active follows. All you need to do is go to the feed section and replace your name with whoever you want to see. It works for everyone.

A warning for those that may look at mine though. I don't only fill my feed with what I like, I have people in there that remind me of the scammers, abusers and vampires who live, breath and too often succeed at this platform. I don't silo myself or place myself into echochambers willingly and go out of my way to introduce noise, even it is painful to the ears and eyes.

So, this is an easy way to find people to follow as generally, those who create decent content, follow a lot of decent content too.

The next one tip to find followers requires more work but is somewhat similar as one can see what someone else sees. The tip is, READ THE COMMENTS SECTION of the people you follow and look for those who comment well. Generally these days, they are pretty easy to spot among the trash.

This has two massive benefits. Firstly, it acts as a very good filter for discovery of interesting people and people engaging in the community which makes them easy follows. Secondly, it gives you a chance to be a part of the conversation with engaged people.

I write a lot and find it hard to get to all the comments but, people looking to build their account must be engaging with the community for the long-term. the community, not just the authors themselves. The discussions can be brilliantly involved and complex and they require no input from the poster themselves. I don't want my comment sections hijacked by spam, but hijacked by good community discussions? F#ck yeah! <<< I actually don't mind swearing ;)

So many people forget here that follower numbers do not matter very much other than to stroke the ego, QUALITY of follower is very, very important though. Now, everyone wants the big players to follow them but, are you producing content that is worthy, are you yourself a quality follower or, are you just doing it for the gains?

My limited advice for new people is always about engaging and being a part of the community and there are many ways to do this but, none of it is automated on site. What you will find however is that the more you read, engage and interact with a diverse set of users, the more you will learn. If you think that the trending section is the way to your success, you are already lost. Dig deeper.

[ a Steemit original ]


Good post. I tend to go through my feed to ensure those I follow are still posting something valid or interesting. I actually get disappointed when they stop posting for a while sometimes. I learned the trick you mention in your post of using the address bar to quickly get to their feed and blog. Made it so much easier.

I’ve also received a few recommendations to follow a particular person here and there which has been good too.

My problem is that I struggle to find time in my day to thoroughly scope things out and read the content. Work gets in the way and then time difference between here and Europe/North America comes into play as well.

@tarazkp, what a coincidence that you post about this. You taught me this trick just last night. 😜

And I can confirm that it works! I've already found a few new people to follow. So, thanks! 😀

It definitely is a good tip I think that many don't realise. Also, it is pretty cool how simple all the addresses work here too :)

thanks for sharing @tarazkp, the first week i got into steemit, it was so difficult for me to know what to right on. then i have to settle than and know my best interest what i could do best.
Do what you know how to do best.

If you think that the trending section is the way to your success, you are already lost. Dig deeper.

Hahahaha, when I got into steemit newly, I was always going to the trending section but few months down now and I know better ...lolzz

Thanks for the tips on how to find those to follow, never really knew I could spy on people feeds until today. I know how to get to their comment section and all but feed? Naaaa...so thanks for that.

So many people forget here that follower numbers do not matter very much other than to stroke the ego, QUALITY of follower is very, very important though.

As a newbie I also fell in this category. I always followed every tom, dick and Harry, but now I am a bit selective, not because I have achieved anything on steemit or because I have made it in life(lolz) naaaaa, but I just hate the fact that I open my feed and just see junks. It's good to follow engaging people and peiple who makes you stay in steemit worthwhile, peolle you look up to and people you love to read from their posts.

but I just hate the fact that I open my feed and just see junks.

The feed should only have the junk you put there. This is the great thing about Steemit over Facebook.

Yea sure...

I strongly agree with your tips, Some of them i follow but some of them is still i do not know so after reading your post i will do because these are great tips
I agree with you that followers does not mateers and in real words you say golden words because many of users have alot of followers but can not get any comment on his post because there is a reason and is that they have not good contents and followers can show any attentions
as i am new on this and still in conditions of following people only those which i see that they have a great blog and have a good content for community
I also say that some of new user force people by droping a comment that I follow you please follow me And you said in your tips that number offollowers does not matter Quality of followers matter and i strongly agree with this also
You thoughts for sharing this for new user is good because new user get a lot of lesson from this post because any one can not find these tips on internet
Thanks God bless you

A very nice post and can be helpful for many Steemians mostly the new ones. As you said, all are waiting to get the attention of the big players, but not doing enough work for that.

It is true, you learn something new everyday. I didn't realize you could look at others feed, very useful thank-you. Having just made my first blog post yesterday (a nerve racking event for me!) I am beginning to feel more settled in, and I am trying to learn as much as possible. Onwards and upwards!

welcome in, read/engage, produce decent content and in time, you will do fine.

yes, I have no problem with the reading and engaging, it is the decent content that I will find the hardest, but then, everyone has that same problem don't they?

I understand that feeling when one has a bunch of followers who fill the comment section with spam messages, it can be frustrating. And now I feel we who have been nagged by these scammers have a chance to change the way we approach steemit; Following decent followers and seeing what they see and reading of the comment section of the decent content creators we follow as well as looking for those who comment well will make our time spent on steemit quality and worth it.. This is not facebook where one does small talk with people they follow. Steemit is for quality conversations. Let's learn this and we shall make steemit a better place for ourselves and everyone else.

Good advice. Many of the good content creators I have found here are from comments or the feed of other people I follow. The search function sucks balls.

The search function sucks balls.

Without the pleasurable bits.

Completely true. Interaction can never be overemphasized. I do not comments on other people's comments on blogs I follow though. I think I need to start paying more attention. That's a great tip there.

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