If I won the lottery and powered up?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Tonight, I entered the lottery. I haven't done this for a very long time but it was symbolic.

The prize is 29M Euro which is $36M in oil money. What would I do with 29 million Euros?? I am a simple man with relatively basic needs and even though I would likely buy a decent electric car, house and travel a bit, 29 million??

I have talked about if I was a billionaire before that I would be funding all kinds of crazy and interesting projects. I would predict that my workload would go up even a little more than now but, I would be working on much more fun stuff. But with 29 million euros, that is not enough to be Tony Stark but, I don't need it all and I can still do some good and have some fun.

I wonder, how much STEEM does 15 million Euros get me?

10,508,474 Steem

What would I be able to do with 10 million Steem I wonder... that is 40% larger than Freedom.

Freedom. We love to talk about that here don't we? Do what you want with your stake, the system allows it etc... flag if you wish? I have always asked what happens if a mega whale buys in and with 14 million more euros and simple tastes, it is not like I need the curation returns.

That is ~21 million vests. With that I would be able to send witness #21 into #1 position. I wonder what witnesses would be doing to try and get that kind of vote behind them? I have 30 such votes. What would they be willing to change on the platform?

Quite interesting to think isn't it? Some random dude who wins the lottery can have such an effect on the platform that they can almost choose the top 20 witnesses. What happens if that is a corporation?

What about on platform? I wonder what fun could be had with 21 million vests considering the trouble that 1 TA and a fat whale with 2 million vests has caused? Yeah, that arrangement would come to an end very fast. What could I do with the bidbot situation I wonder...

Trim back rewards of those that use it? Hmmm, no, that might hurt some innocents who haven't done the math. What if I started my own bidbot and employed some manual curators to check content to see if it is worth a vote?

Start a bidbot?? I thought I was against bidbots...

This one would be different as it would be a Not For Profit Bidbot but not only that, it would undercut every other bidbot yet, always guarantee a positive return if the content passes the manual curator muster. Guaranteed profit for quality content. Perhaps I will send the curators a little further afield than just what gets ordered from my bot too... Oooh and every SBD above the decent pay of the curators sent to it would be burned. Gotta protect my Steem investment after all, can't have all that overpriced SBD on the market.

But, that is not really enough is it? Steemit is all about community building. Perhaps I would also run the node building exercise. Contracts with community builders who will get benefits to grow and support the community until a certain point at which, they would have their own support reduced and pass it onto another. Perhaps I would power up another million or two Steem and delegate out to some of them also.

Oh, with 10.5 million Steem, the 100% upvote would be $1318 at current prices. That is 13,000 a day. Perhaps I will just choose 10 community builders per month and upvote them once per day to get them to the ~40K mark in a month and the next month another 10. Within a year there would be at least 120 new mid-range dolphins to support their various communities. Of course, I would be earning a bit of curation on that too. That could go to pay some more manual curators.

There are just so many things possible with that amount isn't there?

I could apply a tax to trending and those who appeared more than once or twice in the week would get bumped down somewhat and have some of their earnings returned to the pool. Or perhaps, I would send my manual curators through there as well to evaluate and report back their findings...

With 14 million on the outside... Perhaps I could hire some data experts to run through and discover all the little bits of nonsense going on and perhaps apply some more taxes on some people who I have decided aren't in the best interest of the platform. People might argue of course that quality is subjective as are good or bad behaviors but, the rule still stands doesn't it? Do as you please with your stake.

I wonder how many other whale's, orcas, dolphins and minnows would actually support me and my 21 million vests? Some might support in hope of favor or out of fear but, perhaps some would support in a clean up process of the platform in the hope it could actually become what it was planned to be or, decide that my vision for the platform is better than the current pathway. Everyone loves vigilante justice right?

I wonder how fast witnesses would find consensus to stop me or would they stick to their guns and say 'the system allows it' so we have to live with it or deal with it as a community.

Of course, I am just playing around here and this is just for a little bit of fun but I do have questions as to what happens if someone does decide to enact their own brand of personalized justice like a 1980's Charles Bronson movie. How do the big fish react when a bigger fish threatens their positions?

Anyway... next week if you see a big spike in the price of Steem... I won ;)

[ a Steemit original ]


I think a lot of us have had that dream! .. lol..
From what I heard there is not that much available to be bought like that..and trying to buy that much would moon the price real fast...you may get the first order of steem at $2 but not for long..
I agree that there are some major problems that need to be addressed.
If Greed is Good for the platform the platform is doomed...imho
good luck and Namaste

With $29m I’d give each of my siblings $1.5m (four of them) and each of my nieces/nephews $500,000 to start them off in life and then travel. I would also find and support a few innovative non-tech-oriented ideas that promoted a back to basics lifestyle and ethos. I don’t enter the lottery though so I’ll have to make it the old fashioned way...Rob a bank...I mean, work for it. :)

29 million is a crazy amount really

More than I’ll ever see.

You briefly mentioned the version of this that I actually fear. That a corporation might take notice of the platform and decide to buy in at levels that transform the platform experience in ways that favor it.

How would you feel if Halliburton took an interest in Steemit's content and direction? How about Facebook? JP Morgan Chase? I can actually come up with quite a lengthy list of corporate menaces to the ideals this platform purportedly stands for.

This is why when I saw a post a week or so back where some dude was talking about this new platform he's building to attract corporate interest and make it easy for them to dominate the Trending tab instead of the "low quality content creators" he sees now dominating it (as if corporate content is de facto "quality" content), I was dismayed. And I saw a lot of witnesses resteeming and upvote that pile of *#(&!

I hope they read this post and replace you with "the worst corporation you can imagine" in every sentence. Then give some thought to what attention we really want to be attracting to the platform and making it easier for them to dominate anything on it.

You'll have an interesting time trying to move that amount of fiat into crypto, but obviously with that amount of money you just hire the best accountants and money men.

This one would be different as it would be a Not For Profit Bidbot but not only that, it would undercut every other bidbot yet, always guarantee a positive return if the content passes the manual curator muster.

I was the initial code writer for the @treeplanter pay4vote bot (not quite bid bot, unless they've changed it). I did it as a gesture of charity, completely pro bono, but I reached the conclusion that even doing the so called ethical version of the thing you're against is a delusion. So no, this doesn't sound like the way to go.

And this, I'm stunned:

I could apply a tax to trending [...] Perhaps I could hire some data experts to run through and discover all the little bits of nonsense going on and perhaps apply some more taxes on some people who I have decided aren't in the best interest of the platform.

Tell me you're joking.

In any case, while you might like to conceptualize something like that as a "tax" it's not. It's you using your stake to vote against them. Sounds obvious but sorry to say that not you or anyone else as the ability to impose taxes, not short of what I can only imagine would be a very unpopular hardfork.

But I take it you're baiting for such an answer 😛

Be careful what you wish for. Do you know what the best way to make a small fortune is? Start off with a large one.

Just through coinbase and bittrex ;)

So no, this doesn't sound like the way to go.

Not going to work but it would likely force various adjustments from the other operators which would be the point. They are all a scourge tbh.

Tell me you're joking.

Yep, it would just be flagging for fun not a tax (it should have been in italics).

Yeah, the point is to step on some toes and see what feet get lifted. See how fast a 'community' can act when the largest suffer similarly to the smallest. There is always a bigger fish.

MY hope is that nothing like this ever happens but at some point, it will. What happens when the bidbots are upvoting political party campaign propaganda to Trending? We could be the platform for the Democratic Party's next campaign perhaps. They have the capital and all investors are welcome. Maybe we could also be the SJW platform also...

Regardless of the struggle, life for me has very little to do with amassing a fortune. Money is a tool to get things done and at whatever level, I would do my best to use it to improve rather than oppress. What harm that causes would yet to be seen.. after I win the lottery ;)

Would be nice to just have a chance at building something better before greed destroys it...

I'd be interested to see that mind experiment played out as fiction maybe, you can have that idea for free, no tax 😉

I was thinking about writing it the other day. I should probably get 'back' to writing some more fiction and live in fantasy and illusion instead as this stuff is starting to piss me off a little.

Food for thought. Well, I hope you win @tarazkp :) I'll be your # 1 friend. LOL

what happens if someone does decide to enact their own brand of personalized justice like a 1980's Charles Bronson movie.

Ah! you are onto something BIG here this time my friend. Great opportunity to tell you that this guy like one of my predilect vigilantes & favorite actors... As The Mechanic Arthur Bishop would say: "Every Person Has A Weakness and that once this weakness is found, the target is easy to kill." }:)

¡Resteemed! to sprinkle more crystal clear awareness out there in the wild. :o)

"Every Person Has A Weakness and that once this weakness is found, the target is easy to kill."

There seems to be too many weaknesses to get a clear target ;)

Well, in that case, we'll have to kill em all one by one. Each one after the other. In that way, there will be many less to define as a target. ;)

I actually read this last night but I was too sleepy to type anything meaningful. Yea, I really wants you to win that lottery but maybe for a selfish reason - the spikes in Steem price would be quite beautiful.

Now let's get a little serious. You have touched on a great number of issues and none of them is new to me on your blog. We have talked about a few of them several times on different post but now, it only remind me of the conversation I had with a friend a few weeks back.

I asked him exactly this same question, what would he do if he had more Steempower than anyone else on this platform. He told me all the good deeds he would do but I just remind him of the only thing I can still remember from my government class in high school;

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I know you have all these dreams and plans for the system but the question is, how much of this would you stick to if you get your wish granted? Would you still hold on to this fantasy world or would you take on the fangs and become a wolf yourself? We can never tell, for we can only know the true character of a person if we give him enough power and money.

These questions are not just for you. I once read a novel called Animal Farm by George Orwell and it makes me asks myself this questions when I am alone and in deep thoughts.

Very little of this tbh, it was for a little bit of fun. I would however use some of it to try to improve the platform. I would also build my own team of professional app developers to create the interfaces and apps that I envisage would help.

Oh this is fun! I love your ideas and the fact that you would be 10x bigger then the TA scammer and his autovote to correct that issue along with so many others.

There is no question that with the way SBD is rewarded without you loosing your investment you could do a lot of good around the world. I mean I've seen the excitement some 3rd world people give over cashing out 5 SBD and how it helped them clear debts. Can you imagine the benefits that could be given to honest charities if they moved their fundraising efforts to steemit and someone had the vests to make a massive upvote each week.

Anyways you have multiple ideas that would be great, but the best is you could easily make a massive impact on the witness list. This might be the thing that would allow for the biggest changes to the platform of all.

Are you aware of @youarehope ? if not, you may want to check them out.

With 29 million euros, I would finish my steemit venezuela project. I opened several branches that gave full course of what is blockchain and what benefit Steemit brings. I would invest in 8 million Steempower ... to heal all the new members of my community ... I would also do what you think would delegate some steempower to several users working on my healing project.

ill sweeten the pot for you, if you win, I will eat my hat on dtube ... course I will expect you to up vote my post with the full voting power of your newly 15million in SP, but it will be worth it right ?!

enough cream and anything is edible.

true, everything can be a soup .....