Bitcoin through the news media

in #steemit6 years ago

I was handed this video today in a chat which shows the journey of Bitcoin through the voice of the news. Ah, the news, gotta love it. You can have a watch but here are a few quotes taken from the presenters.

"We are asking if this currency has any longevity, let alone, legitimacy"
"This is a commodity and it is no different to the tulip mania if the 1600s"
"If you didn't bite at the Bitcoin craze you may have saved yourself some money"
"I think Bitcoin has turned into a massive online game where speculators are trying to out-speculate each other."

Here have a watch and keep an eye on the change of feel throughout and pay attention to the last three quotes. I have written them below to make some points on this later.

Here is the chart from the day that was uploaded:


And, this is where we are now:


Yes, that video was uploaded on November 23rd 2013. The current price is almost exactly 10 times what it was on that day. No, I am not shilling Bitcoin, I don't even really own any and I am not overly optimistic of its long-term future but, here we are five years later, what has changed in the news?

The same reporters of the mainstream then are still repeating the same words now, they are still largely unaware of the cryptospace, all of the coins and projects and are still taking glee every time there is a correction, still spreading their FUD, still ignoring the strengths, still pushing the average users away, still ignorant. Or are they?

I do not believe they can be so poorly informed, even with my view of their skills. To me, this is all part of the manipulation. How long until something is legitimate anyway? Well, perhaps that depends on which definition you use.


  • 1: conforming to the law or to rules.
  • 2: able to be defended with logic or justification; valid.

Which are the news readers being told to present? Are they using logic and justification to recognize the validity of cryptocurrencies or, slowing us down until we are forced to conform to an authority's rules?

The last three quotes are the ones I actually want to talk about a little with this post.

"People have 100% complete control over their own money and it is the first time in the entire history the world that something like that has existed."

Think about this for just a minute, the first time in history that people have money they control. It is this simple concept that threatens to tear the current systems apart if it survives. This very small seed can grow into a way for all people to cut the control the governments and institutions have through their tight-fisted hands over all manner of action. People talk about separating church from state, what happens when we separate money from state? Do they then act in service to us?

"Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is the first example and I believe they are going to change the world but, probably not in the way we expect." -Richard G Brown

How exactly will it change the world unexpectedly? Here we are already, 5 years after that video earning on a social media platform without the limitations imposed by lawyers and unions, government regulations and banking conglomerates manipulating us. It is far from perfect but, it is developing and, many, many more platforms and avenues will emerge along the way. So many are looking at all of this as a way to profit quickly and buy back in to fiat, to further entrench themselves into the system they have been conditioned to desire. There is much more at stake than that.

"This is the time where people should be trying really big, crazy things."- Chamath Palihapitiya

And this quote, the final from the video. This is the time isn't it? This is our chance as a generation to fundamentally shift the systems that have been in place for millennia, the systems of a few elite to control the rest of the world. A system that oppresses and runs debt cycles, forces labor and dictates terms day after day after day. And because we are conditioned to take it, we do. Like Pavlov's dog, we salivate when they ring their bells.

What are we doing with our chance? How are we acting? What are we willing to do to break the chains of oppression and become the self-governing community so many have wanted? Is that what we are doing here?

There is so much potential and so much value that could come and here we are bickering, squabbling and spreading FUD just like those reporters. Here we are being exactly what the authorities have trained us to be, governed. We are not independent if we act like them, we are them and we have been slowly sectioned away from each other to try and stop us from ever being able to organise a community that is large and strong enough to actually threaten their power.

Now, we have an opportunity.

This is a discussion piece and I was glad to see the last quote arrive from who delivered it. Here is Chamath Palihapitiya in the last time I wrote about a video handed to me. I suggest watching the video from that post too.

There is so much uncertainty in the air, so much opportunity and the funny thing is, they seem to know it but, we don't. They are scrambling to catch up while we can't even sort out the simplest of challenges. Will we miss our chance?

[ a Steemit original ]


Every time there is something new that revolutionizes the way people see the world, there is going to be some backlash. I don't remember what the name of the person was, but there's a story that the person who created the device that allows people to communicate over radio frequencies was told to go to a mental asylum by his friends because they didn't believe it was possible. There will alwyas be backlash until the revolution is seen as "normal" and accepted by others. Crypto won't really be accepted as "normal", in my opinion, until big corporations and companies accept it. But then again, crypto is disrupting their playing field. So it may be difficult for that to happen since they have so much power.

The doctor who first described germs and told peers to wash their hands was ridicuked and no longer able to practice.

Exactly. Crypto is going to be the same

There is not going to be a revolution . The big companies are not going to fight back . There will be a meeting behind closed doors in the dark and you'll never know it . The only sign will be the regulations . There's too much money involved And when it comes we will realise that we are small fish swimming in a small pond surrounded by an ocean

This is most likely but, it doesn't inspire me to push nor does it give me a lot of hope for the life my daughter might have. The revolution will likely be less so but, maybe a chipping away at the marble until the art is found is possible.

That is my hope. without hope all is lost . We all just need to do a little bit . That's it just a little if we all chip in .

One of the most interesting things about crypto has been watching the media's opportunistic and sensationalist attacks on it.

One of the best examples I came accross recently was this article (notice the date it was written):

R.I.P., Bitcoin. It’s time to move on.

If you don't notice the date you'd be forgiven for thinking the article was written more recently, because they're still sprouting the same shit.

All of the articles should be collated, the experts gathered, their views tested over time and the results blockchained for eternity. The problem in all of the financial forecasting is there is no cost to being wrong to the forecaster.

Hi Taraz. I am new in the crypto world but have studied and taught myself over the last 6 months what to look for etc.
The ones that want control are scared that if this becomes reality then they would have lost control.
I had all my coins stolen last week from a hacker. Yes it was bad but I have upped my security and still sorting it out to the best I can. Tomorrow is a huge announcement regarding Verge. Partnership that will change Crypto as we know it is the words used by the founder of the coin. It has intrigued me enough to put more in via my business partners account. Think there will be more FUD coming as if it is as big as they say they will lose more control. It is with a $100 billion global company so it does limit who it will be but will wait and see.
I have stopped reading these articles on Bitcoin etc as they are ignorant and their knowledge seems limited. They want to keep the prices down because once they start escalating they have lost control.

I had all my coins stolen last week from a hacker.


I have stopped reading these articles on Bitcoin etc as they are ignorant and their knowledge seems limited. They want to keep the prices down because once they start escalating they have lost control.

Yes, I think they are also buying in and taking a hold.

We are watching a revolution. Revolutions are good from time to time. They require individuals to wear blue or gray.

Luckily, I look good in both. However, terrible in red....

well then just paint half your face blue and put on a kilt .
I wanted to use that when the situation called for it just didn't know it would be so soon :)

Think about this for just a minute, the first time in history that people have money they control. It is this simple concept that threatens to tear the current systems apart if it survives. This very small seed can grow into a way for all people to cut the control the governments and institutions have through their tight-fisted hands over all manner of action. People talk about separating church from state, what happens when we separate money from state? Do they then act in service to us?
Will the state ever want the church to have this kind of liberty in their hands?
This is going to rise to be an all out war against the powers that be, what are the stakes. Are the states just folding their arms and looking at power slipping out their arms? Or have they already lost the battle

This is going to rise to be an all out war against the powers that be, what are the stakes

It is definitely shaping up that way and the stakes are very high, as are the likely costs.

I think we are really facing a revolutionary fact, which is like you. he says, dislocating many interests of monopolies that until now dominated the world. They have two ways of dealing with it: or try to disqualify the system by generating distrust in people, or trying to participate as much as they can of this revolution. We'll be alert. Thanks for your valuable guidance.

I remember when the news started talking about Bitcoin. I would've invested but I didn't know how :/

"the powers that be" are already here, they already have a major stake in this space... we can just be along for the ride.
The only thing I think is that they still think they can control it but in the end they will be a lot richer but less in control...

Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us, atleast now we know our stands and the next move to make.

That's right, this is an excellent platform to keep us informed. Thank you!

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