Navigating Teen Friendships:My Teenage Journey Experince

in #steemit2 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone, today I’d like to share my experiences with friendships. Growing up, I faced many challenges in this area. By nature, I’m not someone who easily makes friends, but when I do, I cherish them deeply and strive to be a good friend, even if not perfect. I’ve found myself tempted to cling to a friendship out of fear that I might not find another close friend, even when it becomes unhealthy. This fear often led me to stay in situations that weren’t good for me.

One significant lesson I’ve learned is that introversion can make us feel odd or out of place because we might behave differently from others. When we finally find someone who accepts and loves us, we may resist letting them go, even if it’s necessary. I once had a friend to whom I gave everything, seeing her as a sister. However, she betrayed me by speaking ill of me behind my back, which was especially painful since I had incurred debt to support her. Despite the hurt, I forgave her and moved on.

Later, I grew close to another classmate who supported me during a difficult time. While I appreciated her help, I started to notice troubling patterns. When she outperformed me in exams, I’d congratulate her, but if the roles were reversed, she’d get angry. I overlooked these behaviors because I felt indebted to her. However, she began to project her insecurities onto me, making hurtful comments about my lifestyle and accusing me of being jealous or unintelligent. If I didn’t respond quickly to her texts, she’d accuse me of not caring and imply that her support was out of pity and expected something in return.

Despite my best efforts to be supportive, it was never enough. I realized that we can’t teach others how to love or value us. Eventually, I decided to let go of the friendship. Through these experiences, I’ve learned about self-love, resilience, and patience. I’ve come to understand that friendship is deeply tied to self-love, which involves knowing oneself to better choose who to let into your life. Purpose defines our connections. I’m grateful for these lessons, as they’ve taught me that sometimes we need to experience pain to find the strength to move forward. I’m now in the process of healing

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