Blockchain as door opener

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Today was - a Blockchain Conference in Budapest.
Mogyorósi Attila, CEO of shared a presentation about how #blockchain technology reinvents media and sharing and as it can be seen on the picture, he mentioned #steemit as well.
I shootout to all who are interested about blockchain with various motivation(for profit, trading, technology, social, industrial, health, environmental or simply philosophical - or even political ) - go to a local event, even if you think you know a lot and getting that it's pretty cool and all, but you can understand a lot more in one day by hearing your area's experts.

Who are happened to be kind of same as you, just they started to investigate, study and play around in this new world years ago already and they are there to make you up to speed with all they know, because they need co-creators as everyone is unique and we each all do never know what we can do until we don't start.

They might ask for some money at the entrance, but if you are really interested, it worth the money and look beyond the fear of losing cash and open up to learn embracing and start using new approaches of money.

Don't be intimidated by the presenters apparently impressive title and short resume - we all are pioneers in this and by reading some innovative ICO White Papers one can realize that sometimes a pretty cool idea can come from anyone which can surprisingly happen to push forward the whole system a bit more towards a better world for all.

The best part is to just talk with anyone and hear their story and connect and see where it can lead...As this is a whole new area wherein many believe that it's opportunity for redistribution of wealth and - and while some needs investor, some needs inventor(and after a point all need coder too), it's kind of refreshing to see that many are open to get to know everybody else as within this technological and philosophical leap's genesis state, anybody can truly contribute if they want to.

This openness I experienced within the hippie Rainbow Gatherings before, where being in the main circle(of people, eating, playing music, dancing, sharing, living together), anyone I start talking with is most probably an enjoyable and respectable individual.

Also in the #Desteni community - people who are actively working on their mind, personality, beingness and self-honesty to become more effective, honest and caring person - there is this #equality what resonates trough all as each individual the more learns about their own mind, challenges, insecurities, fears, resistances and they becoming able to overcome those - step by step we not just think and know that there is equality, but through practical understanding and real life relevance we literally can connect and share more directly and effectively as: I have walked this point already, or I am currently facing this problem, etc...
I am sure it's cool to wear an Exploited t-shirt and to meet with someone also wearing it or drive by an exact same car we sit in as a connection point, but when it's about a deeper, more abstract connection, it can be more than just items but who each of us we really are as Life.

I am sure within each community, there is connection, which can be challenging to express within all areas of our lives sometimes, thus humans tend to segregate for the oneness connection experience with the mind consciousness, but it's a thing what can be studied and understood and not to fall into the art of any kind of self-delusion. (Suggesting here to self-educate at
(This does not mean to blatantly and bluntly try to superimpose some silly and unhealthy freelove with any crazy warmonger or insane psychopaths - they should be considered as psychologically severed and thus approached or avoided with extra care. There is the practical common sense which always should be applied for the best for all participants.)

So - see - Equality is a connection point, because within any group there are common denominators - always.

Similarly with - and thus back to Blockchain - everyone understands or wanting to or currently investigating this new way of approaching value taken care in the digital realm and how to connect with it and use as cumulative power together for something greater than separate individuals. Sure, many are in for the profit, golddiggers and speculators, opportunists and even con-men(or women) - but the point is that it's a process and everyone has their own path not to be judged. As the current world's character is about survival of the fittest within a limited system - its understandable of why people can develop greed by unconscious fear. It's again - not to judge but being able to see the code of the system and thus understand and being able to change our creation itself. And this is not too airy-fairy topic actually.

There are lot of investments appearing in the Blockchain realms - Health, Utility, Development, Trading, Film industry, what are actual ground to Earth, physically relatable programs and projects, thus it's not just a bubble and only virtual and digital anymore. The value is that with this tech, we can make something not being able to copied with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V, and thus after the Internet's big leap forward with the digitalization and total access of Information, we are ready with the Value as well.

This is where I see connection with Basic/Living/Granted Income, which becomes more and more mainstream; with Blockchain and right proposals, Smart Contracts - it's possible to create something here with what almost everyone gets well - instead of now only some who literally own everything. It's a whole new topic to an another post!

Many fear about the great Unknown, which is in fact ourselves, aspect of that what we are yet to be known, thus fear should be just acknowledged and enjoy embracing and overcoming. Then share and support others in the same process. Always.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62852.17
ETH 2463.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64