Translation of the Welcome Page - Croatian, Bosnian & Serbian

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

My husband (@jackmiller) asked me to help with this project "Translation of the Welcome Page".

It is a project by his witness friend @guiltyparties.

I promised that I will translate the texts to Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian.

I can do it piece by piece, because I can not promise to get it all done in one day, because I have am alone in Australia with out three children and I volunteer at my childrens primary school where I help with classes almost every day.

I can do it all this week, for all three languages and when I finish each section for each language I will post it here.

I hope this helps my husband @jackmiller and his friend @guiltyparties as witnesses.

Here is my first part finished for the Croatian translation, with the original English text under it.


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I am sorry for the formatting, I have asked my husband to teach me how to format my posts but he is lazy and has not showed me yet!

Only joking, we are both very busy and we are in 8 hour different time zones, so when he can I am asleep and when I can he is asleep.

I will finish this very quickly and hope it makes Steemit better for everyone. I can get more of my friends and family onto Steemit from overseas who do not speak English when this is all finished and put online.

I am very happy that I can help with something this important.

Thank you for the opportunity to help with big projects like this. I am honoured.

Thank you for reading.


This post has received a 100.00 % upvote from @sharkbank thanks to: @jackmiller.

Nice job Sylvia. The more people we can welcome to Steemit of all nationalities the better.


It is good we increase the number of people in Steemit church, to keep the vision of sirknight and his team great

Thank you, this will fit very well with the next phase of the project.

Do you think you could use Google Translate into Croatian on the Welcome Page text and tell me if Google Translate is messing up some portion?

Google Translete can be used, only some sentences and words after the translation don't make sense because it translates them literally. We who speak two languages see the difference but people who speak only one language don't see it.

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