Steemit + Utopia = Steemtopia?

in #steemit8 years ago

I've seen a lot of great discussion on both what Steemit and Utopia means to community members. Utopian goals have tended to include covering basic needs (food, water, home, clothes, computer/internet, etc...), ability to do meaningful/creative work and other people with similar goals allowing the sharing of ideas and helping each-other.

Here is a shoutout to those who have already been a part of the discussions:
@hr1 @void @mor @opheliafu @bleepcoin @dr2073 @quantumanomaly
which can be found at version 1 and version 2

In most, if not all utopia stories/movies,etc, you are dropped in to their society already setup and normalized. While these are great entertainment and food for thought, we rarely see how that society got from here to there. Everybody knows that perfect doesn't exist, but having some ideals in place of where we would like to move towards is important, hence the previous discussions.

I wanted to turn this around a little bit and ask the community, "If/When Steemit scales up, in what ways do you think it can move us closer to a better world?" We are already a part of a sharing, supportive community here, have the ability to tip/compensate for good original content, I've even seen some users selling digital art/music/services for Steem Dollars, as well as some physical goods like necklaces.

Don't sell yourself short. Everyone has something that they bring to the table for their community, even if it currently isn't monetizable or typically compensated for, such as a stay at home mom or dad. Personally I see the expansion of being able to buy/sell/trade through Steemit allows members to get some compensation for what they do, which is a start towards discussed ideals (which I also see as an important goal of the Steemit white paper.)

Mixing these opportunities with a community that is incentive to be supportive and synergistic with the ability to freely exchange unique thoughts, goods and services is intriguing and hopeful. Let's try and fill in this gap of where we are now and what we would like it to be. After all, we all have a hand in this.

What ideas do you, the community, have about how Steemit is already or can help move us towards a better place for everybody?


Great post, and comments.
My initial thoughts are to do with networking- maybe temporary collaboration groups that you can sign up to for 72 hours, work together and then reform if needs be.
I'm going to have a think about this and get back to you.

Thanks for your post,I share the same hopes for humanity.I believe we are transitioning to a world of abundance,enabled by digital manufacturing and automation.Exemplified by intiatives such as the fab lab , ,open hardware foundation,and so on. And I believe the blockchain plays an important part in this,by enabling us to initiate new economic models which are more decentralised and democratic,and enabling us to monetize our own data and work on the internet.
This is where steemit comes in,as the only running platform as of now that can do this. Others are on their way though,so steemit can´t rest on it´s laurels.
What I want to do personally though is to write about important topics,and collaborate with others,supporting each other,also by upvoting.This way I can help people who wants to help the world,and improve their economic situation.

Absolutely! It's something I've been passionate about for a long time even though I don't have all the answers yet. Maintaining my hope for humanity is a must for me, even though sometimes it can be difficult.

I'd not heard of the Fab Lab specifically before, but I'm loving what I'm reading on it. (Thanks for the link!) In our podcast last night it was brought up more in the sense of 3d printing to make smaller household or kitchen tools (that are plastic) as well as the 'imagine if food could be printed' ideas.

I agree on the importance of the blockchain for the reasons you mentioned as well as the transparency and accountability that goes on with it. Again I'll admit I don't have all the answers (yet, maybe?) I'm very excited to see these types of discussions occurring and being memorialized in some sense.

I'll head over to your blog, see what other ideas you've takes a village you know. Your idea of talking, collaborating, supporting and upvoting these types of discussions is spot on. Members that find things like this important shouldn't forget that such things, even if not monetary, are so motivating to keep things going.

Thank you so much for the reply! I'll head over to your blog now :)

Reposting so it can be seen. Dealing with an angry troll, sorry for having to duplicate this.

Thanks for going to my blog! Unfortunately it´s empty about from my introduction.I´m too busy right now,and I just came back from a kind of hippie gathering in the woods run on anarcho-communalist principles( council,consensus,collaboration,etc),with no internet.I want to really get going now though.
It seems we are on a similar path,so lets discuss more later,and collaborate! I will link to my next post,I just need to learn markdown,and get some time of from my parenting responsibilities..

It's the best way to get to know people. Besides, you hit on some bigger concepts in your intro and it's informative seeing your responses on other threads.

I'd love to hear/read your ideas and look forward to collaborations that may come! I'll keep an eye out for your posts. Steemit will still be here when rest and adulting are done, no stress.

If you have any questions/problems with markdown just let me know. Happy to help.
Here's the guide if you didn't already have it: Mastering Markdown.

Absolutely! It's something I've been passionate about for a long time even though I don't have all the answers yet. Maintaining my hope for humanity is a must for me, even though sometimes it can be difficult.

I'd not heard of the Fab Lab specifically before, but I'm loving what I'm reading on it. (Thanks for the link!) In our podcast last night it was brought up more in the sense of 3d printing to make smaller household or kitchen tools (that are plastic) as well as the 'imagine if food could be printed' ideas.

I agree on the importance of the blockchain for the reasons you mentioned as well as the transparency and accountability that goes on with it. Again I'll admit I don't have all the answers (yet, maybe?) I'm very excited to see these types of discussions occurring and being memorialized in some sense.

I'll head over to your blog, see what other ideas you've takes a village you know. Your idea of talking, collaborating, supporting and upvoting these types of discussions is spot on. Members that find things like this important shouldn't forget that such things, even if not monetary, are so motivating to keep things going.

Thank you so much for the reply! I'll head over to your blog now :)

Great post. A marketplace would definitely be another way for people to benefit from the platform. They could use what they sell to power up with SP or use SBD to buy things. It would also create a more robust economy around STEEM.

I know a lot of people who trade things on Facebook because it is their one stopping place for everything and they don't trust Ebay but it is not designed to facilitate that.

A platform that made it easy could attract such people.

Just to give credit where I can, I know I had seen multiple posts on the marketplace, like this one, Steem Marketplace, stated very well.

It just seems that it would be a good chance for others to have meaningful work. While I'm a decent writer (I think, lol) you don't want me making you a chair or a painting, the marketplace might open a chance for 'upvotes' for physical goods that aren't in my skill set.

My hope is that peoples Flow or Optimal Experience can be fostered.

Is that a picture of a planet exploding? If so

It's the handiest explosion ever! Lol

I see what you did there. I am laughing hysterically. Can you tell?

@fyrstikken I would love to hear your take. It seemed like your cup of tea

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