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RE: Why I Gave The Free Money ($26.087) From a Featured Author Post Back

in #steemit8 years ago

First off, I can highly respect giving back the SD on a principle, regardless of my own stance. I honestly think things that choose non-monetary gains need to be highlighted more often on here.

Personally, I am a fan of featured author posts that are being made currently, especially with the flood of posts and authors being mixed with current search limitations (like a multi-tag query or a tag filter in the feed.) I do however, expect to see the need for things like this to hit a peak (while more people are doing this) and then fall (as enhanced search developments are implemented.)

Personally I see the featured posts as being mutually beneficial. Those that have a bit more of an established following and get the SP (usually dispersing the SD to those featured) from the post, and the featured authors ideally get enhanced exposure (and usually the SD.) I do see your side of things and can respect that, I think this is just where we differ. I would probably change my views if these featured posts were being done by huge whales or companies, but right now most I see are from minnows or dolphins that I am happy to give the benefit of the doubt of having good intentions for all.

The other side of this is for some, the exposure of their message is their primary concern, so SD or not they find a great benefit being able to establish a bit more of their own 'network.'

Being the optimist, I'll admit I give the benefit of the doubt until shown/forced to think otherwise. But I do see the potential pitfalls that you highlighted.

Anyhoo, just my take :)


Thanks. I'm thinking long term. I think, in the long term, if you write the best post you have ever written, and the original place it was posted is someone else's blog you wont be so happy about that. I think the dolphins could get the same benefit by posting an intro to the author, an intro to the article and a link. It will still get upvoted a lot because of their followers. However, more people wil click and follow the author, and upvote their article and follow them. This means their reputation and followers increases. Also, @theoretical and others are already discussing the possibility of SD and SP rewards (maybe) continuing for longer than 24 hours or 31 days ... possibly for much longer. Now, lets say your featured article doesn't make much now, but in a month or two it is making more and more because people are telling their friends, it is getting found in Google, etc. What happens then? The deal probably was that you would be paid on that nice SD earned in the first 24 hours. Well, maybe the article made 1k and you are happy at first. Then, over the course of the next year it earns another 500, then 250, etc (though it would not necessarily go down). Now, you have missed out on that and also on the google traffic hitting your blog. It is not a good thing if you are thinking long term. Own your content.

And I can follow and agree with that.
It's very different when an entire article is featured versus a brief intro/teaser with the link so the traffic still gets to your full content.

that's right. it's the long game...

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