RE: Possible solution to injustice and self-voting: "flag power"
lets say I got double the steempower of you, and I flag all of your post down. I dont make any losses but you dont make any money. I still make money without problem. So every new person that joins I can just piss them off the plattform. The way it is now, if I flag your post I loose 50% of my rewards, while you get nothing I only get half. But other users on steemit get still the same reward. Flagging is "teaching" someone a lesson. Until he learns, and it should be only used for plagiarism, there were whale war on steemit before if you dont mess with them you dont suffer. If I would have now Flagpower I just just get free punishment power so I can punish you without cost forever. Your "psychological barrier" is something good you only flag someone if you think its really worth to loose rewards.
It's not free flag power, it's limited. Again, it can be set to any ratio that the devs think is appropriate. For example everyone gets 9 full powered upvotes and 1 full powered flag every day.
limited and free then, but still free.
It costs flag power so it's technically not free :)
it is free, because you cant use flagging power for upvoting, if you wont use it for flagging you wont make money, but if you use votepower to flag you get punished you cant use it for upvoting anymore.
lets say I am a king and I can kill 1 person for free, it's limited and free like flagging power, but if I kill all my slaves, I wont have slaves in the future, it will just kill steemit users.
Well before we continue with this, there's another problem right now: nobody is curating the curators :)
That might be able to get solved with a curation score variable. Reputation was originally created for this, but it doesn't function at all.
isnt curating and voting basically the same? Any person that upvotes after your vote is basically curating the curators or am I wrong?
Yeah you're right, but as i said earlier, everyone is hesitant to use the flagging feature because that loses money. They rather make money and "leave a crime unpunished" than do a good deed for free.
So the system needs to get changed so people can either make money with flagging without abuse being possible or people should get flags for "free". Either way there needs to be a new variable that's essentially someone's curation integrity. Reputation is for authors, not for curators.
flagging should be only used in the worst case, on YouTube I can hit the dislike Button pretty often, but does it help to be negative?
most things dont need to be flagged because its unimportant anyway and nobody will see it.
my thoughts on reputation.
Hehe yeah that's right. But right now there's no accurate reputation anyway, because people are too greedy to actually curate properly (flagging).
I appreciate your conversation. The key might be in the integrity variable, rather than splitting up the pool.
I currently trying to figure out if selfvoting (addition) or upvoting others (multiplication) will have bigger profits.
if you multiply zero you wont get value, but if you multiply a big number the value you add is bigger, so I dont think its about who gets how much of the pool, but how much you make a difference in other peoples life.