Is Bitcoin near END of lifetime? why Nobody can believe it.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hello @all steemit friends,

so often its blogged all about great supppper cool Bitcoin and what great Money Thing you can reach with it an so on.
Thats why i make this Blog to inform sutch People and his Intension to get more People to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is near END of lifetime, why Nobody can believe it.
The Tecnical was never developed to sutch Hugh Thing what it is NOW.
Not only Blocksize and so on.

Try it by yourself:
send 0.000x Coin from your adress to another....... just wait x minutes, sometime more minutes and than you could see it. But ist not yours at once. you have to wait more and more until ist yours.
This is called: Transaction time
When many traffic is on Blockchain, the time is more longer ! and there are needed Nodes who confirm the Transaction.
What does it mean. more and more Transactions Need more and more Node Actions.
....and with it, you wait and wait again

Here 2 external Artical about:

"A senior bitcoin developer has declared the cryptocurrency a failed experiment, blaming the end of the currency on the refusal of the community to adopt new standards which would allow it to grow consistently while maintaining stability."

"NB: You may have read that the limit is 7 payments per second. That’s an old figure from 2011 and Bitcoin transactions got a lot more complex since then, so the true figure is a lot lower."


Thats why many other Coins grow up who has other Special Features. But all about they are FASTER and better usement.

just vote an follow @SVtechnik
and for eTechnik Things @coreyou



You didn't see any of the lectures of Andreas Antonopoulos, didn't you?

not now, i will Change

an book from 2014 ? hey we have 2017 many development is on Blockchain passet and many Problems up to date with chains like Bitcoin. or what you mean ?

It looks you haven't really understood what @photo-trail tried to explain you.
Btw. he wrote two books and they are not outdated at all, but better is to have a look at his youtube channel :) Good luck

OK, thanks. But the Facts of the Bitcoin Problem is correct

The BTC transaction fees are in dollars now (iirc the recommended minimum 0.0005 BTC is ~$1.36!), and low fee transactions can take days! So much for bitcoin being a cheaper and faster way to send money to people :-). Other coins will improve upon the blockchain technology though, BTC is still relevant as it has the most support for working with fiat currencies and being able to buy things with it directly, but, yes, I do believe it will be replaced by something else eventually!

segwit upgrade will probably be implemented soon, agreement has been made. 80%+ of miners now saying yes to upgrade. segwit on the network will allow lightning network to work. this will make transactions faster and cheaper.
bitcoin is not dead yet.

I hope so fast as XRP

not so much! transaction time will be decrease to normal soon due to the new generation ofcomputers and internet speed interaction and all of that is already exist

please Show me your informations...... i could not believe.... I know Hardware very good. look to my @coreyou channel

do you own research, there are many new deleopments in technology and networks on air now

Yes like on XRP and other Coins :-)

thanks, i feeled on ever simple Post about, GREAT Hugh.... best Bitcoin of world, ever a Little bit sad and NOW needed an true Background Info for this People with in this Post. I talk to an better writer as me to make an better completer Story about it.

Write in your own words and most importantly the truth.

come on, say whats NOT true ?

It's all good.

The truth is I do not think Bitcoin is going to disappear, in addition the coins that go up do so because the Bitcoin rises and gives more confidence to the Investors
If you fall Bitcoin you drop everything

Yeah, but only for the moment and until big fishes realice that there are some other good chain technics

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