Survive-it: SEX after the collapse; part 1. R RATED 18+

in #steemit7 years ago


Why is Sex important in SHTF or Collapse Scenario? It is the root of survival for the human race. Know the challenges and share this information. This will be a 3 or 4 part series.

Imagine the lights go out and never come back on. Some of you will think, that's okay I have what it takes to survive. There's plenty of food, water, ammo, and Vaseline to keep me alive for years. Well that's the tip of your problems, (no pun intended). But okay, you walk out into the world after hibernating for years and find that it's pretty desolate. You wonder around in your nice clean apparel looking for a decent bar to have a drink of 'nuked cola'. Well say you miraculously find a city that survived the fall out(Nuclear or system shut down). You walk in and they all turn to face this clean shaven and well fed man or women. You walk up and place your stuffed backpack on the bar stool and order the finest drink. While sipping on it you scan the room and see the hottest girl/guy and start to make eye contact with them. Once you have enough warrior juice, you walk over and introduce yourself and ask to buy them a drink. This of course to get the vibe if they are into you and believe me, they will be. Your night goes like most nights of a wealthy well off person talking to a good looking gold digger with nothing to lose. What you don't know is all the dark thoughts in the room focused on you. Or the diseases that are present that your not aware of!


It can turn out one of two ways. First, you can end up getting lucky and probably having a group of supporters behind you. Now you can start making offspring and building a force to withstand the perils of hardship, consider yourself the new Mayor or Commander in Chief. Or secondly you fall victim to the darkness of humans and you end up on an operations table with some missing organs and your 'organ' is limp as a shrimp, what did you really think? How about I teach you to not let that happen.

If this is you, you can kiss your stupid ass goodbye. First off you made the mistake to wonder around during the day. Recon is the first thing you do in the military. Would you let a doctor perform a heart surgery on you without knowing he's even a frickin doctor? The best time to recon is at night. You use the cover of darkness to slip in and out. If you find a society make sure they don't find you! Take notes on who you see and give them code names; shaggy, beardy, baldy, limpy, skanky, whatever you want to call them. Find patterns in their habits, we all have them. Gravitate to those your seeking to find common grounds with. Avoid the large group and stick to smaller or individual people.

After a few days to a week you should have pages of info about these people. When you think you want to engage them, you do so in small doses. What do I mean? Well, say they frequent a coffee shop at the same time every day. You casually walk by and they see you and maybe one time you bump into them and say 'Sorry'. This gets their mind familiar that you're not just a stranger out of nowhere, that they have seen you before. Then next time you can strike up conversation and say, 'hey weren't you the person I accidentally bumped into a few days ago?' This is called the set up. It gives you the advantage knowing they won't just turn and run at your approach and there is a level of trust. You can practice this in the real world today. Please don't use this and become a stalker and show up on the most wanted list!


For some it is easy as breathing but believe me, if you're in a situation that your life depends on it, it is much tougher to deal with and have everything to go right. Plus women can pull this off way better than men can, so they will be the predators when the time comes for this manipulation game. !


Okay so that's it for part 1. If you like this please share, subscribe and vote for me. If you like what I have written in my previous posts than vote me up. I will continue to give you information that allows you to 'Survive-it'.

J.P Chant over and out


During the Yugoslavia civil war in the 1990s when Sarajevo was encircled by the Serbian army, food and basic good were so scarce that people were willing to do anything for them. Women were so desperate to feed their babies that they would sleep with you for one can of Russian spam.

So the moral of the story is stock up on spam :)

Yes, I know what your saying. I am here through the perils of the Vietnam war. A baby that should have died but did not! That should say it all! I want to give people skills to survive through hell and back because we will go through it once in our lifetime. Thank you for your reply

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