
"disrupted my heart for minutes." I am sorry you got flagged.

yes, it looks like a constant. i think it is new bot around like the one's existed in the past. right now there are 3 of them and it happend on my post today as well as soon as it is out. i am hoping this is one of those that dont do much harm

Looks like your on that blacklist account 😕 I usually stay out of what is or isn't abuse but I think that blacklist account seems very suspicious. Feels bad man 🙁

yep, it's all good. it looks like it is those bots that occured on steemit sometime back. it happened again on my post for today. it happens once the post is out and with -100 percent, so perhaps it is not harmful. it is all good!

Oh I hadn't realized! 🙂 Thanks

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