More Crap: There Is "Blonde" And "There Is Blonde". There Is Also Corn-Hair blonde! "Dear Newbie Steemian; If @cheetah Is On Your Neck, Leave A Comment!!!"

in #steemit7 years ago

You will notice that @cheetah doesn't visit your comments and the question is why?

Well, there is "blonde" and "there is blonde". There is also corn hair; "resulting from decaying over-dyeing blonde!"

What i am saying is; "Not everything that is blonde is actually blonde!"

People tend to say "blondes are dumber"! Is this biologically true or is there some psychology to it? Well, forget secular terminologies, for these days, we speak in the language known as "CRAP"

This is pure language!

This is the language me and you will suddenly come to understand; if we got stuck in a dark elevator together for eternity! The real YOU is in there somewhere; inside you; "the blonde is show off".

Many times people don't understand my grammar. They ask me if my first language is English and i laugh inside! "English is the only language i have really ever known! And this very English that i speak; there many people in the world that can instantly relate to it! The thing is, when you add excerpts of dreams; vision; down-to-earth-ness, raw life experiences etc to English, it starts to sound like "CRAP".

There is sense in nonsense.

No doubt, i am starting to feel free these days on steemit. There are many things going on in parts of the world that the rest of the world doesn't know and this i will make known! "It will be all crappy but read between the lines, my CRAP is fun and is not so messy!"

There Is "Blonde" And "There Is Blonde"!

This headline above can cover hundreds of issues but even if we use it to tackle the subject; "Women" and our understanding of them, it will still fit!

We are simple saying that: "there is blonde blonde and there is corn hair blonde; overall though, its totally always about the head underneath the hair! Yes all that really comes to count in deep real down-to-earth life, "is the real You inside You"

Hahaha, i have seen many types of women! I have seen women who feel they are so so so lusciously, sparkingly white but all i see when i look at them, "is corn hair faded blonde!"

It is has never been about the face! "Dolls are prettier"

How valuable is that face? "It is more about the kind of heart that your face leads into". "It is more about the quality of the Being behind the face-holder". 

Still remember this: 

You will notice that @cheetah doesn't visit your comments and the question is why?

Yes, this was how we started!

Why Doesn't @cheetah Pursue You In The Comments?

Hahaha, it is because it is "the You in You", that fills up the comments and @cheetah even with its artificial intelligence can figure this out! 

Those tinier excerpts of YOU; those tiny impromptu back-and-forth un-prempted utterances from YOU are the real YOU!

If you are in a relationship, take note!

Those very bogus obvious questions that you keep asking your woman, doesn't get you anywhere close to the true real state of her pink heart. Hahaha, who can't prepare to pretend, when your questions are in every dating book out there and when your partner is always on guard to save her relationship and enter marriage! lol.

"Ask her how many times she eats in day and ofcourse, she will say once so that you will feel she is low maintenance but then, marry her and just after honeymoon and you will see her slurping on buckets of hot ice cream".

So why not go stealth; oblivious; negligible; tiny; silly; with the questions you pose her, for she will be off guard and her true self, then you can tap into the true state of her beautiful heart.

Simply put: "YOU are more YOURSELF in the steemit comments and that is why @cheetah isn't after YOU.

That is all the secret you have been waiting for, dear steemians! 

If you are still having @cheetah issues, i am out to help and @steemgigs is offering a free #steemgig to help speed especially new steemians to basic steemit knowledge! 

Let's give you freedom! Let's channel you into the very best version of YOU and @cheetah loves that!

Note: @cheetah grew heart; so you are on steemit at very amazing moment!

In the past, @cheetah would downvote you! Now it upvotes you and leaves you tips for improvement!

Remove @cheetah from your neck and the air of freedom you will feel, will instantly set you up for steemit growth and success.

Remember steemit is modeled to make every steemian the best version of themselves and to reshape the internet by filling with freshness, newness and true love!

Before steemit, the internet was getting boring!

Let's help you take @cheetah out of the picture; put YOU fully in the picture and let's inflict the internet with our beauty as we bid to use the beauty of the steem blockchain to change lives in the real word, for real!

@cheetah is single and searching and the moment you fall in love with @cheetah, your steemit journey will become a honeymoon, for @cheetah was the real blonde all along!

"Isn't that cute!"

Your Boy Terry


Please feel free to resteem this post and bookmark a link of it, so you can easily mention it in a reply, to a steemian newbie or any steemian, who you come across appearing to be needing help with "thriving on steemit"!

We are calling out to every steemians and especially steemian newbies still encountering @cheetah issues and who wants to sped up to basic steemit knowledge, to leave a comment here with inquiries or simply: 

(Every Newbie Steemian) JOIN ME:

Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another!   

Discord - TheAmazingTeam 


Steemit Chat - SteemitIsBeautiful

If you are yet to join steemit, "there is awesomeness on steemit!" So check us out, join and leave me a comment!
Your comments are really aimed at beautifying steemit and motivating steemians. Your love for steemit is also evident! All, in this in one line of your beautifully fonted comment!

Thank you so very much. "Most awesome person today" two days in a row. I'm honored. Like a flower, the more we nurture her, the more Steemit will grow into something Beautiful!


@acidyo has a "comment of the day" thing going on HERE you should check out. You guys should work together, you basically do the same thing, rewarding participation in the comments! Things like this is what makes STEEMIT such fantastic place to spend time!

You comments are amazing. Join us here
if you haven't and say hello with your steemit username!

Big thanks for your explanation about @cheetah, I have never met him earlier.
You are doing a lot for all Steemians, keep it up, boy Terry!

Glad to know you haven't met cheetah, it is a good sign! It shows that you have been making your steemit posts your own but if cheetah ever gets to visit, no need to be overwhelmed either because it mostly there to leave tips for improvement!

What an excellent post - love it, very beautiful!

Thank you alot. These days i have been dead drained. so i am so crappy. i can't wait to stop working in my call centre office. It is really draining health out of me.

I can imagine!

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