Economic Freedom, and the New Beginning - Restructuring World SocietysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I wanted to thank @blueerthangreen for putting me up to this, and asking me to write this.
To quote his article (not sure who said this first):

"Cryptocurrencies will do for economic freedom what the internet did for delivering information."

Posted for July 4th:

This article crystallized for me a few things I have been considering in my own life:

Like the web, I had to see crypto in action; it was hard just to read about it and understand it!

First reading about the web, it amongst a long list of early internet protocols, so they only listed one possible browser; Mosaic. Then there was FTP, USENET, and a few others. It just got lumped in with the others..

"Sounds good, have to try that some time..", was my initial reaction to something that changed my life for decades to come ;-)

But the point is, not until I fired up a Mac, and installed Mosaic, set up and fixed the networking to the internet and entered my first URL (Yahoo?), was I really clear what the WWW really was. I had to see it work. I had to grasp it's power firsthand to comprehend what was coming. And as soon as I saw it working, I knew, everything was about to change.

First the internet, then the web, brought to me fantastic opportunities, and allowed me to build project after project, and be well compensated for it. It completely changed my life, because I recognized it, was an early adopter, and brought to me much opportunity.

Then bitcoin, the original invention in so many ways!
I had read about it in wired magazine. Sounds good, I'll have to look into that some time.. heh.
I fiddled with it, ran a node, mined some LTC.

And traded BTC with people I met on craigslist - in parking lots on smartphones. I started to grasp its power. I had not stepped foot in a bank, and I had just made a currency exchange. With almost no fees. No bank involved. Not Paypal.

It sort of felt like a drug deal at first, except I was meeting very lovely, literate people that I did not find threatening.

And over time, over a few interactions, we started to form a small basis of trust, even though it was not required to transact business. At first just 1 BTC, then 10, then...

Now enter Steemit.
An entirely new field. Stake your claim. Fence off what you can patrol and maintain, and it's yours. You own it.

For me, the ultimate coupling of this software of value, married to a community to create a new culture. And largely the app handles the finances involved automatically. One need not understand what a blockchain is, but rather appreciate it's value and how it can be harnessed.

To go a step or 2 further here:

Cryptocurrencies will do for economic freedom what the internet did for freedom of information, by routing around the federal reserve and USD (unipolar government).

Social media creates a situation, where our government can no longer lie to us daily through media they control.
This media right now, largely controls what we should believe about our reality.. and central banks largely control us by harnessing us to a debt that can never be repaid.

By cutting these bonds, we route around governments for our sense of purpose in life!

This in turn helps humanity completely restructure society, as it resolves how human life could best complement our own planet Earth's needs, as well as stop using violence as a mechanism of control.


Remember, this World WIde Web is world wide. It's not just the Federal Reserve (although they are one of the biggest actors on this banking stage) and the USD that it uses to peddle it's influence. It's the banking cartel's monopoly across the globe that Crypto threatens to unravel. Unfortunately, governments still have the monopoly on the means of violence. I don't own killer drones and don't have professional assassins (CIA operatives) at my disposal. They do. Taking back the money will be the first step in stopping their ability to finance and profit on violence. But be sober minded about it. They won't give up their control without a fight. I asked the question in my first post on Economic Emancipation, "do we have the will to fight for it?" Time will tell.

a) Really looking forward to reading your posts. Ozarks; should be fun. I'm planning on joining my folks near Mologian Rim, AZ soon.
b) What do you think of smackdown.kitty?

This is my feeling on the matter as well. Cryptocurrency allows us to utilize a network of transaction records that aren't controlled by one party. It can't be forcibly counterfeited without compromising the entire system, and since there are thousands of other coins, any attack on one can be minimized by simply moving assets to another. It is economic freedom, and crypto is quickly becoming more and more viable as an actual, day-to-day currency.

Upvoted and resteemed. Excellent piece, friend.

Thanks for filling in the blanks there!

You really communicate clearly on this; please link me to anything you have written on this subject, or write us up your own piece on this subject?

I think I'll do that tomorrow on top of my Descriptions on the Spot piece. Thank you for the kind words and the suggestions!

Could not have written it better myself :)

Your turn ma man!

I resteemed yours :) This work deserves far more attention. If the predictions goes through, it will get worse before it gets better. It will look like someone threw the cat into the bathtub. More precisely like a lion-sized retarded cat into the bathtub. Scratching up and damaging all in it's way to restore control and "integrity".

Steemit can also give us the power to communicate freely without being used as a product for sale.

Of course; there are so many facets to this; it's hard to speak of them all at once; but that's a big part of this.

I was reading about how the EU DICTATES TO FB and others, what they can allow to STAY UP, and what they MUST TAKE DOWN.

That's the other side of that central authority coin... censorship.

Great post @surfyogi and I love the part about meeting up to secretly exchange cryptocurrency, that's super cool. You clearly know more about the reality we live in than the average person, but all this technology is internet based, as without the internet, how can we access the web? The internet is controlled by 14 people with 14 keys, 7 of which are back-ups. Good link below.

I'm thinking how could we bypass the internet to gain access to a network that is controlled by the individual users? We can decentralise as much as we all want, but it's still all being pumped through one tube and that tube is controlled by ICANN. The real crux is a decentralised internet and that is what a company called Maidsafe is close to putting together. Upvoted, Resteemed and Following.


Now THIS, is a really good point. To tell you the truth, I had expected P2P internet to have happened by now; I guess it's a bigger problem than I realized.. somebody would have to put in a lot of underwater cables or what?

Thanks Yogi and I think that may be a little too decentralised for the powers that be, but that has to be the ultimate goal. A network that is connected through a different method rather than cables under the ground, maybe like a wifi daisy chain. If everyone's terminal had the ability to generate it's own transmission (1km radius) that would then connect to another person's computer and so forth, it would create decentralised network. We could even have trusted 'witness' super terminals that emit their transmission beyond 1km, maybe even 10km. I do hope this makes sense.

This is precisely what frightens our governments and banksters. We don't need them to stand over us as if we're misbehaving children. We don't need to be sidled into compounding debt for homes we can't actually maintain due to the exorbitant costs of supplies, taxes, and miscellaneous government fees. And we definitely don't need to enslave ourselves to hellacious cyclopean masters who see only dollar signs.

I do agree but the country-governed financial system is failing and it can take down society with it.

Like everything else, if we don't stand our ground the governments will want to control this, too. Although its not clear how they can, it wasn't clear how money and trade could be controlled either.

WHILE THAT IS ALL TRUE, we must remain resolute, that we will not just follow as we are told, into the abyss...

It will be upon each person to take their destiny into their own hands; when it comes time to act, then do so.
It is nice to have something available for shelter; so consider that. Shelter your savings. Invest in your habitat.
You must diversify and hold many different types of assets, including a passport, food, shelter, fungible money.
Do not surrender it just because you are asked to do so.

I personally that cryptocurrencies are going to have a beneficial impact in the global economy and the personal finances of individuals like you and me.

Steemit is such a great opportunity,I'm excited for the future

Yes, I agree it's probably a new beginning! Thanks for your post!

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