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RE: Three cool things I've noticed on Steemit today

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm getting the feeling there is a new attitude of "we can do this" - and that ultimately Steemit is a space for creating things. We can create things.

Oh yes, I love reading that! :)
I believe it´s not just a feeling - it´s happening for real. Maybe that is what usually occurs after every depression. People stand up and feel the need to power, to spread energy, to build it up again.
Let´s keep that wave up and spread it!
Upvoted, resteemed and following - baaam! :))


Many thanks - following you back - I just realised I up-voted one of your posts yesterday but forgot to hit follow - sorted now.

Cool! Thanks for the follow :) (I just passed the 500 followers mark - wow!)
I will definitely need to have a detailed look at your blog. What I´ve seen so far is really brilliant.

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