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RE: Why Flagging Is Bringing Down The Value of Steem, As A Currency

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks for your message which I consider very important!
That was one of the key sentences to me:

So it’s not the algorithm, it’s not the code, it’s not the UI, it’s not the marketing, it’s the people.

It´s neither the system nor the arm that change a person´s behavior. People act driven by their established value systems and their beliefs. And they tend to follow the most powerful. To stick with your example: if flagging is shown as a valid instrument to express power by the most powerful, others - with less power - will use it as well. Flagging has become kind of trendy on steemit.

Even in a decentralized eco-system you need some alpha-males as role models that live the values which will sustain the system in the long run. Just believe in a friends party. Nobody will start dancing until one conquers the dancefloor and animates others to join. Any community needs powerful, positive, progressive and inspiring leaders - people others can look up to - that love to push forward the whole thing. They are all here, just have been a bit quiet lately...:)

I am absolutey convinced that steemit - and steem - has everything that it needs to become an attractive investment again. In my opinion it just has to be woken up again... Maybe some of these dancefloor conquerers are listening right now :)


On Steemit, there are two types of leaders: "dancefloor conquerers" and "no governments, no rules, no violences". The last one has power.
Alan Turing ("Imitation game") had the power of cryptography but did not have the psychological and social skills to manage a company or organization.

A good leader has both - or at least a team of executives that compensate missing abilities. But then he still executes both.

Where is this leader? Who is he?

CEOSteemIT I suppose everyone has had their turn already :D Ned was the face for a moment and Dan was the brain, now It looks like nobody knows and I don't know why, apart from the daily updates and their posts being once every month

Nice metaphor, I like it. Let's see what kind of dancefloor conquerors we still have around here.

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