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RE: I Just Realized Why I Don't Get Harassed on Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The context he meant, as I was with him at the time, was furthermore stating "chat, within the starting point intension of wanting it to be secretive, emotional, vengeful etc. is abuse". He, as I, do not prefer personal, private chats online. It allows room for the minds and emotions of those whom tend to gossip and wreak havoc. So, to clarify :) this was the context of the statement above.

Not to confuse with thinking "all chats are abuse" which could happen with such a vague / out of context quote above. It's about who you are when you speak whether secretive or open that reflects the honesty and integrity of self.


agreed - yes I see that point not ALL chats are abusive of course, if that were the case I would not have so many! I can see how this point is specific to a certain context of secrecy as intent to abuse.

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