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in #steemit6 years ago

Who is your Salt of the Earth Steemian? For me life without #carlgnash's steem donation, early on in my steem career, would not have been possible here.

Dear Sukhasana’s-Eleven

(my average number of voters, whom I naturally assume are my regular readers. What else can I do?)

9.34 am and I take a quick glance through my feed. There is the usual show-casing of old-artworks, new-creations, fresh dawns, old weddings, practice paintings, and as ever, without fail, one or more of sweet zpn’s eternal quotes. The latter brings me to one of the many queries regards the System here I have failed to grasp. I only have myself to blame, I will be the first to admit. I quite simply haven’t had or made the time to look into it and a few tentative inquiries here or there did not result in any clarification.

Our charming (and stunning) Iranian #zpzn, along with #kalemandra are the most consistent posters here. Round of applause. Ok, me included - but no way that profusely. Is it a good thing, is it a bad thing? Fortunately there is no judgment here, at least very little “right judgment” you have to worry yourselves about. But there are statistics. So let’s take a look at what has me so miffed and then call me a Bolshevik.


Please do, call me something Russian, for I’ve been learning Russian in my sleep last night. I guess someone is trying to tell me something in his native tongue. I was looking for a summary of Macbeth on my Audiobook provider, because I am struggling to recognise the plot in Nesbo’s crime-rewrite set in the Scottish policeforce. Lovely Scottish narrator, but a weird Macbeth I have trouble following in and out of his drug haze. And who’s the lady running the casino supposed to be?

“You will learn many useful action verbs such as TO BE, TO DO, TO GO, TO LISTEN, TO HEAR, TO SEE”
(Wow. Looking forward to learning on so many levels from this amazing Max. Even teaching Cambridge Certificate students the difference between to listen and to hear is a massively tall order.) The course doubles up as a refresher course for English for Russians, by the way, so Bollinger promises.

So anyway, no time like the wee hours of the night to catch up on yet another literary lacuna, therefore, the gods as ever keen to provide, out of the post-midnight-blue, there pops up: “Easy Russian for English Speakers (2)". Due to the kind of wyrd run of “coincidences” that puts an esoteric researcher on alert, I had to press play on this ludicrous misfit placed in between 13 other narrations, dramatisations and a few ebooks giving us all a better or worse rendition of the tragedy. (By the by: Will be writing a disgruntled letter to my public library, who feel they are keeping up with the times with their new audiobook app (that comes with an exclusive membership) but have only gone and put the Libravox audiobook of Macbeth on! One American teen for Lady follows the next dopey Mexican drawl for a Banquo and that has to make do for a cast. Sigh.)

Sooo, anyway, I let this mad, mad language course run on for a bit, because its introduction is hillarious. This dude (with excellent English, and because he has excellent English as taught by the method he now hopes to imitate) promises to teach me (phonetically correct) Russian with the help of readings from Pushkin and Chekov, a speech by the astronaut Yuri Gagarin and readings from Macbeth (?? Yes, now I come to think of it, I learned during my studies of Boris Pasternak - translator of - that Shakespeare was BIG in the USSR). I’ve got to see how this feat can be achieved!! No more getting stuck on the Cyrillic script: just dive in! Language emersion worked for Spanish, after all.

Okay, okay, granted I am missing the prequel two-hour course, so I am expecting difficulties. But we start off easily enough learning about the naming system that has everybody dazzled in Dr. Zhivago, The Idiot and Fathers and Sons. How the middle name is a patronymic, and the endings of the surname are female or male - don't try to be gender neutral in Russia - and o's pronounced as a's etc etc, but fortunately Russian comes from the same family as English, we are reassured, and so we’ll soon catch on. (The word família prooves that: only take care to put the accent on the “i” in pronounciation).

Apparently, - the app informs me - I have finished the training and I may well be able to recite Onegin fluently and “talk about our planet earth in Russian”, but so far, it’s all a bit unconscious for me, yet, since I think I dropped off about 9 minutes into the the course.

I return to my more conscious Steemit query.

Back to Trusty Stats

If we compare #zpzn to #ehr.germany, the former (58), the latter only one-up from that on (59), I tentatively conclude, the one goal I always had in mind to reach (50) before I reached 50, is pretty nonsensical by Steemit statistics. I have learned since making this cute commitment that it is a “reputation” figure but it means nothing - eventhough it makes you more powerful a voter - the little that ever achieves. A more generous donor, perhaps, which is a noble striving in and of itself. Does it also not come with greater (community) responsibilities? I.e. demand new levels of judgment, sponsorship, social inclusion?

I am still left mystified on other fronts. For example, how did we get to be so powerful? Are we valid members of the community? If so, how so? By time? By engagement? By wealth? By popularity? None of the above factor in convincingly.

Let us examine how not by comparing the aforementioned dear friends.

After all, what else do these two have in common to guarantee the value of a reputation? (I love comparing these two if only for my penchant for the Russian-Iranian theme, which is so significant to me, as the ones in the know know - and only marginally applies for these two.)

Erika Reglin-Hormann has posted 2292 times to date. Zpzn: 4246 (me: 2304, not including this one: joined same time as zpzn). Wait, let me pull up a chair and give you a table. (There has to be a first for everything here.) Note, Erika joined 3 months prior to us.


The dollars don’t lie. But what does the value of your account really tell us? That you've "earned it", without a doubt. There has to be a financial model for this explaining everything in marvellous pies or hills, or whatever pretty shapes charts come in, but for me, right now, nothing is taking shape. I presume that for half the world of simple posters it isn't either. But who cares. Do you understand your own tax bill?

Was I hoping for a job descripiton? Possibly, since I tend to avoid crushes (see previous post), and therefore assumed this was not a social media site, where you come as you are to show off your latest party dress. For a while I thought it might lead to something like #adsactly proposes to be (useful. But I have proven the expertise available there to be limited as yet: there seem to be no rock lovers on board, yet, see post before previous post).

How does the system interlock into an organic whole, a cosmic unit? Looking but not seeing. Listening but not hearing. Or hearing that there is nothing to listen to…..

Clearly there is no equal footing to be had on consistent posting alone. On content little can be said. We are not editors of the TLS. We like what we like, but by what criteria? Mine, to be honest, and it is no secret anymore, have had to plummet to a level of emotional affection. It is otherwise impossible to vote. The advice from the All Mighty Steem System Leaders to upvote Great Quality in line with your personal preferences will never promote or encourage a new social construct. In my eyes, and I know in those of the academic, scientific and political (i.e. ruling) world in general it is farcical. Meh, it keeps the plebs happy, so we let it ride. Why do you think the goverment doesn't give a hoot about what goes no here! (And Venezuelans and Iranians can come on here...) Mabye they'll come round to squeezing a little tax juice of of us somehow yet, but for the rest... it's not a fat cow. Just a golden calf.

. . . and why do we over-contrast our photos? Is this maybe the vote-puller?

We Vote With Our Hearts

As such an etheric mesh lies loosely around some people who happen to be on Steemit, forming a very, very faint etheric constellation. For me, therefore it was quintessential to pin-point souls around the world to study how we as people are still at all in sync with the World Ether.

I vote for #zpzn because she is in Iran, as I vote for #gabyoraa because she is in Venezuela, but #magdasierra because there is also something other (eventhough we don't socialise) and the same goes for #sina-aventure (who happens to be Iranian, $27, rep (41), joined 2 months ago), with whom I've had more exchanges. Eventhough he is (groan) another photographer, he seems adventurous in a creative way (for a photographer and avid biker) and intelligent enough - no Pulitzer prize winner, but with an English I have to admire: I so wonder which course he fell asleep on to arrive at this fluent level.

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't vote for another photographer again.

There might be exceptions.
#sriz, the Indian in Finland just tickles my fancy for the combination of the most colourful of the east and the purest (climate) of the west in a most down-to-earth person (allowing for the socks) he is. He keeps me in touch with the Baltic.
The same can be said for #livinadream, a Lithuanian in Ireland, who has made some exceptional photos on his travels around the world. But now he's back "home", being a responsible father, the posts are few and far between, and generally aimes to attract the professional photo scene. So, that's me back out of the picture. (Once bitten, twice shy!)
#bookpacker are my faves. All their photos make me want to go to India - and I am no fan of travel.

#vtravels is a Welshwoman who presents herself predominantly within her professional capacity of wedding photographer, but in the nicest possible way with her people-person quality always to the fore. #adamo is a Polish photographer, also with a human face, but also staying very close to his professional niche. Do we have a duty of care to upvote good people? After all, there is no denying their pictures are good. But are they good Steemit content? It takes us back to the age old question: what is your motivation for being here?

And so we come back to the tiny circle of people who are connected to eachother by intangible forces, which can partially be attributed to similar backgrounds, degrees of education, special interests and experiences in common, and partially less easily be grasped.

There are the community maters ( #violetmed and #jayna) and the fast growing number of art-dealers/gallery owners and selling artists and their extensive communities of independent thinkers. To my great surprise I have yet to come across a more arrogant and insecure bunch of people unless it's the pedantic Christians and the self-righeous New Ageies. I reall mustn't generalise, but I do. And cannot single out any examples, for on their own they are all quite fine again. I realise the artists have a lot of real-life invested in their presence here. Mind the toes that barely tip the earth. Above all, always leave the philosopher to see it their way (the greatest birth I take is around that tag).

Finally, in today's list of honoroble mentions are the stream of writers. Free, constrained or on an island of their own making, the fiction gushes forth here on Steemit. I suppose some of the higher quality, shorter anecdotal or story writing makes for the office or commuter snack, and there might be a (small) market for it. Most of it though is probably only interesting for the writer who wants to meet his crafting strength... The last time I really looked into this (on #busy #felt-buzz was on a roll with character-limited writing. It's another discipline one could be getting on with, but I can't help translating all this writing into reams of paper stuffed into bottom drawers, that one day need to end up somwhere....

A very different vote goes out to #elementm (who resides in Trinidad, I discovered very recently) who caught my eye early on as a particularly gifted wordsmith and highly sensitive, deep, creative-thinker without any nonsense, pretense, or complications.

Clear or not, may it indicate that I have been unable to find any other good and systematic reasons to vote with a single pure and simple sympathy.

All Steemians are equal only some Steemians are more equal than others.

The conclusions drawn from the statistics leave most of my questions unposed (why do some hold onto steem? How does someone with an average of 9 votes collect 465 followers? Hoe does one save? [$4!] Can you grow without Discord interaction? Must you sign up for a string of financers? How is this a non-profit corporation? Why is there a pyramid structure of growth as if there is a career to be had here?)

Show us how you really feel! Get yourself a pair of cartoon eyes. More available here.

All these questions, I'm not even sure I am seeking answers to this late in the day, tell me that there is no hope for the prospector in me and more of a socialist in me than I ever had recognised before. I cannot put my finger on the (social) corruption here, but I recognise it’s the same as it is anywhere. Or #kimberlylane and #malloryblythe would be trending. And the stop-start #blankcanvas86 would be more motivated to develop her potential to surpass them all. I even wonder whether the one most likely to please a larger audience and reach greater heights, the already relatively successful #riverflows - (56), $915 only here since March! - could ever live off their posts. Not to mention all those nomads, campers, farmers and #trucklife-family people who are looking for a social network. I suppose the income proper is reserved for the madhouse-conference goers who go-go-go with carboncle eyes.

In sum my conclusions based on my flair with statistics:

  • Posting lots of sweet little not-much-of-anythings is not a road paved with gold, but it does rake in the followers.
  • Earning (by votes) is not dependent on followers or commensurate to reputation (or I would be at least half as rich as erh).
  • There are no correlations on Steemit, relationships are illusional, afer all.

Anyway. It’s all good fun.
So much so that Erika is back, full steem ahead, if slightly on a new, daring track of writing fiction in a foreign language. If you are into something a little “blue”(part 1), or love animals (part 2) or are into anthropology (part 3) then check out her latest novelist aspirations.

So much so that there is no stopping Zpzn! As long as there be quotes there will be this lovely Steemian. (Besides she has started to share her artistic side and occasional reads).

So much so I put on my stripey tights yesterday.

And in that spirit of good fun I launch a competition called:

Let’s take a look out of the kitchen window.

What do you think that white blob is, outside in my garden?

Guaranteed to bring in the punters: a quiz, a contest, or a competition. No? What about my legs then? Steemit debauches!

Have fun submitting your entries before 31st May!

Winners will receive something from the tombola, life's great wheel of fortune.

P.S. Whose brilliant idea was it to tie a rabbit and a monkey to a wheel and send them spinning in an endless loop!? On behalf of all these good souls, we protest and are not amused. We strongly feel that this discriminates against people born in the following years: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. and 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, limiting their faith in the future and we request that you consider changing the design of your Tarot card to be less restrictive to us.

This instead of my reaction to a comment in a post - somewhere - which raised a vehement objection to the use of the offensive "Chinese Whispers", proposing instead the non-racist determiner of the same game: "telephone". I think half of us would no longer know what the game is trying to achieve, but never mind. We don't want to upset the delicate Chinese, now, do we. (A Chinese-Dutchman I consulted doesn't see the problem, but feels his native tongue is insulted by the term Double-Dutch.) I hope the challenge (which indeed altered its name in response to the critique) is going well. Just so you know, dear commenter, I am hoping for an Indian summer.

Ah, the Steemit numbers. Don't worry too much about them. They mean nothing. Not really. Those with low SP might have cashed out a lot of SBD, living a good life off of Steemit without 'investing' back in the platform. (And making sure their higher upvotes give back to the community.) Those with high SP might have never cashed out a cent, waiting for the STEEM price to hit 100$ (which is me, haha. The patience I've learned to have these past few months!).

Then there's REP. It used to mean a lot, but REP goes up by the height of the upvotes you receive. And since you can buy votes from Bidbots those with high REPs might be cheaters of the platform.

High amount of likes: because you're in a voting 'trail', 20 votes come in because they 'follow' a Steemian that happens to like you. 3 votes come in, but those might be from people who ACTUALLY read your post.

1000 votes but only a 0.52$ payout. Yes, lots of votes, but all from the powerless. 12 upvotes, but a 50$ payout. Less votes but from all sorts of mighty Steemians.

It's an endless game and a lot of judgement is being made based upon them. But no-one knows why a Steemian is here, what their lives look like, why they make a certain decision, why they have to power up, or down, or...

There are a few talented photographers who I would love to see earn more. I will write posts about them. Hope you'll read them whenever you log back in on the platform :-) Those are not the 'pixel perfect' photographers, but the more emotional, gritty photographers. I like those and suspect you do too.

Oh my, the saying goodbye, only 3 more posts to enjoy?

hm ... I'm not sure how to take the mention of me...

As I see it Steemit is first and foremost like a big learning laboratory, a jungle, a field which I only gradually got to know... with no end in sight insofar as this here is not a static structure but a changing space. For me, it is always about self-discovery and meeting other people and experiencing something that touches me. Secondly making myself acquainted with new technology and what's related to it. Money is somehow there but not the biggest priority...

I'm learning that I'm inconsistent. ... Well, not completely. You can't know, but before I said "goodbye", I did a lot more networking. So my exit still feels like one, because I came into contact with completely different people. With less too...

The reason why I have a lot in my account is very simple: I have a good financial advisor: my man. A few months ago, the price shot through the ceiling and we played around a bit in the marketplace and converted my earned dollars (by writing temporarily centered on the science corner) into SP. I haven't cashed anything out and I am equipped with the same sitting quality as @soyrosa .

From your recommendation, my attempt to write fiction in English, I interpret for the moment that... yes what... you do me a favor? Hm... so it seems to me that you don't like it very much. And I'd like an honest review. When it's bad, I want to hear it. I'd stop right now. I don't want to make a fool of myself.

... Anyway, reading your mention didn't make me feel very comfortable. I don't think I'm entitled to it either. I have a kind of weird feeling... My ego doesn't like it.

... But maybe I'm still in a strange mood, because I watched a very odd film earlier, which got under my skin and seemed like too strong a drug...

Maybe one day you'll tell me your name on discord. But he'll be on your book's title at the latest.


Darling, I'm coming back to read this post - a quick scan and as ever, you're entertaining and intelligent and word bountiful and I can't just upvote you a million times and run on - I need a coffee to absorb, but I've just written my first post in two days and I feel heady with codes and pictures that wouldn't load, so I'm going to return to you soon! xx Saving this on busy to come back to you.

Did you mean to put hashtags in front of people's names? @sukhasanasister - or did you mix the @ and # ? xx

what's the difference? Didn't know there was an @ used here...

Hey! I'm a rock lover (both music & mineral) I only got to the post late. Gave you my top Stones four, but wondering if you'll consider emotional rescue one you heard over and over at the skating rink?
I have no idea about the reputation score. I'm at 44. Will be 49 in November so maybe I'll make up five by then?;)
Hmmm, the white and pink blob out the window? An old comforter you threw over some new tomato plants? Or a birthday parachute or balloon landed from who knows where and caught in a small rosebush?
BTW, your legs in tights look great! We've seen your beautiful little girl self, your hands with pink nails and now your legs. Maybe, just maybe, you'll post your face before the last musing?

Why do you hate photographers so much?
We're not demons of the platform. :)
I don't know if i should take those as a compliment or criticism, (i take it as a compliment) but i'm glad that you mentioned me. I feel like i have done something worthy. Surely if i think something is not worthy, i won't post it, but sometimes we need validation.
As you said the corruption is same everywhere. Maybe, because in this platform, you could make money, the corruption is more obvious, so i assume that the platform is not corrupt, we, people are the reason for the corruption.
Anyway, the corruption here doesn't give you the right to hate photographers... :smile: (why it's not working)

Hate is a big word.
But I've had my run-ins here with some superficial eyes.
I still see the platform as a corrupting medium.
It's a bit like with the food you eat: it may not have any bearing on your performance, but if you start to look too closely it always will (that's why athletes and models and vegans are what they are).
You may have to realise I am a spiritual researcher and from that perspective there is a lot about photography that hinders our true potential for INsight. We are collectively becoming too dependent on the sense of sight. (We have 11 other senses, according to spiritual science which are therefore being neglected.) It is this neglect I bemoan.
As I have told you many times before, I trust that this is not for you the case. Keep biking, and nature will make sure it isn't!

I was kidding about that hate thing, (though you're not a fan)
I don't feel the platform is necessarily a corrupting medium, (in my opinion every platform, every tool in general, is neutral, the people who are using it, give it a meaning and purpose that could be wrong or right. )

Though all this new technologies (this platform included) have an underlying purpose of making the owners richer and the purpose and the tool can not be separated, so you're right. I think this corruption came after the industrial revolution, mass production, faster production, no time to get deep, just stick to the surface..., And this platform is not an exception, 3veryone want everything fast, not time for deep thinking.

And also just caring the materialistic aspect of life.

See! YOU get it!
There is something corrupting of the spirit on ALL that is on this web. But corruption is also necessary (for all sorts of fertilising processes). As long as you stay wide awake....
That materialistic aspect of life, indeed, is not to be overlooked. Totally agree. No life without matter. (But beware of the zombies without life.)
Take care my friend, and I'll see if you are still here 6 Dec.

Thank you for the mention (and for understanding my style). I appreciate both of those things :)

I am not sure if you have abandoned Steem entirely or are just taking a break, but I see it has been nearly a month since you last posted. I for one always enjoyed your musings whenever I found the time to read them. Earning $ here is nearly 100% dependent on networking and who you know - it is sad but true. Anyhoo I was actually just stopping by to look at your wallet and assess if you could make do with your own SP if I removed my delegation - it looks like you could since you now have 200 SP of your own (and may not actually be using the platform anymore anyway). I am going to pull my delegation back, which is not a reflection on you in the slightest, I just want to put it to active use somewhere.

BTW if you read this, even if you are not actively using the platform, you should consider going to and following a curation trail or two that you trust (e.g. @curie, or I would recommend @c-squared which is a new curation effort that I have started with some friends and which is a very open/inclusive community for curators) - this way at least your SP is still voting and earning you curation rewards, and you can give your two cents in support of good authors. Just a suggestion.

Much love - Carl

Though 5 month has passed, but it doesn't mean it's late. (does it?)

She replied to me that she will be back at December 6.

Oh cool . that is interesting - a very specific date LOL

Hi Carl,

Was back as promised, right on time. Only don't know how much back this will actually be. Initially I am here to help assess what such internet communications can achieve on a more spiritual (intangible) level (comparing then and now, presence/absence, starting/returning etc).

Thank you for all your advice. It means a lot to me that you left me this message: I thought about what to do with all the steem and power and dollars and whether to continue curating or not, for quite a while, but ended up giving it all a miss - glad you took sensible care at your end of things.

In the end, I've decided to not look into the money side of this platform for now, till I have a good reason to put my mind towards the business potential Steemit might still offer me personally. Having said that, in my line of work, the financial ins and outs tend to distract me too much.

I must say I often thought back to how you helped make my six month experiment here at all possible and how I found your boost to my steem the warm kind of gesture that belongs to the kind that helps maintain faith in humanity!

Hope you are still going strong here and above all, that your "real" life is going swimmingly.

Love, Sukhasanasister.

Well a decision not to look at the money side of the platform is probably a good call right now anyway because the money side of things has gone south in a hurry since you were gone. But there are still interesting people here drawn to the idea of a social media network not governed by our Lord FaceGoogle :) My life has been good and I selfishly hope you post more here. I always enjoyed reading your thoughts. Much love - Carl

Still learning Russian?

Posted using Partiko Android

If you can give me a good reason I might look into it again! I love a challenge. But I'm skipping Chinese... Wish my sister had given me lessens in Farsi and Arabic: more relevant to most of my study materials (art history/world religion). An Egyptian taught me Arabic script once, I now suddenly remember. And a Czech tried to teach me his language (fortunately no cyrillic script). But I feel my brains are growing stiff! The ability to retain new info has declined for the sake of becoming better at synthesis and extracting essence I suppose.

And you? What other languages aside English, Farsi and Arabic does the polyglot master? Any French?

First I wanted to remind you of this post.
Second, I used to learn Russian using Duolingo (android app), but didn't continue for long. I though if you're still learning, we could help each other.

Actually I don't know Arabic much. I can read, I understand some of the religious text that are in Arabic but I can't really communicate in that language.

Posted using Partiko Android

How far along are you already with the Russian? How much catching up must I do?
Tell me what drew you to Russian (without needing to get too political I hope...).

Few steps away from the begining. I can read it very slowly (still confusing few characters), and know few words, and trying to understand the basic grammar.

(If I'm lost in Moscow, looking for metro, I can ask "где метро?" but probably won't understand the answer.)

Posted using Partiko Android

You are so funny! At least you get to practice the same sentence many times, hopeful to catch a word before the metro closes.

I was talking to OV and mentioned you had dug up an old post, which is very cool, because it helps to layer and link things up in this fragmented world and boosts my own energy to keep the artwork that is my blog going.

He was not surprised to hear about your digging, for he already had noticed you were a particularly intelligent soul. I too marvel, renewedly, at your skills, this time regards language. Your English must help a little bit, but that is already a second language (Farsi has nothing in common script wise with Cyrillic). How do you do it! I'm getting out my cheat sheet...

Tell me what drew you to Russian

The fact that Russia is close to Iran, maybe. Also it's different from what people regularly learn for their third language. And also that only leaning the script feels like a huge improvement.

And I guess I was bored too.

Japanese next? Although you can't be so bored now with plenty to read and muse upon...haha.

I guess I shouldn't leave another incomplete thing in my mind. I should continue Russian or Arabic.

Although you can't be so bored now with plenty to read and muse upon

That's when I get bored, my mind works best under 32-67% load. (Can be boosted to work under 18-89%, but not for long) , Below that there's nothing to do in there, over that, it can't handle all the mess, it acts like nothing is happening. Currently I'm way over the upper limit, but I'm working on it. (Used exact number for more fun)

Posted using Partiko Android

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