Content Creator Multi Platform From Aceh, Indonesia.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

IMG_20180919_013532_122.jpg [Creator Indonesia]

Heylo good people...
Apa kabar para steemians semua, khusunya bagi steemians aceh, salam hangat dari kami untuk kalian semua.

Dalam keadaan harga SBD dan STEEM yang sangat tidak berharga ini apakah kalian masih semangat menulis?. hehehe, saya rasa tidak ya kawan, karena penulis yang sejati itu tidak akan risau karna harna SBD/STEEM yang sangat rendah, sebab "sesuatu yang terukir dari dalam, takkan mudah terkikis".

Nah, bagi steemians yang aktif di Youtube saya sarankan untuk mencoba platform @DTube , platform Dtube sangat mirip dengan Youtube, karena di situ kita hanya menciptakan konten-konten vidio yang persis di Youtube, jadi kamu sebagai youtuber bisa menjadi creator multi platform, itu artinya kita sudah bisa mendapatkan pendapatan dari karya yang kita ciptakan dari dua arah, bukan kah itu keren, dan juga multi manfaat.

Jadi, cobalah #platform #Dtube , dan berkaryalah di sana,,, Sampai jumpa di @DTube Platform ...

Hi good people ...
How are all the steemians, especially for steemians aceh, our warm greetings for all of you.

In the price of SBD and STEEM, which is very worthless, are you still passionate about writing? hehehe, I don't think you guys, because the real writer won't worry because the price of SBD/STEEM is very low, because "something that is engraved from inside, won't be easily eroded".

Now, for steemians who are active on Youtube I suggest to try the @DTube platform, the Dtube platform is very similar to Youtube, because there we only create video content that is exactly on Youtube, so you as a youtuber can be a multi-platform creator, that means we can get income from works that we create in two directions, it's not cool, and it's also a multi-benefit.

So, try the #Dtube #platform , and work on it, See you at @DTube Platform ...

Please Watch in... 👇😎

My D.Tube :

My Youtube Channel :



Betul ide bagus tuh dan keren

Ia @sulaimankumbang ,,,
Munkin anda jg bs mncba,,,
Ayo jd creator bersama.,.,.,

It's magnificent not just amazing!

Hehehe...thank you my friend....

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