The first installment of Steemit rewards for SHTF -Thank you, Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Yes, I bought barbed wire. No more trips to New Orleans.

Why would I do this?

Trump's election brings up closer to SHTF. The reaction to his election by the Left and by the Deep State (the corruptocracy) shows us why his election was a good thing. These people would be fully in charge if Clinton had won.

However, instead of a gradual slide into more tyranny, this election brings us closer to civil war. The street violence by the left and the Information War being waged by the media in support of the street violence is an indicator of that. The lack of action on the part of government as a whole leads me to the conclusion that things will resolve by force instead of by law.

  • Trump's refusal to go after Clinton and the Deep State from the beginning
  • Local LE's refusal to go after illegal "sanctuary city" politicians and burrocrats (8 USC 1324)
  • "Stand down" orders, and tolerance of those orders

I would like to be very much wrong in this conclusion

Barbed wire

Well, concertina wire(affiliate link), to be exact. 9 rolls of this stuff covers 150 linear feet. Of course, it is going to employed as a triple roll

I won't go into exactly how I employ it as the house, but I need to make something very clear
Obstacles DO NOT prevent access to your location; what they do is to slow down intrusion!

You can rig noise-makers into this; the classic is rocks in tin cans, but christmas bells or electronic sirens can also be used. I have staking material and linking material, but I also bought some barbed wire as stringers

One guide to employing barbed wire/concertina

I'd rather be Steeming

I don't like that I am prepping instead of investing in the Steemchain. I see this platform skyrocketing. So it's a question of betting here. I lose my investment in Steemit by betting on the SHTF prediction.

OTOH, I lose if the SHTF situation comes about, as well.

It is a damn shame that we don't use critical thinking as citizens to point out the lies of Leftists and Corruptocrats, and that we don't use these skills to convince the line of both it's duty and it's own self-interest to deal with those subversive groups

My Books


There's a fundamental difference between swearing an oath to a corporate charter and swearing an oath to the Constitution for the united States. Therefore when you "expect" government to act you presume they are lawful government, and not just a foreign corporation.

people misunderstand the point of an oath (not you, @baah, I'm digressing from your point)

G*d isn't going to fart lightning bolts at oathbreakers; the oath simply means that the taker is aware of the responsibilities of taking it

what is key in the Information War for liberty is to see that as many line officers and troops undertsnad their oaths to the point of committing to it

You missed the only and singular point, the oath takers are giving oaths to a corporation. Arguing anything else is missing the point that your "government' is just a corporation, chartered through the IMF, in France. The board of directors is the congress, all voted on by the electorate college, another arm of the corporation. Nobody in Washington DC could be anyone but an impostor, a pretender, masquerading as a public official (not officer) who would have sworn an oath to the Constitution for the united States.

Why make such generalization as "people misunderstand the point of an oath" when you missed the point of it? Whole and completely. There is no redemption in your reply, only a bunch of nonsense that equates "officers and troops understand their oaths" when understanding their oaths means they have given up their birthright as sovereign Americans, and became US Citizens,and if they are to honor their oaths it means literally subjugating their fellow US Citizens to whatever their bosses say or do, unquestionably. Their allegiance is to a corporation, not to a nation, and not to any American, but to US Citizens.

I also missed the point that the mooon men are shooting mind control beams into our heads

sorry, I'll keep that in mind next time I take one of your comments seriously

Yeah, ridicule the fact that you expect government to act a certain way without even realizing that government isn't legitimate and hasn't been for a very long time. You're talking about government without realizing that it's just a corporation, and it's master isn't the American people.

I'm doing a new civil war post tomorrow!

good! do me a favor and comment the link here; sounds like a resteem will be in order ;>

unt resteeeminzied

Will do!

Government schools quit teaching and began to discourage critical thinking a LONG time ago. Is it any wonder so few youngsters know how?

that is a sad fact. The Prussian model of schooling depended on rote and herdthink from the beginning of public education, and the subversion of the educational system by the Left has simply directed that groupthink towards their own goals

I think of it as the factory model of schooling.

If I only had the time/energy to propose a different model...

and yet, having a concrete model is one of those specific things we need to have on hand when criticizing current models

or no model at all.
homeschool for the WIN.

I don't have a problem with specialists in some areas; teaching, security, etc.

I know Heinlein opposed this greatly, and that many people would like small local "communes", but I don't think it's in our long term inteserst as a race.

the problem is corruption in specialities and in organizations

so I beat that dead horse many times a day:
it is up to us as individuals to make sure the societies and groups we belong to are clean; sure, you can hire a specialist, but it's still up to you to make sure the work is done right

yeah, then appeals to authority ensue ad naseum.

If it's your responsibility to check the work of a specialist, what do you need a specialist for to begin with?!

You pretty much know what to do and are avoiding doing it for no good god known reason.

people use specialists to save time and their own effort.

knowing the basics of an issue allows for checking for correct completion

I can replace drywall on my own; it looks like crap when I do it; I'm not good at it. When I can afford it, I use a specialist.

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