An interesting note about Steemit's propagation to Google

in #steemit8 years ago

I did a Google search on "information warfare", as I wanted to give a full summary of the concept itself.

Lo and behold, a post I made here on Steemit with a title containing that phrase less than an hour ago is on page 6 for the results.

I am not going to claim to be a SEO genius (one of the reasons my porn biz failed was that I never got the hang of the SEO game), but IIRC, any result in the first 10 pages is pretty good.

Whatever the fate of the value of Steem short-term, consider the value of a platform that has the potential to put you in the top ten pages of a highly searched phrase in less than an hour!
(to be honest, I am assuming that "information war is highly searched)

Of further interest, the first ten pages are also stacked with recent (within the last three months) pages describing Russian information war against the United States.

Don't get me wrong; the Russian government is not made up of "good guys"...but I do know what Google-bombing is.


Congrats! Sorry your pirn venture didn't pan out. I'm sure the success you have here will far outweigh it! 😝

well. I guess I could say at least the effort was fun lol

Great post. This is exactly what I have been trying telling my friends and family. Effectively everytime you blog on Steemit it is like building/enhancing your very own webpage. I regularly check where my blogs rank on google and it's not unusual to get them in the top 2-3 pages in less than 24hours. When the penny finally drops with people that this is a powerful piece of kit we have here, Steemit will explode. Thanks for sharing. Stephen

I wonder why Steemit moves so quickly into Google.

Perhaps one of the more net structure gurus here could write a post!

Your blog inspired me to write one earlier piece today. You may find a few bits in it interesting. Thanks again for sharing your blog. Stephen

I'll take a look ;)

And feel free to link your posts in my comments at any time, Stephen!

Just to give you an example.... type "same game different generation" into google will get this on the top of the first page..!! Now if that doesn't convince people how powerful this piece of kit is, nothing will. Stephen

I've heard something about Google changing the search results as it takes in to account previous history of said user - So someone else with no past connections to Steemit could have this link show up later. Can anyone confirm?

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