With little over 2 weeks to go to The London Cryptocurrency Show, I am looking forward to meeting as many of you guys there as possible. Let us know if you want us to Live Stream the event.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrency News: #Investors-Group

4m x 2m Banner London Cryptocurrency Exhibitors Stand 3.jpg

The London Cryptocurrency Show

With little over 2 weeks to go to The London Cryptocurrency Show, I really am looking forward to meeting as many of you guys there as possible.

This event is the inaugural show for The London Cryptocurrency Show and one that the owners and operators of The London Investor Show are very excited to put on.

Over +2,500 visitors/investors are expected to pass through the door, though I suspect that this number will be much higher.

On the day, we will be showcasing the #Steemit Platform, the #Steem Blockchain and many other applications and features of the #Steem Ecosystem.

With our very own Exhibitors Stand, moderation and guest speakers on a number of Panel Sessions on the Main Stage, as well as x2 one-hour #Steemit Presentation slots, I am looking forward to promoting and showcasing the platform to the visitors.

#Promo-Steem.com - Media Partner for The London Cryptocurrency Show

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

As one of the Media Partners for the event it has been an absolute pleasure in helping to promote The London Cryptocurrency Show and I look forward to ramping up this promotion in the remaining two weeks.

Saturday 14th April 2018

If you are free on Saturday 14th April 2018, why not pop along to the Show.

Tickets are now available on The London Cryptocurrency Show website.



Selection of Speakers

With some great Speakers presenting on the day, here is just a small selection.

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

Dtube and Dlive- Live Streaming the Event

Dlive The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

Dtube The London Cryptocurrency Show Promo-Steem Stephen Kendal Steemit Steem

Live Streaming the event is something that we can do if users would like to see the event live, including Presentations, Interviews and of course the #Steemit / #Steem Exhibitors Stand.

Please let me know in the comments below if this is something that you are interested to see.

On the day we will be supported by a small team of Audio/Visual #Steemit Users and I am more than confident that we will have the technical ability on the day to Live Stream the various sessions.

Saturday 14th April. Put the date in your diary

Saturday 14th April, put the date in your diary and I look forward to seeing as many of you guys there.

Thanks again for reading.


#Investors-Group - Cryptocurrency News

Please feel free to use the #Investors-Group tag for: Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities and Investment related Blogs.

Investors-Group logo.png


Please note that the above information is for educational purpose only and is not to be taken as investment advice. Other Cryptocurrencies are available.

#DeleteFacebook #JoinSteemit

Join the #DeleteFacebook #JoinSteemit campaign.

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Wow what an amazing post. That is great you will be promoting #steemit, #dlive and #dtube in The London Cryptocurrency Show on 14 April which is two weeks after. That is great that you are going through all aspect of steemit and i think you had created a great presentation.That is great that there are 24 people including you @starkerz @allasyummyfood @anarcotech @ejemal too. That is hell a lot of people to speak about steemit.Promotion likes this really important as many people don't know about steemit platforms or they don't what it is about but this The London Cryptocurrency Show is going make everything clear.People are earning money and here everyone can be rich. I will be waiting for this The London Cryptocurrency Show and to see loop presentation as i am there too. Very excited for you guys. Hope it goes better likes other show. Enjoy yourself.Thank for sharing it with us. And let's #deletefacebook and #joinsteemit. @stephenkendal

I know it is going to be super exciting. I would love the live streaming eaming please. It would be a pleasure to listen to you sir, and @ejemai, with my friend too @allasyummyfood, @starkerz and @anarcotech. Help me pass a word to him to bring that genius little girl of his, along too. Rooting for you all.

wow that's amazing i think it's will be great if can get the live stream. can get tge live information and the live presentation i will be really gald to see it.. very best of luck for the London cryptocurrency show . keep steem on #stephenkendal

I will be very happy if the event can live steamed, this will keep us inform, I think we are going to gain a lot on this event, am very happy for this suggestion of live streamed we can watch it live in Dtube or even download for future references.

Of course I would Super want you to Livestream it. These won't be any other way for people who live far away to see it except we watch it when it's over and that's not what I want ...I want to watch it on the go.

I want to watch the live show cryptocurrency in order to know its development quickly. Hopefully @stephenkendal is willing to provide streaming

I hope you can say the campaign in The London Cryptocurrency Show this. Perhaps, this event can help more
#deletefacebook and
Good luck

Yeah 2500 is little less to my prediction. Ita gonna be way more than this. Atleast double of this will cross the door on that day because its all about crypto. Huge crowd will be expected. Ans good luck to you sir @stephenkendal. The show is going to be very successful. All the very best.

hi @stephendkendal, since i joined steemit 17 days ago, everyday just focus here..author some posts, commenting and upvote other member post and more challenging me, here, there are some photocontest that offer valuable prized ^_^. because of those i never log in to faceb**K anymore

Delete facebook and join at steemit . Let's raise our voice louder to destroy that shitty social site.
I'm very to hear that you're doing live to delete facebook and join at steemit. We should be more restrict to throw shit on facebook.
Keep doing this and let the rest of people know in this world "delete facebook and join at steemit"

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