The scalability of STEEM as a Cryptocurrency when combined with the STEEMIT Platform is simply jaw dropping..!!

in #steemit8 years ago


The scalability of STEEM as a Cryptocurrency when used to power the "Plant Room" of the STEEMIT Platform is simply jaw dropping..!!

Now and again as you pass through life you are presented with an opportunity which stands out above the crowd and has the potential to be a life changer.

In the 1980's the vision of the Internet as it was being born was difficult for many to grasp and at the time most completely missed its potential.

This was again repeated in the early 2000's when Social Media witnessed an explosive phenomenon of Facebook.

Few would have believed that such a simple idea would have had such a massive impact on the way people shared their Social Media experiences.

This phenomenon is about to repeat itself, only this time it will be the Content Providers who will benefit from sharing their wealth of talent.

Saying STEEM / STEEMIT is set to revolutionise Social Media today would be like saying in 2004 that Facebook would see the explosive rise of Social Media.

Just a few things to think about....

Currently Facebook has a Market Capitalisation of approximately $400 billion and 10% would be worth approximately $40 billion.

When Facebook was launched there was no such thing as Cryptocurrencies, and Bitcoin was merely a figure of the imagination.

Bitcoin was launched in 2009 and never really took hold of people's imagination until around 2014.

Technology has moved on since the birth of Facebook and in reality is now "old hat" technology.

People change, and their loyalty will switch on and off with the current vogue.

That vogue today is "Paid to Post Social Media Content" and this shift in trend will hit Social Media like a tsunami when people finally wake up to this new way of sharing content.

However, in the meantime, just sit back and watch the STEEMIT "Plant Room" build up STEEM..!!

Thanks for reading.



Is that picture looking familiar Stephen??

I thought I would give it a dust down again for the ones new to my Blog. I first drafted this slide a few months ago to help me show my friends and family what will happen with STEEM / STEEMIT in the future. I thought I would re-show it. Stephen

Oh ok that's cool :)

nice post @stephenkendal

Thank you. Stephen

Very nice breakdown. Steem really is the first functional Crypto that is tied to its own system. And the content keeps getting better. I think a 10% snatch of LinkedIn Market's share is a brighter picture. Who wants 10% of the Facebook ecosystem? It really is a Shite platform. But LinkedIn on the other hand is RIPE! MS just purchased them for $28 Billion! And with a 400 million user base; the idea of bringing 40 million of those users over to build a $2.8 Billion Dollar value ought to be easy to achieve.

Who's ready to leave LinkedIn?

What we are witnessing is a new breed of Social Media Users. There will always be the Facebookers, the LinkedIners, the Twitters, The Snapchaters, and the "Tinders"..!! Steemit is a totally new market. It is attracting more creative people with oodles of talent who don't want to be "Socially Ripped Off" on other sites. Steemit users are not bothered what you had for tea, what is on the telly, or a snapchat of your granny, they are hungry for stimulation..!! This is what all the others do not offer. Stephen

So true, I keep replying to people the same message, this isn't facefak, nor removdit,. this isn't duhtube, this isn't lamedin, this is an entirely different medium built on ethos which none of those dinosaurs hold a light to: decentralization, redundancy proof, and transparency.

Eventually people will say enough, and I agree that we want those that have had enough of that nonsense and don't wish to compromise themselves and throw their pearls before swine.

Good to know and you change my point of view but like you know Steemit will not be the only one who will make this , Steemit just give the start basicaly it will change everything in Social Media but not many know about Steemit and that is a big problem i think.

I hear what you say but no one apart from a few colleges knew about Facebook in 2005..!! Stephen

I hope this will be like Face , sorry not like... more then Facebook and I will be glad to to show the people i was here when not so many people know about this, and read this comment after 5 or 10 years

Nice post 👍

Thank you. I hope it helps anyone new to STEEMIT to show the potential of STEEM as a Cryptocurrency especially when combined with STEEMIT. Stephen

steem baby steem

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