STEEMIT: Total number of Transactions on the Blockchain now stands at a whopping 28,646,892..!!

in #steemit7 years ago




Following on from last weeks Hard Fork there appears to be a drop in the number of Daily Transactions which comes as no great surprise.

This drop in transactions saw Sunday with a total of 85,194 Transactions hitting the support area seen over the last 7 months and strongly suggests that this still remains the support.

The Long Term Trend (200dMA - red line on the chart) remains intact and as the fallout from the Hard Fork falls into the past I expect to see a move above this trend line in the coming few weeks.

Despite this temporary correction as a result of the Hard Fork I remain Long Term Bullish to the Upside for both Growth and Trend.

Scalability is the key with Steem/Steemit and this last aligning of the Rewards Structure was absolutely necessary for future growth.

Once again thanks for reading



Great assessment!! Let's say it again:

Scalability is the key with Steem/Steemit and this last aligning of the Rewards Structure was absolutely necessary for future growth.

Great job @stephenkendal ! Great job to HF18 devs. Great job to the witnesses too!

....just great job all the way around. lol.

Do you guys notice the rewards pool refreshing ? - I have not posted yet so its hard for me to judge things like this. Are you guys seeing the rewards increase since HF 18? - It seems to me payouts are getting slowly better. I suspect in the next 20 - 30 days payouts will look even healthier and more stable.

Shared on twitter. Stephen

Thanks for the data !

You are very welcome. Stephen

Imagine a year from now, "If only we hadn't released HF18 and killed the momentum when we had it". I don't think that is our future. If we really have something valuable here, a few weeks lost momentum won't change the eventual outcome.

Agree, but it does hurt the chance for a favorable first impression for those brand new accounts. I brought 4 new accounts over and it was unfortunately bad timing to have done so, I suppose.

Will the new "claim your rewards" feature affect the daily transaction numbers?

Probably a bit, yeah. They were virtual transactions before.

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