STEEMIT: Projected Target of Registered Accounts on Steemit by End 2020 at 3,750,000..!!

in #steemit7 years ago


Recently I made a conservative estimated target of 383,000 Registered Accounts on STEEMIT by the end of 2017.

I have decided to extend this target through to 2020 and now project no fewer than 3,750,000 Accounts.

To break this down, we would have to achieve the following Yearly Targets.

Year 3 (2018)

1,100,000 - 383,000 = 717,000/365 = ave. 1,964/day

Year 4 (2019)

2,050,000 - 1,100,000 = 950,000/365 = ave. 2,602/day

Year 5 (2020)

3,750,000 - 2,050,000 = 1,700,000/365 = ave. 4,657/day

The projections are obviously assuming that we hit this Year End Target of 383,000 and should we fall short or blast through this at the end of this year, it will have a knock on effect for Years 3, 4 and 5.

Are the daily averages: 1,964/day, 2,602/day & 4,657/day achievable for Years 3, 4 and 5?

I would say most certainly, but it will need more marketing and more promotion than what is currently being done.


The key and the success of STEEM and STEEMIT lies solely in the Marketing & Promotion and it is up to each and every one of us to support the Marketing & Promotional Initiatives that are being rolled out.

Without this full support, and without successful Marketing & Promotional Initiatives, I am concerned that these average daily targets may not be achieved.

Thanks again for reading.



Shared on twitter. Stephen

I guess it's the quality not the quantity we need here. Facebook has who knows how many users. But there is a research that on every 1 legit user come 6 or 7 fake profiles. That's definetly not what we need here. But I'm still looking forward to increasing members, if not just for good content then for the marketing.

I have been on Steemit less than a week and have already got 3 of my friends to sign up, one of which had a blog previously earning next to nothing on another site. If everyone takes this approach the community will grow fast

Well done. It is a proactive approach and users promoting STEEMIT that will make it grow. If everyone sat on their arse and moaned that the Community wasn't growing then they only have themselves to blame. I will include you in the Do'ers list :). Once again, well done and keep up the great work. Stephen

Got exsacly the same. Invited a couple of friends. They just got so hyped about it and made they first earnings on steemit, which is kinda good ✌️
Thats what they been looking for 😎
Community it just great out here!

Shared on LinkedIn. Stephen

my girlfriend signed up this night and i might get some friends in to it :D

AWESOME..!! Good luck with your friends. Keep up the great work. Stephen

The thing is, one of them is a history teacher and specially for him i reckon this might be something cool. earn money and have the possibility to read some more serious post :D and thanks for the up-vote :D

Seems reasonable! Good post, thank you. I think its building a pace and escalating! Very informative @stephenkendal. :)

Thank you and thanks for your support. Stephen

Very interesting projection, great work!!! I think we all will achieve this goal because there are no other plattforms where you have such great incentives to post blogs.

Thank you and thanks for your support. Stephen

I am actively participating in steemit. I keep on promoting it via my fb account, telling my friends in fb about this steemit.
I start to gather around the new user in #redfish community, hoping we can be united!

Sounds great. Keep up the good work. Stephen

Thank you so much!
Your support help me keep pushing, to dedicate and bring the new steemit user together!
I feel the roughness to build #redfish,

my son signed up today on his 15th birthday. I pay him 5€ for each friend coming to steemit ! Let us make STEEMIT to be the choice of the next generation, then we have Steemit users by 2042. :))))

AWESOME..!! Well done. Keep up the great work. Stephen

+helped @moili 3 days ago setting up an new account SteampunkDADA

Pretty cool.
Although I think they could make it grow more at an exponential rate if they first manage to attract some known individuals to begin a blog here and thus attract their followers.

Who's the "they"? We are the "they". It is up to us to Market and Promote Steemit. There is no "they". Stephen

You're right :)
I meant "Steemit could.."

Anyhow, lets keep the snowball growing!

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