STEEMIT: .......".....I am here..!!"

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

STEEM & STEEMIT is more than just "STEEMIT"..!!

I wanted to share with you a slide that I published a few weeks ago which I have made a few changes to.

I am often asked about STEEM, STEEMIT and what actually is my vision of where we are heading.

For me it is crystal clear and with +30 years experience in Capital Markets, Investments, Finance, Systems, Companies, Enterprises and Technology, I know I am right about my vision.

Most people who have either joined STEEMIT or are thinking about STEEMIT see it as nothing more than a Blogging Tool where users are rewarded in STEEM.

I don't..!!

STEEM Ecosystem

What I see is the start of a NEW Ecosystem based around the STEEM Currency with STEEMIT as a Blogging Tool playing a tiny role.

For the last 10 months I have repeatedly said, that for me STEEM and STEEMIT was a minimum of a 5-7 year project and this I have never wavered on.

+$500 billion Social Media Powerhouse 

On many occasions over the last 10 months I have repeated that STEEMIT and the STEEM ECOYSTEM has the potential to grow into a +$500 billion Social Media Powerhouse and this I again stand by.

Despite being challenged I will not back down on this until someone can prove to me that I am wrong.

I have on countless occasions offered this vision to so called "financial experts" to challenge me and strangely enough no one wants to.

I must therefore be thought of as a stark raving lunatic ..... or I must be right..!!

So where am I?

I am happy to tell you where I am.

I am right at the beginning and we all are..!!

Anyone who thinks that they have missed the boat, or were late joining the party, forget it.

Trust me, anyone who was fortunate to have joined STEEMIT in 2016, 2017 and 2018 will be seen as the Pioneers of this revolutionary change in the way Capital Markets will be operating in 2022 and beyond.

Without trying to bore anyone

For a lot of people, the term "Capital Markets" is something that is left to: Bankers, Investors and men in silly hats and umbrellas in the city.

But without trying to bore anyone "Capital Markets" is basically the way Companies, Corporations and Businesses raise and distribute finance to keep the Financial Wheels in motion.

This all about about to change however.

Crappy nuts and bolts

Like I said, without trying to bore anyone, this is all about to change and Cryptography will replace the crappy nuts and bolts that have been in place since the 1970's.

Most people have been conditioned by the Mainstream Narrative that the Global Financial System is rock solid.

Trust me, it is not.

The crappy nuts and bolts of the rusty, antiquated, archaic and obsolete world of the Financial Markets are falling apart as they try and keep up with the fast moving pace of technology.

So where does STEEM and STEEMIT fit in?

In a nutshell what we are witnessing is merely the beginning of a transformation and migration of Capital from the crappy Markets that have been around for over +35 years to a more sexy and transparent Market running on the cutting edge technology of the Blockchain.

Where we are right now is right at the beginning and as the STEEM Ecosystem is developing the infrastructure, think of it as a new city that is building the roads, bridges, railways, schools, offices, houses, shops and businesses for us all to live and work in.

So where am I?

I am happy to tell you again, I like the rest of Community are right at the beginning..!!

Thanks for reading.



Brilliant work Stephen in explaining what I am also constantly trying to evangelize about this place. With non-tech people I struggle to explain it's vastness and all the possibilities beyond a couple example apps that already exist like steemit itself.

With more technical people I can use vaguely similar analogies to explain at least the potential, and leaving crypto currencies completely out of it, and the block chain, I tell them it's like being a partner in wordpress in like 2004 (WP was released in 2003). Now look at the theme and plugin and support and consulting and add-on and related industries that have come from that one tiny "blogging app" now, a couple decades later more or less. And this is that sort of thing on 100000x scale. A global, global economics changing, world changing scale.

The block chain and cryptos are to the world now, what the internet was in 1995. Mark our words, this is the future, maybe not but things just like it and this one has early mover advantage. We'll see. I'm sold out for it and 100% full time committed to making steem block chain apps even now and focused, hocus pocus, on a magical future.

"The blockchain and cryptos are to the world now, what the internet was in 1995." NAILED IT..!! Stephen

I was there in 1995. In 1997, Mr. Inventor of the Internet himself, then VP Al Gore, and his good buddy President Bill Clinton gave me a presidential Hammer award for contributions to efficiency, in my case, by creating software systems for some specific agencies and the GAO.

So yeah, I know it when I see and it seems, you get it too! Spread the word! See you in the steem!

The decentralized platforms are going to take over the web. I am so excited to see this happen. Steemit was the first successful one but is surely not the last.

"The decentralized platforms are going to take over the web. I am so excited to see this happen. Steemit was the first successful one but is surely not the last." I could not agree more. We have seen nothing yet..!! Stephen

I believe in Steemit too! It will definitely become huge one day! Glad that we are the pioneers!

Shared on twitter. Stephen

"I am right at the beginning and we all are..!!
Well Said..
Thanks for sharing
I Reached today 800 followers!!!

Wish you a great and sunny day

Wow man, you are from Romania! Nice to meet you! I am living in Bucharest also!

Good luck here!

Thanks my friend
Nice to meet you

Ar trebui sa ma ajuți cu rețeta ta de succes!😂

for both of you, we have a group for steemit romania and a meetup tonight, if you want to join:)

Nice post! Last year and this year i think we will se more of crypto based stuff become mainstream, its not going away and the sooner we join the fun the better :)

I was born in 1993 and i couldn't catch trains like apple, samsung, kodak. Few years ago i was to young to take shares at facebook, amazon, alibaba, or buy bitcoins under 1$. But i know now that i have catched a great rocket like steemit. You know what? I have front seats ! Heeeell yeaaaa.

Great stuff. Keep up the good work.

Great post. I agree. This is going to change the game! Steem on!

Add rental houses :D Like airbnb

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